A Broken Bass. [0.3]

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- 3 days later -

Marina woke up, stretched her body, made her bed also picking the items left on the floor and walked out to the kitchen still in her pyjamas.

She found America cooking their breakfast whistling an unknown tune.

She was preparing waffles for her sister, which were her favourites and an omelette for herself, she preferred salt food in the morning.

"Hi," greeted Marina.

"Good morning Mari," said America setting the waffle plate in front of her sister.

Marina took her place in the table, licking her lips hungrily. America sat in the opposite side of the table, eating patiently, she didn't have class until 9, and that was in 45 minutes.

America wished internally that Marina told her something about Ashton, she was so dumb she didn't ask him to exchange numbers, she regretted it now.

"Mari..." spoke America quietly.

"Mmm," beamed Marina with her mouth closed, tasting her waffles.

"Ashton, you know," Marina nodded looking at her arching her eyebrow, "has he... Has he said something about me?"

"No, but wh... You like him, don't you?" Marina accused her.

"No, no! Why would I? Is there something that forbids me to ask you about him, or what?"

"No, nothing," she said, taking her glass of orange juice and taking a sip.

"You've got a little sarcasm right here," America spat, pointing at the corner of her sister's lips. Marina just laughed. "I have to go, I don't want to be late," she walked to the kitchen and washed her plate.

"I love you Mari, don't talk to strangers, nor accept candies from suspicious men, you know!" she said goodbye, taking the keys from the bowl on the little table next to the door, "Chao!" yelled America from the hallway.

"Chao!" she responded laughing to herself, her sister was indeed a weird girl, but frail.


America walked into the building only two hours after she left, she had only taken one class, the rest of them were canceled.

She walked into her apartment, Marina was gone, she walked to her room, threw her backpack carelessly, and sat in her bed.

She observed the instruments hanging on the walls of her room: an electric guitar, an acoustic one, a keyboard, some bongos, a synthesizer, an old bass her grandpa bought her a long tome ago, some mics, let's just put this simple, she loves music.

She took that old bass, so many memories contained in just one object, she was going to set her fingers to play and then noticed it, it was broken, how did it happen? She thought for a moment, and she got it.

Marina had been cleaning the day before, and she has always told her not to come into her room, but she never obeyed, she cleaned her room anyway, her sister was crazy as she was going to kill her.

Marina had to pay for it, but she thought that a better idea would be to buy another one, she could afford it, it was a simple plan, she could go to Anestesia, talk to Ashton, and buy the bass.

She hanged the bass again, it could be broken but she still liked it.

She walked out of the apartment and texted Marina telling her she was going there, but she didn't reply.

She walked out of the building and starting walking to Anestesia, it was a beautiful day outside and those white shorts and pink Abercrombie shirt suited her really well, and her chocolate hair put up in a ponytail complemented her sporty look.

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