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I  lay on my bed and close my eyes. Then, my phone buzz. I open it and saw a message from Winter. I open it.
Wt: you know who came last week????
Me: No....who???
Wt: Your kookie
Me: what??!!
Wt: I am telling the truth.
Wt: he came and cry want to see you
Me: what your answer???
Wt: Go away. I don't really like him from the started
Me: why you said that??!!
Wt: why??? Do you think I'm happy seeing another man come and search you??
Me: Don't be selfish please
Wt: I'm selfish when it about you
Wt: do you care the one that beside you when he away??!! It was me y/n.
Wt: but what you only care that idol right. You never saw me beside you wanting you to be happy
Wt: I don't care about my future. I care yours!!!! I'm tired  y/n. I'm tired wearing this friend mask around you!!!! I don't want to be like this anymore
Wt: Just go to Jungkook. Never came to me if you hurt!!!
Me: Winter it not like that!!!
Me: I loved you as my friend. Please don't go

It was left readed. I lost my friend. My best friends from the first day I enter the school. We go to elementery school together. Now, he gone.... Why everyone that I loved lost one by one??? First, omma dan appa then, Jungkook. Now, Winter. I sobbed badly. I was the most useless friend. I never realised it untill now. I hate myself. What am I deserve to still live in this bad world???!!! Wae??!!!.....

Baejin open tge door and saw me crying. He sit next to me and wiped my tears. "Who make my pretty sister cry??" He asked. I hug him and cried again. "Don' ever leave others do please Baejin..." I said in cry. He nobbed "never I promised. If I go away you will follow me" he said and pat my back.
" let's visited Malaysia tomorrow" he said. I look at him and nobbed. He asked me to packed my clothes and get enough sleep. I packed my thing and went to sleep.

I get up early and do my morning routine. I take my luggage to downstairs and calling my brother "Baejin let's go!!" I shout from down. He walk down bringing luggage and locked the door. We went to airport and flew there.

We get out and call a grab. The grab came and we enter  it. We now at infront of our old house. I enter it and look around. Still like before. We was lucky mrs.Yah wiling to help us clean this house. I enter guest room and look around. "Are you still here??" I look around and sighed again. I walk to my room and open my diary. Accidently, something fell out from that book. I pick it and read it.
I love you so much okay. I will back. Meet me on 12.5.2019  at our favorite beach.
It was today. I get up and change my clothes to hoodie and short. I ran to the beach and look around. It was empty. No one  here.. I sighed " he gone" I mutter and walk to beach. I sit on the sand and play water with my toes. I hold my urge to cry right now. All that hope was fake. He gone. I get up and was about to turn someone call my name. It was so beautiful. That voice that I miss months. I turn and ran to him. I hug him tightly. "You here" I cried. He giggled but I felt his tears on my hoodie. I take a step back and wioed his tears. "I miss you" I smile. He nobbed "nado" he kiss my cheek and forehead. "You leave me" he whined and wiped his tears. " no.. it was you" I point at him. He nobbed " I was bad" he hit his head with his hand. I giggled. He look up and kiss my lips then, ran away. I chase him but fall on the ground. He stop run and ran to me worried. "Are you hurt??? Look it bleed" he sighed and get up leave me there. Not long that, he back with plastered in his hand. He wrap in on my knee and kisa it. " it will fine" he said. I nobbed. " let' s go" he get up. I look at him confused " you want went to seoul with me???" He asked grinned. I get up " what about your manager??" I ask. He grinned again. " I act like I was hopeless. Then, they asked me what can make me happy. So I said with you stay with us" He answer make me speechless. He lift me up in air " We live together forever" he kiss my cheek and carry me on his back. From that day, we stay together and grew happier.

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