04| A Message?

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"Quentin, she's not allowed in" one of the uniformed officers said as Detective Reed, ducked under the police tape.

He glanced at the officer. "She's a relative, and she's with me," was all he said.

The Officer sighed. "Come through," he said, holding up the tape.

I ducked under it and I fell in step with the Detective. The shop that had belonged to my Aunt lay smoldering before me. The huge foundation of the shop still stood but everything inside it was gone. Concrete lay smashed and small wisps of smoke curled into the freezing air as the Detective and I walked over the charred wood.

"What do we have?" Reed asked as soon as we reached a group of Officers.

Another man turned around and looked at me before turning his eyes to the Officer beside me. "Sure this is a good idea?" The stranger asked.

Quentin Reed nodded, before turning to look at the only free standing wall. "This was definitely to send a message," the man said, walking forward.

Wood creaked as he stood on it. Turning my head, I looked at the words that had been burned into the brick wall.

"All Wardwells must die"

I stepped back. "Detective, didn't you say you saw kids running from here?" I asked, glancing at him.

He gave me one nod. "Or so I thought," he added, glancing at his partner.

Breathing in and ignoring the scent of smoke and burned books, I could taste a hint of freesia.
Walking towards the wall, I lifted my hand. Gently, I touched burned words and closed my eyes.

"What do you see?" Quentin asked, tilting his head as he watched me.

His partner glanced around. "Not see but feel, whoever wrote these words had great hatred for my Aunt," I stated before opening my eyes again.

"I don't think they're just after your Aunt," Reed's partner said, pointing to the word "All".

"Has anyone tried to hurt my Aunt before?" I asked.

Reed's partner shrugged. I frowned. "By the way, Detective Arthur Lang," he introduced himself, holding out his hand.

I shook it, before turning back to the other Detective. "Maybe you're right Detective, ever since I've come to town, there's been nothing but trouble," I said, before turning back to the burnt wall.

Detective Lang chuckled. "You're not the only newbie in town, Miss Wardwell, I can assure you of that," Detective Reed replied before giving his partner a look.

Turning my head, I looked back at the rubble that once had been my Aunt's shop. "I can't believe it's all gone, this shop was her life," I said absently.

I moved away from the handsome policemen and bent down when something caught my eye.

Brushing away the ash, I pulled a brown leather book from the rubble. "How come that's not torched?" Detective Lang asked, as Reed moved away to speak to another officer.

"It's been in my family for a long time, since the original Wardwell," I replied, unlatching it and opening it.

Not a page was burned, not a single piece of the book looked like it had been through a terrible fire. "It's a witches book, right? Er what do you call them? Book of Shadows?" Lang asked, as I flicked through the pages.

I turned my head to look at him. "You know about witches?" I asked, frowning.

He shrugged. "I learned and adapted quickly when I moved here, I was attacked and it was actually Quentin who saved me," he replied, before glancing at his partner.

"You're both werewolves, aren't you?" I asked, closing the book with a snap.

"We prefer the term, Lycan but generally, yes" he replied.

I glanced at the other Detective, who still seemed intent on his conversation with the other Detective. "What's his deal?" I asked, glancing back at Lang.

A flash of pain crossed his face before he looked away. "Not my story to tell," was all he said.

Lang stepped away as Reed walked up to us. "Alright, if you hear, see or feel anything out of place or like someone's watching you, give us a call," Reed said, gesturing to Lang who held out a card.

"So that's it? You show me evidence that says myself and my family are in great danger but you're going to send me home, alone?" I asked, taking the card.

"Miss Wardw-" Reed started to say before I cut in.

"You know what, never mind, I'm sure whoever wants to murder my family can try because I come from a very powerful bloodline, and now I have our book, I'm even more sure that whoever it is can't get to me," I replied, with a smile.

I started for the police tape. "You do understand that your Aunt was a witch, a lot more wiser than you, I assume and she still couldn't take whoever it is, on" Reed said as he followed me.

"For starters, you have no idea what I'm capable of, Detective Reed and secondly, my Aunt may be a lot older than me but I have younger power, much more stronger than hers, so please, don't insult me" I replied as I ducked under the Police tape again.

"Just don't want to see you get hurt, you have no idea what we're dealing with and if this person wants you dead, they'll do everything in the their power to do so," Reed replied.

I turned to face him, stopping in my tracks.

This man was handsome, built strong, a man every women would dream of having in her bed  but unfortunately he didn't seem like the type of guy who let someone else have the last word.

"I can take care of them," I said as I reached out my hand.

I wanted to shake his and bid him good day, hopefully we'd never have to see each other again but I knew as soon as he shook my hand, that this wasn't going to be the last time we saw each other.

"Be careful Miss Wardwell, Salem is dangerous for witches, even in this timeline," Quentin Reed said casually.

I didn't know how to reply, instead the Detective let go and turned around before walking away.


Gotta love a man who just wants to protect you, even if he doesn't know it yet.

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Lots of love from, Tavana coxox

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