23| Hey there guys, it's me. Satan

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"Satan?" Quentin asked, as if he couldn't process it fast enough.

"Ruler of Darkness, Wicked One, Murderer, Son of Perdition, and my personal favourite, King of the Bottomless Pit." The man before us replied with a wink.

I raised my eyebrows in reply, unsure if he was trying to joke around with us or not.

The silence seemee to trigger the stranger. "Wow, you know, you guys were a lot more chatty in the seventeenth century." He added.

The man's eyes looked into mine and I felt everything in my body react to his influence. "Jesus Christ." I cursed as I struggled to keep my magic contained.

"Right religion, wrong dude."

He began to walk towards us.

"So you know my name, what's yours?" He asked, his head turning to look at me.

My eyes widened. "Uh I-I'm Cyra." I said, surpised and a little confused.

"Hello Cyra, unfortunately I'm gonna need to know your last name so I can see if you're the good or bad type." Satan replied.

I stuttered.  Uh Wardwell." I answered.

"Hmm Cyra Wardwell, that makes a lot of sense, you freed Eurynomos?" Satan asked as he took a step towards me.

Quentin reacted by grabbing my hand. "No, that was another witch. Mary Hathorne." I replied.

"But it was supposed to be you, a Wardwell witch that freed a demon Prince of Hell." Lucifer said with a frown.

I shrugged a shoulder. "My aunt, my parents.. are all dead so I wouldn't know." I replied.

"Any siblings?"

My blood froze. "Yes, my sister, I haven't heard from her in weeks. I-" I froze again.

"She's more than likely dead. Especially if you didn't open the giant hole in the ground." Satan replied.

"Sorry to be rather blunt but what are uou doing here exactly?" Quentin asked the Devil.

"If you haven't noticed, there's a great giant red demon Prince running around. Unfortunately, that's supposed to be my problem, so I'm here to solve it. And I thought you were a Detective?" Satan asked.

I tilted my head. "How can I help?" I asked, taking my hand out of Quentin's.

He protested. "No, no way. Cyra, you are not strong enough to go against a demon. No offence, but you couldn't contain him when he was in a hole. Why do you think you can contain him when he's running freely across our planet?" Quentin asked.

"Wow. Your boyfriend really boosts your self esteem."

"It's not about boosting her self esteem. It's about her remaining alive! Just because you don't care about people doesn't mean everyone else is the same!" Quentin snapped.

The man had been nice so far but his eyes flashed a dangerous red. "I care a lot about people. It isn't my fault my father made me out to be the bad guy! And don't you ever speak to me that way again, dog or I will put you down!" Lucifer snapped back.

Quentin stepped back, his instincts obviously telling him that Lucifer was now in charge.

"Enough, both of you!" I exclaimed before turning my body around to face the Northern direction.

Lucifer did the same. "You silly silly demon." The  King of Hell muttered.

I stepped forward until I was standing next to him. "Use my magic, you won't be as earth bound as I am." I replied, holding out my hand.

Lucifer looked down at it before looking up and into my eyes. "I hope my father looks after you." He muttered before taking my hand.

My body jolted as my wicca magic joined with his. He could use my magic and if needed, I could use his. Being an Angel, Lucifer had access to unlimited supply of power. A supply that ran on prayers, and unlike the brothers he had. Satan had three streamlines into his power bank, rather than two.

Christianity, Catholicism and Satanism.

Many believed that Wicca was an off branch of Satanism but in reality, it had nothing to do with it. Wicca was about the Earth, the Moon and Sun. It wasn't about believing there was a higher power, no, it was knowing there was a higher power. It just didn't come in the shape of a man wielding a halo.

It was the grass, the trees, the water that ran through our veins. It was the storms, the heat, it was the flowers and bees. It was the animal kingdom and flora.

By joining four religions, essentially we had created a bubble of immense power that Lucifer could wield however he so desired.

"And so shall forth we call Eurynomos!" Lucifer yelled out.

He blinked slowly while my eyes stayed transfixed on the spot in front of me. "Hmm he must have hidden away." I heard Lucifer mutter.

My magic hummed the warning and I pushed Lucifer to the side, crashing into him and falling down on top of the Devil.

Quentin jumped away, landing sprawled on the grass as a blast of magic blasted where Lucifer and I had just been standing. Lucifer grabbed my arm and twisted us over as another blast landed where we had been a second ago.

"Excuse me, love" he said with a wink before climbing off me.

He stood up and turned around, facing Eurynomos with a scowl.

"You've been a bad boy, Eury." Lucifer growled.

"Bite me, asshole." Eurynomos replied.

From the ground, I rolled over onto my stomach and drew an eye on the ground, digging through the grass.

"Bite this!" I yelled, getting up off the ground with a sweep of my hand.

I flicked the grass in his eyes and he scrambled back. "My eyes!" The demon yelled.

""Exi ergo, transgressor. Exi, seductor, plene omni dolo et fallacia, virtutis inimici, innocentium persecutor." I began to say.

Eurynomos hissed. "No!" He screamed.

"Da locum, dirissime, da locum, impiisssime, da locum Christo, in quo nihil invenisti de operibus tuis: qui te spoliavit, qui regnum tuum destruxit, qui te victum ligavit, et vasa tua diripuit." I finished, before throwing my hands wide. I was immediately hit with a shield of protection and it was stronger than my magic.

I pushed down on it, my hands shaking uncontrollably as I tried to edge them together. "Help her!" I heard Quentin yell before everything started to scream in pain.

That's when I realised it was me, using this much power was draining my strength and life force. I felt a touch on my shoulder and I straightened up, new and improved power now running through my veins.

"Together, my little witch." The Devil said before also thrusting his hands out.

Eurynomos howled as we edged him closer to the hole. "That witch is rightfully mine!" Eurynomos yelled.

Satan's eyes flashed and he took a step forward. "Go back to your icy corner, Eury!" He ordered.

"Go to hell!" He snapped back.

With a click of his fingers, Eurynomos was pushed over the edge of the hole and disappeared.

Lucifer's hand disappeared from my shoulder. "Not bad for a beginner." He replied.

I was bent over, huffing and trying to bring back some feeling into my arm.

"Not bad at all."


Hmm. I think the Devil is up to something.
Which is obviously not good news to Quentin and Cyra.

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Lots of love, tavana xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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