Chapter twenty-five

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Back with Jungkook and Jimin...

Jungkook's pov:
"I thought it was a myth," I mumbled the words again.
"Nope, it's true, an alpha and omega will be destined to be together. An alpha, born with the dark powers of strength and balance, to protect his family and pack. An omega, born with hair, white like fresh falling snow, skin delicate like the flowers in the spring, given the power to heal, live with the blood of a goddess. Both can heal at an incredible speed, both will rise from a dark past, but are destined to bring the light into the future. The couple are known for power and strength, born to be king and queen. Their heir will be a pure blood and the futures new rulers." Jimin finished reading the first paragraph. I continued to read to myself, the pup, and/or pups, will always be born at night, the color of the moon with change color based on the subgender of the pup.
Apparently Namjoon is like Mother Nature, the weather gets affected when he's in danger, threatened, scared, or happy even.

I needed time to think it all through and called it night, so Jimin bid me a goodnight and left, going back to his mate and pup. I turn off my light, crawling into bed, my thoughts soared with Namjoon on my mind.

The next morning, is Christmas morning, I got called to a meeting after breakfast.
Opening the door to the meeting room, I stepped in, eyes all on me.
"You're highness, we want to inform you, that you will also be proposing to the Princess Lisa. She is an alpha, but we can manage."
I glared at all of them, "You are meaning to tell me, on Christmas Day, calling me for a meeting. Saying that I must propose to a female alpha, that I may inform you, is already mated to her personal maid Rose, and is expecting. I decline and I decline any proposal that you all might try to plan."
One of the men slamed his hands upon the table, standing up, "But your father-"
"My father is dead! Now you listen to me!! During the spring festival, I shall pick an omega of my choosing. To stand by my side as queen, wife, lover, and mate. You people force me to hide, just as my father did! I want the laws I made to be past, and I will prepare a speech for the week after the festival!"
A low growl came from the back of my throat, when they gave me a death glare. 
"Prince Jungkook, you're playing god!" Now they're just plain stupid, I never played god, I just need my laws to be past, I still have ten left to fix. In the meantime, I want the new and fixed ones to pass.
I released a heavy sigh, "I am not going to argue with you all, if you're just going to bicker me. I'm doing this for my people, my kingdom, my pack, for it is my job as king and their leader. So pass my laws, please and thank you."
I was about to leave the room, but someone else opened their big ass mouth. "Where are you going!? You are not aloud to go outside your highness!" A low growl came out me, I took a deep breath, trying to contain myself. My glance was more a glare of sharp daggers towards the council, who think they carry a whole lot of power, honestly, now that I think about it, once I'm King, I won't need to wait for them to sign and agree upon my laws.
"It is Christmas, you won't let me see my family in the village, so if you need me, I will be celebrating the holidays with my friend Jimin. Now go enjoy the holidays, it's Christmas and New Years is coming, so go to your mates and families."
'If they have any,' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes.
"What do you mean by family?"
I mentally slapped myself, "The packs my family, my people are my family," I stated out the last minute idea, that easily slipped past my lips. It's not a lie, but when I said family, I meant Namjoon, Lily and the pup. Lord how I miss them so much. I left the room, making sure to slam the door behind me.

I was on my way to Jimin and Taehyung's cabin, using a hidden underground tunnel in the castle. I step out of a tunnel, seeing trees and the ground dusted in snow.
My legs walking until I spot the little cabin. Walking up the snow covered steps and softly knocking on the door.
The door opened, seeing... Jin?
Oh yeah, he chose to live with Jimin and Taehyung until I'm officially king. They didn't trust the council and I honestly don't blame them.
"Oh Jungkook, I wasn't expecting you to be here?"
I shuffled my feet, my hands behind my back, looking down at snow. "I uh snuck out... I can't go see my family in the village, so you're the only other family I have." I answer softly, more like a mumble, but knowing Jin, he'll gather up my words easily.
"Family? I get us being your family, but in the village?" He sounded so confused, looking up at him, seeing his brows furrowed and face twisted in confusion.

"Who is it Jin?!" Taehyung ran up behind him, peeking over the betas broad shoulder. He gasp, pulling me inside the wrist.
"Jungkook you're not supposed to be out!" The omega scolded me, pulling me down onto the couch. Hearing Jin shut and lock the door.
"I know, but I felt isolated, being in that castle alone and it's Christmas, the holidays. It's even weird with my bloody father gone, we didn't celebrate it, but still." I heaved a big sigh, trying to forget about what happened earlier.

Third pov:
Taehyung gazed at the alpha in pity, he felt bad for Jungkook. Even when the king passed, he is still forced to not come out of the castle, literally locked away behind solid walls.
Jimin came in holding Hyun, he was growing, getting chubbier and cuter everyday. The alpha glanced over at his friend, not knowing that he came, but easily understood why.

Jungkook held his face in his hands, from the myth that ended up being true, the stress of being against the council. Fighting for his pack, it was all a lot for him.

"You want to hold Hyun Jungkook?" The young alpha peeked through his hands, looking up at his friend, holding a babbling pup. Jungkook simply nod, Jimin handed the six, almost seven, month old pup to him, holding him securely in his arms.
The pup looked up at Jungkook with shock on his face, making cute noises, he then giggled and squealed when the alpha made a funny face.
Jin watched the scene from across the room. Jimin sat down next to his mate, smiling when Taehyung leaned back into his chest, both were happy to see his friend looking less tense from stress.

There was comfortable silence, but it was soon broken by Jin.
"What did you mean by family in the village Jungkook?"
Jimin smirked, winking at his alpha friend, while Taehyung looked confused at his mate, Jin and the young alpha.
Jimin tsked, shaking his head, "You didn't tell them Jungkook, shame." Taehyung giggled, getting hugged by his alpha.
The pup found Jungkook's hand fascinating, so he stuck one of the alphas fingers in his mouth, sucking on it.

Jungkook beamed at the pup, not minding that he'll have the pups slobber all over his hand. He then started thinking of what Namjoon's pup would look like.
Then Jin's question broke his thoughts, Jimin being dramatic and Taehyung trying to contain his laughter. The young alpha smirked at the mated couple, then turned his attention towards the beta.
Jin stood there waiting for an answer, arms crossed, giving that stern mother-like look.
Jungkook sighed, "I didn't get an omega pregnant if that's what you're thinking. I met an omega, he lives and helps take care the kids in the village orphanage. He is beautiful, physically and by heart, he has an amazing and sweet daughter named Lily... he is also expecting at the moment, and I care about them so much."
Jin's stern look softened, he sighed, seeing the sad smile the young alpha put on when looking down at Hyun.
"You miss him... don't you?" Jin asked in a deep, gentle tone.
Jungkook nod, "He's seven and a half months pregnant Jin, I don't only miss him and Lily, I worry for what his crazy father and landlord could do to them. They are planning something and I know it." Jin nod in understanding, letting out a heavy sigh, swallowing a thick lump in just throat.
They all then pushed all stress aside and just enjoyed celebrating both Christmas and New Years together.

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