Chapter forty-one

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Christmas Day...

Namjoon's pov:
It's our first Christmas in the castle, everyone was together to celebrate the special holiday and New Years.
Jungkook and I woke up to all the kids shouting happily, that it was Christmas, which was very much expected.
Lily came running into the room, she hopped onto the bed, I gave her hum and tired smile. 
"Mama! Santa came! Santa came!! Papaaaa wake uuuupppp!!" She shook Jungkook back and forth, squeaking when he pulled her down it a hug.
"Nope, five more minutes, actually make that years," Lily giggled, trying to get herself free from the alphas grip. But she gave up, huffing in irritation. "Papaaaa, Mama pwease tell him to wet me gooooo," She dramatically whined, and mumble out. Making me laugh harder, "Jungkook honey, let her go, we'll meet you down there, alright princess." Jungkook pouted, letting go of Lily, who gasp dramatically, and jumped out of the bed, cheering, "Fweeeddom!!" We both chuckled at her cute little action.

The alpha then glanced over at me worried, my face twisted in confusion. I furrowed my brows in worry, "Kook honey something wrong?" He then took hold of my hands, giving me big, puppy eyes, "Tell me if you start to feel anything... please," I rolled my eyes, twisting my hands free, and pushed myself out of bed.
"I'm not due for at least another week or so, so don't worry, understand my love?" I softly informed him.
He groaned, sighing and puffing his cheeks out. "I know, but still, your first Braxton Hick scared me to do death three months ago and now that we're like less than two weeks away from seeing our pup...." He rambled out, then groaned again, rubbing his face. I giggled and crawled o back onto the bed, my legs straddling his lap. He placed his hands on my waist, rubbing my lower back. I moan from the amazing gesture, as he sat up, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I combed my fingers though his hair from the back of his head.
"Jungkook?" He hums, and I bit my lip, feeling a bit shy for the question I'm about to ask. "How-How many pups do want to have with me anyway?" He shrugged his shoulders, "That's up to you Joonie, we have three beautiful children right now and another on the way. If you want another pup after this one, then I am completely fine with popping that knot." Those last few words sounded very seductive, yet cocky at the same time. I rose my brow at him, my gaze broke down to my bump. I bit my bottom lip and nod, glancing back up at him.
"I want another girl, I mean another son won't hurt either, I-I don't know, but I do want another daughter.... a little girl who looks like you," I traced my finger down the bridge of his nose. He took my hand and pecked kisses on it, I felt my face heat up a bit. Hearing a deep hum from him, "It's your body baby, who knows, maybe we'll get twins, or triplets, or quads..." He rambled on and on. I shushed him, by placing my finger on his lips, "Slow down there tiger," I giggled out. Pecking him on the lips, then turning out of his lap, "Now come! Everyone is waiting for us and don't forget Taehyungs birthday is in five days as well." 
I then head to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Third pov:
Jungkook let out a love filled sigh, falling back into the bed. He then sat back up, and went into the kids room, which was a few doors down. The door was wide open, he walked in seeing Hyunjin standing in the crib, holding the railing. The little pup lit up, reaching out for the alpha. "Papa!.... Mama?"
Jungkook chuckled, picking up the pup, placing him on his hip.
"Morning little Jinnie, let me guess you want some of mamas milk?" The pup nod his little head frantically, drooling with his diggers in his mouth. 
"You know, you're almost grown out of your mamas milk, soon you'll be drinking cows milk or goats milk. You know that buddy?" Jungkook spoke in almost a baby like voice. Hyunjin made a confused face, then sticking his head in the alpha scent gland. Jungkook carried his son back into he and his mates room. Spotting his pregnant mate in a deep red, lace dress, hair tied back in a half up dew, not questioning why his mates hair wasn't damp, because he's seen the omega dry his hair with the flick of a wrist.
Most of his dresses and tops had to be button ups as well, from the front, because Hyunjin always asks for more milk. But he's starting to die down on it now. He only feeds in the morning and at night to fall asleep. Namjoon kept his dress unbuttoned, lowering himself down into a chair, that goes to the alphas desk.
Jungkook gave him their pup, who was reaching out for his mother, babbling non existent words out.
The omega placed multiple kisses on his sons check, "Hi my sweet baby boy," Hearing the cute giggle ring out of the small pup. The pup immediately crawled down and latched onto his mother's nipple, humming as he feed. Namjoon sighed, as he smiled down at his pup, using a single hand to softly rubbing his pups back. Watching his husband change in front of him, stripping and changing into a fleece, red and navy plaid shirt, with black jeans. Namjoon propped his head on his hand, using the arm of the chair for leverage.
The omega flinch, taking deep breaths, and knowing what a real contraction feels like, he knew it was just another Braxton hick.
He felt Hyunjin stop feeding, he glanced down at his pup and smiled. "Are you done baby?" Hyunjin nod, but had a cute, wide eyed, worried look on his face. The omega furrowed his brows in concern, "What's wrong honey?"
The pup whimpered, placed his little hand on his mothers belly, "Mama hort?"  Jungkook then perked up, looking at his mate worried, and slightly panicked. Namjoon cooed at his son, "Mama is fine baby, it's just your sibling telling me they're almost coming... we still haft to wait a bit though, alright?" He stated, as he graced his free hand along his sons cheek, using his thumb to wipe away some excess milk from his pups chin. Yet keeping his head popped in his hand.
Jungkook kneeled down by the chair his mate was in. Resting his chin on the arm, his hand moved over to the small bump, his thumb rubbing against the material of the dress. His eyes traced up to his mate, "Are you alright love?" Namjoon hummed and smiled down at the alpha, placing his hand over the others. Both feeling the pup move inside the omega. Hyunjin snuggled up to his mother, sticking his nose in the crook of the omegas neck, taking in the creamy rose mixed scent.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, but no glopping on Christmas please, Hyunjin baby, you haft to get off mama, so I can stand up," The omega giggled the last few words out. The pup only whined, cuddling up closer to his mother.
"Please baby, I promise we can cuddle more on the couch downstairs," The omega sang out, but pup wouldn't budge. Namjoon huffed, "Alright~ Alright fine, Jungkook?" The omega held his hand out, the alpha stood up and took his mates hand. Jungkook pulled his mate up, watching the omega rest his son on his hip, shifting his pups leg above his small bump.
Jungkook buttoned the omegas dress, placing a kiss on the pups head, then on pecking his mates lips.
They head down to the family room, where everyone was waiting.
"Merry Christmas everyone!" Jungkook shouted, Lily came running into his arms.
"You tried getting out of my cuddles this morning and now you want them?" Lily giggled and stuck her nose in the the alphas neck. Jungkook helped Namjoon sit down, setting Lily beside her mother. Lily snuggled up to her mother immediately. Justin and the other kids sat on the floor, Jin handed the alpha a mug of hot chocolate, giving a mug to Namjoon as well, who was hesitant on taking it and held his breath.
"Don't worry, it's peppermint chocolate, the way you like it," Jin said sweetly. The omega let out a breath of air, smiling softly at the beta, mumbling a thank you, before taking taking the warm mug.
Taehyung sat one of the couches to the right of the one Namjoon was sitting on, Taehyung is cuddled up to his mate. The  on the couch to the left of Namjoon, with his son now asleep in his arms. Yoongi and Hoseok, Hoseok held the sleeping pup on his chest. As Jin sat with the kids on the floor. Jungkook smiled at everyone in the room, he started handing presents out to everyone.
Jimin gasped, everyone's head turned towards him, he was holding a baby onesie, he then gazed at his mate, "Are you really?!" Taehyung hushed him, but nod his head, giggling when the alpha kissed him multiple times.
It looks like the Kim family will be growing, with a new pup on the way.

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