Chapter forty-two

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Third pov:
Jungkook was in the library reading a book, until a voice shouted for him, making him jump up from his seat.
"Your majesty!! There's an emergency meeting!! Mr. Kim and his men escaped!!"
Jungkook dropped the book, shaking in anger, him and the guard ran out of the library. Heading to the meeting room.

Namjoon was with Taehyung, both sat on the couch in the living room of the Kim cabin. Watching their pups play together on the floor.
"So Namjoon, when are you due?"
Namjoon smiled softly at his friend, "Any day- make that today..." He breathed in deeply, rubbing his hand under his small belly, as the sudden contraction subsided. Taehyung's eyes shot open, he leaped up from his seat, and kneeled down in front of his friend, placing his hand on the small bump, glancing over a the clock on the wall, along with the gazing out the window beside it, and waited patiently for the next contraction, holding Namjoons hand with his free hand.
About an hour later, the omega flinched and groaned in pain, his grip tightened on the youngers. Taehyung spotted the weather changing, seeing the snow pick up and then calm down. He sat there in shock, and amazement, seeing the weather reacting with the omegas pain. He glanced back over at Namjoon, "I'm going to go get Jin and the kids together, we'll all take you to the castle Alright?" The white haired omega only nod. Taehyung stood up and ran to the spare bedroom that the alpha and beta were in.
Lily stood up and ran over to her mother, "Mama you alwight? Is the bb coming?"
Namjoon smiled down at his daughter, petting her head, and nodding, "Yes baby girl, your sibling is coming, all of you get your coats on please." He said, as he pushed himself up, bundling up both Hyun and Hyunjin to stay warm.

Jimin and Jin saw Taehyung run up to the door of the room. Both gave the omega a confused and worried expression.
"Namjoon's having contractions! We haft to get him to the castle and fast, the weather reacts with him!" Jimin shouted, the beta and alphas eyes shot open. All of them bolted back to the living room, Jin picked Hyunjin up, as Taehyung picked up his son. They all head out, Jimin locking the door behind him, being the last one out and keeping an eye out for any sign of danger from behind the group.

Luckily, they all made it to the stairway entrance of the castle, safely. Namjoon was holding his daughters hand, but he paused at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes glimmered a faint white mixed blue.
"Get inside!! Now!!" He shouted, Jin glanced at him worried, "But what about you?!" The beta asked
Namjoon shook his head, "P-Please... Take them and go inside!" his voice was a bit shaky.
Jin nod, taking Hyunjin and Lily's hand, gesturing everyone to run up. Everyone then ran up the stairs, quickly entering the castle, the giant door blew shut.

The omegas eyes glowed white, as they clamped shut, his white eyes shined through the cracks of his eye lids. His hand gripped the white railing, his other hand on his belly, taking deep breaths, trying to push through the contraction. That slowly got more painful, he whimpered a groan, waiting for it to subside. The snow was falling hard, yet not a flake touched the omega, the wind blew like crazy. But the short blizzard finally subsided, the contraction finally ended. Namjoon groaned out a sigh, "This is going to be a long night," He mumbled. He ran up the stairs, where everyone stood inside, worried about the omega queen.

Multiple eyes didn't break away from the door, hoping nothing bad happened to the omega. But everyone let out a sigh of relief when seeing Namjoon suddenly opening and closing the door, along with locking it. The adults saw the tear stains on his rosy cheeks, but didn't question it, obviously. "Mama!!" Lily ran into her mother's arms. "I'm fine baby, mama is fine, but is everyone else alright?!" He glanced around, Jin stood their, shaking his head, a smile on his face. Namjoon looked at him confused, "What?" He gasped out, Jin scoffed, "You are literally in labor Namjoon and you're putting others before yourself?"
Namjoon smirked and shrugged, gesturing with his head, "Come on everyone, it's going to be a long night."

They walked upstairs to the omegas bedroom, yet Jimin stayed with the kids in the bedroom a few doors down, making sure to give the labored omega some space.
Taehyung remained by Jin's side helping and prepping everything for the omegas birth.

All while Namjoon stood by the window, looking outside, watching the snow fall slowly.
Always calm before the storm right?

Jungkook ran into the meeting room, slamming the door shut.
"What do you mean they escaped?!" He shouted through gritted teeth, seeing one of the council men rise from his seat.
"The Lee pack, they knocked out the guards, killing five, but six are injured and three are completely unharmed," The man stated.
Another one then spoke up, "I believe their after your pup, that's due any day now, they're probably, most likely are planning something."
That one, familiar alpha loudly growled, "You see! We can't trust that omega!! He's nothing but a slutty omega!! With stupid powers!! If we never let the king marry him, then we wouldn't be in this fucking mess!!"
Everyone else groaned from the alphas statement, opinion really. Everyone, but him, has actually grown fond of their new queen.
Jungkook growled at the alpha, his sharp fangs bared.
"Do not talk about my mate like that. We need to train the rest of the packs alphas, betas and omegas, for self defense. Because they will come back, we don't know when, but they will." Jungkook stated, everyone nodded, trying to think of any other ideas. Then hearing the same stupid alpha speak again.
"But what if that slutty omega gets himself pregnant again!!?? Huh, more protection that bloody pup?!" Everyone shot glares at him, but he just glared back.
"It's true!! How can we trust him!!? Ever sense he came to this pack, he's been nothing but trouble!!! Have you heard how many miscarriages he's ha-"
"ENOUGH!!!" The young king growled out, his eyes glowed white, from the anger boiling up in him.
The silence in the room was so loud, barely anyone spoke.

"Y-Your highness, we will have the guards help train the pack..." One of alphas mumbled. Another cleared his throat, "Do you.... you um know the gender? Of the uh pup..." everyone was trying to calm the king down, after reading about what he's capable of, also seeing him train with his mate and pups. They're beyond terrified.
Except that one alpha, he didn't read or listen to anything. He always had to open his mouth about something.
"Are you all fucking mad?! Like, really!! So what! The mutt is going to be powerful, he's not that special!!! What good is a slutty omega and pup going to do for our pack!!?!" Everyone else froze, glancing over at their king, shivers ran down their spine. From a low, deep growl emitting from the young alpha. His eyes were now glowing a pure white, as he glared daggers at the one alpha.

They went back and forth for hours, they would calm the king down a little bit, but that one alpha would add gas to the flames.
They were in the middle of another argument, until a knock on the door interrupted them.

The one annoying alpha answered it, sense he was closest to it, he scoffed, "And what do you want brat?"

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