Chapter forty-four

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Third pov:
The moon. It was bright, so bright in the winter night sky. It was glowing a sapphire blue, and was full, which was a sign for the pups future sub-gender.

Jungkook gazed a the moon, then glanced back at his shocked mate, a smile spreading on both of their faces. Jungkook glanced down at their pup, his hand cupping the newborns head, "Omega," The young alpha mumbled.

Jin and Taehyung looked at the couple confused, not knowing what he meant. Jin shook his head, "I'm sorry, but what?"
Namjoon then spoke up with a tired, raspy voice, "Our pup is an omega. A male omega, that's why the moon is glowing like that."

The omegas face twisted in discomfort, from pushing the after birth out. Jungkook cut the cord, while smiling like an idiot. The omega past out into a deep sleep, as the alpha helped clean up his mate, giving him and their newborn son a bath. Along with clean pajamas and clean bedding. Putting the pup in only a diaper.
Jungkook held his newborn pup for the first time, he sat in bed next to his sleeping mate. He took his shirt off before hand, giving his pup skin to skin contact, to help his son stay calm. Jungkook has grown fond of skin contact with his pups and mate while cuddling. Along making sure to scent his family, he scented the newborn a little bit, knowing it's not safe to scent a baby too much.
Jungkook then got stuck in tough about his other kids, wondering if they're asleep, or still wide awake, he would like to scent them again, it's like an itch he can't scratch. And he never cared if they weren't biologically his, he will always scent Justin, Lily and Hyunjin, to signal other wolfs to stay away from his family.

Jin and Taehyung left the three alone, leaving to check on the other kids and to see if Jimin is still alive.

Jungkook's pov:
"Aren't you just precious," I mumbled, studying my pups features. Who was a perfect mix of both Namjoon and I.
He has no hair, which is adorable, his nose is similar to Namjoons, he has my lips as well I think. But he is also very small, Jin weighed him and said he is only six pounds and five ounces, just an ounce smaller than Hyunjin. Which makes me wonder if Hyunjin is a future alpha, maybe he's going to be a buff omega? I shrugged, smiling and cooeing when my son yawned, licking his lips. His little eyes opened, it was like looking into Namjoons beautiful brown orbs. Seeing him smile slightly, showing the signature dimples, that he definitely gets from both of us, but mainly his mother. He is just perfect, my whole is just pure perfection, Justin, Hyunjin, Lily, Namjoon, I love them all so much.

I glance out the window, seeing the sun about to rise, everyone else probably went to bed a while ago. My gaze broke back down to my pup, I grace my knuckle over his cute chubby cheek, chuckling when he tries to suck it, meaning he's hungry. "I wonder what we will name you little one? Maybe your mother thought of a name," I whispered. "Jeon Chanyeol..." A soft, yet deep, voice whispered, coming from my beautiful mate. I glance down at my omega, seeing his beautiful small smile. His eyes sparkling from the sunrise.
"Shouldn't you be asleep love? Resting a bit more, after being in labor for how long?" I asked. Seeing him rub his blushing face with his hands, letting out light giggle and cute groan.
"Sense yesterday morning, between ten and eleven a.m. maybe, so that's about-about fourteen hours, but I heal fast remember," Proving his point, by sitting up, not flinching from shifting and sitting on his bottom. He rest his back against the soft headboard. I remember how Taehyung could barely move for a week after having Hyun, I felt so bad for him, but I'm happy he has a supportive mate. I would break Jimin's neck though if he did anything to his mate and family.

I smile at my mate, looking at him in awe. He looks over at me and lets out his angelic giggle. "What are you looking at me for?" I shrugged, glancing back down at our son, smiling like mad man. "I'm just the luckiest alpha in the universe is all," I stated, hearing my mate scoff lightly, giggling again. I watch him hide his face in his hands, hiding his face that grew more red. His mother instincts kicked in within seconds, from hearing our pup whine a bit, I hand our pup over to him. Just watching the moment, seeing his eyes light up, gasping and speaking in a baby voice. "Are you hungry my sweet little prince?" He then unbuttoned his night gown, pushing the material to the side, showing his chest, which looked very uncomfortably swollen. He directed our pup down his nipple, seeing him latch onto it, drinking the milk happily.

The sight is amazing to watch, and I would do anything to protect them too. But my stomach turned, from an off feeling, like something was bound to happen.
The thought about Mr. Kim and his men come to my mind. I honestly hope they froze to death in the blizzard, I know my pack is alright, I announced earlier this week, that Namjoon could go into labor any day, stating that the nature will be reacting with his pain and contractions as well. I told everyone to take shelter for this week, I had a feeling my mate would go into labor soon, but Mr. Kim escaping distracted me. And sure enough, my omega gave birth to a beautiful male omega, Jeon Chanyeol, on the tenth of January.


I turned my gaze towards the door of our room, seeing Lily holding her little brothers hand.
"Hey, come here pups, someone's here to meet you," I said cheerfully. Lily walked in, not letting go of Hyunjin's hand, the year old pup waddled and had a teething toy in his mouth. I picked Hyunjin up, as Lily jumped up on the bed. Their eyes lit up, seeing their newborn brother in their mothers arms.

"Pups, meet your new sibling, Chanyeol," I said softly, Hyunjin sitting in my lap, he stared at his brother in awe, he cooed and reached out for his little sibling.
Namjoon smiled at them softly, the pup must've stopped feeding because he held him against his chest, rubbing the pups back.
"Hi bb Channy, I Lily, your big sistor! I protect you!" Lily said sternly, yet in a very cute way.
Namjoon and I froze, when we heard Hyunjin say the cutest, yet most unexpected thing ever.
Namjoon's eyes widened, I laughed at the blush on his face. "A-Another? Sibling? Heh no, sorry but not yet sweetie. Let's wait a bit, alright." I smirked and elbowed my mate gently, "Awww~ come on mama, we want another!" I said playfully, laughing harder from the glare he gave me. "Oh, so you think this is funny!" He shouted in a very playful tone, making the pups crack up. Seeing him roll his eyes, oh and trust me, I will be knoting my omega again in the future, we might haft to find a birth control, because he can't resist me either.


Third pov:
"So, the omega gave birth I see." Shownu stated, as he saw the glowing sapphire moon in the late night sky. "I don't know what that color means, do you?" Mr. Kim asked, everyone shook their heads, so no one knew.
Shownu scuffed, "It doesn't matter, when that pup is ten years old, that's when we make our move. Based on the blizzard, that pups strong and very useful."
One of the men spoke up, "But what if the pups an omega?" Shownu shrugged, but a dark smirk plastered on his lips. "Just more fun for me when the kid goes into their first heat. But we haft to train the brat to kill. And the first one that's going to the grave, is Kim Namjoon."
Everyone, but Mr. Kim, looked at him shocked, "But sir!! Do you even know what that omega is capable of and if we take his pup, he has enough power to kill thousands of wolfs."
Shownu just shrugged his shoulders again, scuffing, "Who cares, he's just another weak omega to me." Mr. Kim nod his head in agreement.
The two alphas are oblivious though, not knowing what they are up against.

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