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Saya's Pov

I'm such a fool for not being brave enough I even left my bag I feel stupid as I lay on my bed I'm not ready for love am I? Why did I take so long? All the chances I had I wonder if things would be different would he forget about her? There are so many questions

I begin to hear footsteps coming towards my door I pretend that I'm sleeping I hear some being placed on my table and the person began to speak

"I'm sorry I didn't notice if I noticed how you felt about us things would've gone way better probably but I really love this girl I can't just let her go so I hope you can forgive me"

He walks towards the door

I'll see you tomorrow

Lake says he'll see you tomorrow

I hear the door click I get up and I start to think to myself should I try to separate them? Nasa really cares about her so if I go with my plan and they separate Nasa would feel sad again but I'll have to go with it

The next day

Lake's Pov

I enter the building and put my things away and I walk to Saya's class and to my surprise. she's there I was interested in taking her and Nasa to a beach nearby its not summer but the view is amazing I ask Saya and she agreed to come with me I told her we'd meet after school I also invited Nasa

"Sure I'll come and I'll bring yukana"

Nasa's Pov

It's now after school and I'm ready to see what lake was talking about. Yukana also agrees to come with so the three of us follows his lead until we make it to the beach it was beautiful the sky was blue with a bit of red-orange yukana began to sit near the water and I sit right next to her she places her head on my shoulder and we both stare at the clouds

Lake's pov

She's staring at them again watching as they stare into the sky I wonder what's going on in her head. Is she wondering if she would be next to him like that? I'm starting to see my past self in her and I'm starting to hate it and without hesitation, I tapped her shoulder she turned around and I spoke immediately

"Hey saya I want you to stop thinking about their relationship because it's only gonna hurt"

"Why do you say that?"

I took a deep breath and let it out

"Look I know we just met but after seeing everything I want you to depend on me and I want to be the one that you think about"

She sat there in shock

"And if this continues I don't know what I'll do"

"I'm sorry I said too much"

I get up and take off

 Yukana And NasaWhere stories live. Discover now