The Secrets Out

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Sky's POV

What did Jessica mean? How could Grayson have destroyed the town a HUNDRED years ago? I was so terrified that I had resigned to my room the entire day, with my only company being Jack(when he returned from his volunteer work.) I had called him to tell him about what happened the moment he came back. And he came over immediately.

"Hey Jack, your mom's a historian right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Has she ever told you about our town getting destroyed?"

"I dont know. Lets ask her!"

We crept out the window and to his room. Then we went to the living room were we found his mother, watching "Lip Sync Battle" and laughing while Dwayne Johnson pointed the middle finger at his competitor.

"Mom." Jack said when we were right behind the couch. Mrs Roberts jumped, startled.

"Yes, Jack?" She said calming down.

"Mom, have you eve-"

"Have you ever heard of the town being destroyed a few hundred years ago?" I impatiently interuppted.

"Who told you this?" She asked her face becoming serious.

"Umm..." We told Mrs Roberts about Jessica's glowing eyes and about what she said.

"Sit down." We sat down.

"In 1619, the town was attacked by a demon called the " Beast ". It savagely torn tye town apart, leaving only one survivor, a 16 year old girl called Scarlett Willow. Shes your great-great grandmother, Sky. And the legend was that she had a boyfriend who had sacrifised himself for her and killed the Beast by stabbing it in the heart, blowing it apart, and when it blowed up, the Beast brought her boyfriend down with it to the under world. It is said that 400 years later the Beast will awaken and attack thia town again, but thia time there will be no one to stop it from killing everyone and everything."

"Mrs Roberts, what was the name of her boyfriend?" I asked, as curious as a cat.

"Grayson Storm."

Grayson's POV

I got a text from Sky three days later.

I walked to the park as fast as I could

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I walked to the park as fast as I could. When I reached, I saw her sitting on a bench. She was now wearing an oversized black hoodie, black ripped jeans and black sneakers.and was staring at a ring on a chain arpund her neck. At first, it looked like a normal ring but as I got closer, I realised that it was the ring I gave to Scarlett when we started dating.

"You're here." She said looking up at the sound of my footsteps.

"Yeah. What did you want to talk about?"

"Is it true you sacrifised yourself for your girlfriend and got yourself blown apart?" She asked so suddenly that I had to take time to process what she had said.

"Yes. May I ask you, what did you hear?" She told me about what she had heard from Jack's mom.

"Is it true?" She asked at the end.

"Most of it is. Well, that isn't the entire story. You see, the monster was actually created by me on accident. It was a part of me, something like my dark side. I learned about my darkness and that it could take over me if I lose control. I was terrified and went to a witch for help to seperate my darkness from me but she failed and some of my darkness still remains inside of me. But she did end up creating the Beast that ended up killing her. I managed to escape from her lair and the Beast followed me into the town and tried to kill me so it could absorb the rest of my darkness and grow to full power. It ended up destroying the town and almost killing Scarlett but I couldn't let it kill her. I wanted her to live her life to the fullest. So, I sacrifised myself and died and got sent to the underworld for creating the Beast on accident."

After a few minutes, Sky finally spoke. Her voice was shaky."Theres also something you should know... Scarlett's my great-great grandmother."

Hey yall,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the rest of the story. I will try to update as much as i can. AAAHHH I'm so tired.( yoovxi how do you not have dark eye circles, like you sleep wayy later than me.) More chapters coming your way.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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