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a week later

It was time. The time all the N.W.K. knew was coming, but no one was prepared for. Dan, Darryl, Cage, and Jester were being killed via lethal injection. Misa was getting the gas chamber, Slit-Mouth was getting the chair and Gas-Mask had the firing squad. They were all escorted into smaller, basic cells and were watched by guards. They were all being executed at the same time, which was a big thing to accomplish. News outlets far and wide wanted to cover this story, but they wouldn't be able to report anything until they were all dead. Dan stared at the white walls, Jester played solitaire, Slit-Mouth actually contemplated what he had done, Cage tried to sleep, Misa looked out the small window, Darryl sat, crying over his daughter, and Gas-Mask curled up in a little ball and cried. This was the calm before the storm, the storm being them all dying. This was the reflection time of what they've done. "Never known these guys so quiet", the guard said. The other guard nodded, carefully watching Dan, he knew what he was capable of.


Dan sat in front of the ABC news presenter, he was free of handcuffs and was let out free to the interview room. "Hello Dan", the ABC person said, "My name is Lisa and I will be interviewing you today". Dan nodded, sitting down, the camera was set up to get both Lisa and Dan in the shot. "So I'm going to ask you about Jocelyn", Lisa said, "Is that okay?". Dan nodded again, "Let's get this gong then", he said. "So Dan", Lisa stated, "There are rumors swirling around Jocelyn because you are very topical now and people think you killed her. People think she was your first victim, can you admit that to me?". Dan looked up at Lisa, "No, I didn't kill her", Dan said acidly, "She was killed by monsters". "This is a very popular theory", she started, "Jocelyn told you got pregnant by another man. In a fit of rage, you killed her, stabbed yourself and made your whole story up". Dan looked like he was about to snap, he looked Lisa straight in the eye, "Yoy think I could kill a woman?", Dan said, "A woman that showed me nothing but love?". "Well, you killed little boys and girls", Lisa said in an accusing tone. Dan leaped over the table and grabbed Lisa, he pinned her up to the wall and started to strangle her, "You don't know anything that happened that night", Dan said, "You can't judge me". A guard rushed in and tackled Dan to the ground, Lisa coughed and shouted, "You'll be hearing from my lawyers".

Back to present

The guard shivered at the thought of the ABC interview, he looked through the little window and saw Dan, cross-legged on the floor. It was only a few hours till they were all being sent to their demise. "You know something, Eric", the guard said to the other guard. "Yeah, Fred?", Eric said. "From what I heard from the interviews", Fred said, "Maybe these guy's lives were so tragic this was their only way". "Maybe", Eric said, "None of these had a chance against the appeal board". "No family showing up?", Fred asked, looking at Slit-Mouth through the window. "Not a single one", Eric said, "Only lawyers, members of the public, us and the press". "I can't do this anymore", Fred said, "After this, I'm quitting". "Pleasure working with you", Eric said, tipping his hat. "Hey!", someone shouted. "What is it, Jester?", Fred yelled, walking over to his window. "Can I get a cup of water?", Jester asked. "You'll get your water with your last meal", Fred said, "It'll be soon, don't worry". "How can I not worry", Jester said, nervously laughing, "I'm dying in a few hours". "Fair enough", Fred said, walking away and back to his chair. "When will their meals being served?", Eric asked as Fred sat back down. "In 2 hours", Fred answered, "We have to wait for night to kill them". And with that they waited in silence, the time seemed to move slow. Maybe that's because 7 people were dying, or maybe it was because time seemed to move slower with nothing to do.

3 hours later

After their last meal, each N.W.K. member was prepped for death; Each member had some of their leg hair shaved, they had their last rights read to them and they were put into different rooms to wait. Dan was lead out first to the gurney, then Darryl, Cage, and Jester. The four of them sat on the gurneys as the tubes were put into their veins. Slit-Mouth was put in the eletric chair, he actually looked remorseful of what he had done. Misa sat in the gas chamber, crying and Gas-Mask walked out in front of the firing squad. "Any last words?", each guard asked them. "I'm sorry", was what Slit-Mouth said. "Please forgive me for what I've done", was what Misa said. "See you on the other side, Marilyn", was what Darryl said. "Jocelyn protect me", was Dan's last words. Cage, Jester, and Gas-Mask had nothing to say.

Cage, Dan, Jester, and Darryl had the injection pit into them

Slit-Mouth had electricity course through his body

Misa chocked on the gas

Gas-Mask was shot and had an army salute after he died

Cage was first to die, then Jester, then Darryl and last was Dan.

It was the end of the N.W.K.

But the start of happiness for them all as they was all reunited with their loved ones.

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