Chapter 13

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Over the next few weeks, Ryan was gone more and more.

He was in high demand from his sponsors and fans, and NASCAR was pushing him hard to promote the sport.

So much for NASCAR drivers only working on weekends Jordyn thought ruefully.

She did take his suggestion and enrolled in some photography classes, but it wasn't enough to ease her boredom, or her racing mind. Her previous insecurities coming back to the surface.

He had hardly been around the last couple of weeks. Always having to rush here and there for some kind of obligation. The race shop, the NASCAR studio, MRN studio, quick trips out of town. Shooting promos, filming commercials.

She was getting lonely, missing him, wondering if he was missing her. Her insecurities making her mind go crazy.

What if he was seeing someone else? He had women throwing themselves at him all the time.

She was on Twitter and Instagram. She knew he had a lot of fangirls. She saw how other women looked at him. She saw the comments they posted about him.

She was at the track with him, she stood with him during pre-race ceremonies, she sat in his pit box. Although they didn't keep their relationship secret, they didn't flaunt it either.

She had made all of her social media accounts private just in case, even though she wasn't sure anyone even knew her name.

Ryan wanted to protect her from media scrutiny, and the wrath of those aforementioned fangirls, and she agreed. She was just a regular girl. Nothing special.

She also knew he followed a lot of really hot, model type girls. She never asked him about them. She didn't want to come off as jealous.

Had she been too clingy? Oh God. She was clingy. She couldn't help it. She loved him so much, she just wanted to be with him all the time. Was that so wrong? What if he needed a break from her? Was she going to fuck this up too?


Jordyn was having an early dinner with Mel. Ryan was busy. Doing something for someone. She forgot who or what it was this time.

Mel looked at her concerned. "Are you okay Jor? You've been really quiet. Is everything alright with you and Ryan?"

Jordyn sighed. "I don't know. I've hardly seen him these last couple of weeks. Between his sponsors and NASCAR, they've been keeping him really busy."

"He's a very popular driver. Those sponsors put millions of dollars into the sport. He has to keep them happy if he wants to keep his job." Mel said.

"I know that Mel. I just hope that's all it is. I know Ryan and I have moved really fast with everything. We haven't even known each other that long. I just pray he's not having second thoughts about me, or us."

"You surely don't think he's seeing someone else do you?" Mel asked wide eyed.

"I really don't know what to think Mel. He has no time for me. I'm trying not to overthink it, but my mind just keeps going there."

"I've seen the way he looks at you Jordyn. That boy is head over heels crazy in love with you. Has he given you any indication that there may be someone else?"

Jordyn shook her head. "No. Not really. Just the fact that he's never around. He did push me to find some other interests, so I have something to do when he's busy. That's the reason I've been taking the photography classes. I just can't help but feel something is off. The little we have been together just hasn't felt right. We've barely had sex over the last couple of weeks because he says he's too tired."

"So you're thinking if he's not getting it from you he must be getting it from someone else? Don't even let your mind go there Jordyn. You will drive yourself crazy. You need to talk to Ryan about this before you let your imagination sabotage everything."

"I would talk to him if we were around. This is not exactly the kind of thing you want to discuss over the phone or by text message."

"When is he due back?" "A couple of hours. He's supposed to call me when he is done."

"Talk to him Jor. Don't blow this." Jordyn nodded. "I will." She promised.


Ryan had just arrived home. He was really missing Jordyn. He wanted to call her, but his phone was dead and he didn't have his charger.

He stopped by his house because he thought she might be there, and he also wanted to change his clothes. She was not there, so he plugged his phone into the charger and was about to call her when his doorbell rang.

He thought for a second that might be her, but she had his alarm code. It was Chase at the door.

"Hey bro. What are you doing in town?" Ryan asked his friend.

"I had some stuff to do at HMS. I didn't really feel like going home, so I thought I'd see if you wanted to hang out. Maybe have Jordyn call Mel. I also need a place to crash."

Ryan laughed. "I was just about to call Jordyn. I just got back in town. I've been so busy doing stuff for Menards and Body Armor, we haven't seen a whole lot of each other the last couple of weeks."

"Hey, if you just want to hang out with your girl, that's fine. I can manage." Chase said.

"Let me call Jordyn first."

R: Hey babe. I'm back in town. I really miss you. What are you doing?
J: I miss you too. I'm having dinner with Mel. What are you thinking?
R: Chase is here. He needs a place to crash for the night. I think he wants to see Mel (laugh) How about we go out for a little while, maybe
have a couple of drinks
J: That sounds good. Let us finish dinner, then we'll meet you there. Just promise me I'll get you all to myself later
R: (laugh) I promise

Later, Ryan and Chase waited at the bar for Jordyn and Mel.

"So, What is the deal with you and Mel?" Ryan asked Chase.

Chase shrugged. "I don't really know. I mean we've hooked up a lot, and she's really hot, but I don't know."

"You like her?"

Chase nodded. "Yeah. A lot, but I like what we have too. It's easy. No strings, no drama. We do what we want."

"But..." Ryan prompted.

"I don't know. Part of me wants to find what you and Jordyn have. I don't think I'll find that with Mel though. She's a bit wild, free spirited. I don't think she's ready to settle down. Another part of me doesn't want to settle down either. I'm only 23. I'm focused on my career, I'm having fun." Chase shrugged again.

"Ryan!!! What are you doing here?" Ryan looked up at the tall blonde in front of him.

"Hey Tiff. How are you doing?" Ryan asked

"Better, now that you're here." Before Ryan knew what was happening, Tiff had wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his. She tasted like tequila.

Ryan tried to push her away, but she was wrapped so tightly around him. He dragged his lips away from hers and turned his head. He found himself face to face with Jordyn. He saw the hurt, then anger in her blue eyes.

"You lying son of bitch." She turned on her heel and stormed off.

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