Chapter 22

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Jordyn wished she and Mel would have just stayed home.

She was not enjoying herself at all. Mel was miserable. Both of them were on edge and unable to relax.

Today was race day. The weekend had been tense between Jordyn and Ryan. She knew he was feeling sexually frustrated, and that was her fault. She just could not get in the right mindset to make love to him, and she didn't know when she would. She wanted to, more than anything, but something was holding her back. Something the didn't really understand herself.

As if the tension wasn't bad enough, she had woken up with an overwhelming sense of dread that she could not shake.

She thought back to the last time they were here. Ryan's crash had shaken her to the core. He had been okay though. More than okay. They had professed their love for each other and had made love for the first time. How she wished it could be that easy right now.

She was still feeling off, and didn't want to leave Mel by herself so she had decided she was going to watch the race in the bus with Mel. She would be with Ryan for pre-race ceremonies, and afterward, she would return to the bus.

During the prayer, she squeezed his hand extra tight. When he hugged her, she held on just a moment longer. She kissed him softly "I love you. You be safe out there."

Why was this feeling still with her. These cars were safe. He would be fine. They would be fine.

She returned to the bus. She got on her phone and pulled up the NASCAR app and turned it to his scanner.

The first few stages of the race were pretty uneventful. Ryan was running well. Rain was going to be a factor however.

Since the race was past halfway, it would most likely be called if it rained again. Knowing this, drivers began to get more aggressive.

And then it happened. The big one. Clint Bowyer and Austin Dillon made contact racing for the lead. Austin slid up the track, right in front of Ryan who was running the high side.

After the impact into Dillon, Ryan's car slid down the track. It was deja vu from February, but this was far worse. The hits were harder. There were more of them. Several door shots. The hits kept coming.

The car finally stopped in the grass. The window net stayed up.

She could hear Jeremy on the scanner from her phone

"Ryan. Talk to me bud." Then...static.

She watched on TV and saw the safety workers rush to the car. They pulled the window net down. They were waving for more help. She was frozen in place. She could not breathe.

"Jordyn!" Mel snapped her out of her trance, and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

She pulled her out of the bus and they ran in the direction of the infield care center. On the way there, Jordyn's phone rang. She saw Ryan's name flash across the screen. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Babe! Thank God. I was so scared."

"Uh Jordyn, This is Jeremy. They are bringing Ryan to the hospital." Jeremy sounded nervous.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked frantically.

"He was unconscious when they pulled him out of the car. He still has not regained consciousness."

She hung up the phone and looked at Mel. "They are taking him to the hospital. He is unconscious."

Mel grabbed her hand "Let's go. I'll drive."

Jordyn froze again. "Vehicle. Keys." Jordyn mumbled, gasping for air. She was hyperventilating.

Mel grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. "Jordyn! Where are the keys. Snap out of it." Jordyn could not think straight.

They heard a voice calling out to them. Chase. "C'mon. Let's go. They are taking Ryan to the hospital. I'll drive."

Mel grabbed Jordyn's hand and dragged her to where Chase was heading to his vehicle. Why was Chase here? Was the race over? Jordyn thought confused. Her head was so foggy.

They got to the car and climbed in. "Jordyn." Jordyn heard Chase calling her name, but he sounded so far away.

"I think she's in shock Chase. Just drive." Mel ordered. Finally Jordyn found her voice.

"You were in the crash too weren't you Chase?"

"Yeah. I was in it." He replied.

"Are you okay?" Mel asked, concerned."

Yeah. I'm fine. I was checked and cleared. I'm just worried about Ryan."

Chase was running his hands through his hair. Something he and Ryan both did when they were nervous.

"Did you hear anything?" Jordyn's voice shook.

"Just that he was unconscious and on his way to the hospital. They couldn't give me any other information, since I'm not family."

A sudden realization hit Jordyn. "I'm not family either. I'm just his girlfriend. Oh God family. I need to call his mom. She must be freaking out."

Jordyn: Lisa? It''s Jordyn
Lisa: Jordyn, What's happening?
Jordyn: They uh. They took him to the hospital. He was unconscious. We are on our way there now.
Lisa: We are headed to the airport. Call me as soon as you find something out.
Jordyn: I'll keep you posted
Lisa: Thanks Jordyn


They arrived at the hospital. There had been no word. They waited, Jordyn fearing the worst.

How much longer? Jordyn wondered. The longer they waited, the more nervous she got. She paced restlessly. Mel and Chase finally got her to take a seat, but within minutes, she was back up, pacing again, chewing nervously on her fingernails.

Finally, a doctor stepped into the room. "Family of Ryan Blaney." He announced.

Jordyn stepped forward, her voice shaking. "I'm...I'm his girlfriend. His family has not arrived yet."

The doctor looked down at the clipboard in his hand. "Are you Jordyn Springer?" He asked.

Jordyn nodded. "Miss Springer, Mr. Blaney listed you as his emergency contact. Can you follow me please?" Jordyn willed her legs to move. She followed the doctor into a small room, and waited with bated breath.

A/N: Don't hate me. I promise I'll update soon.

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