Chapter 16

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The following morning was a little bit of a learning curve for Ryan and Jordyn, as they couldn't seem to get out of each other's way, and were constantly bumping into each other.

They laughed and shared a sweet kiss each time it happened. It would take a little bit of time to figure out their morning routines, but they both loved hanging out together, especially since neither of them were in any rush.

"Uh Ry, do you not have a coffee maker?" Jordyn asked.

Ryan shook his head "I'm not much of a coffee drinker. I didn't know you were."

"I am, but I'm usually rushing out of here in the morning, so I've never noticed. I'd usually grab one at the apartment or on my way out. No big deal. We'll figure it out."

So they still had a few things to learn about each other. It was still new, and they would get there. They made breakfast together, pancakes and sausage, and cleaned up together before Jordyn had to leave for class and Ryan for the race shop.


When Jordyn returned later that afternoon, Ryan told her he had a surprise for her. He led her to the kitchen and showed her the single cup coffee maker he had purchased, along with several boxes of various flavors of coffee.

She laughed and reached into the shopping bag she was holding and pulled out a bottle of cold brew coffee concentrate.

"I was going to make due with this, but your idea is so much better. Thank you. You didn't have to do that." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly.

"This is your home too Jordyn. I want you to be happy."

"I am happy. Happier than I ever dreamed I would be.


Jordyn finished her photography classes. She had even done some freelance work for NASCAR, and of course for Penske, since the majority of the photos she had taken were of Ryan.

It was hard not to keep shooting pictures of Ryan. He was gorgeous. He was a natural and the camera loved him. There was something about him in that firesuit that made her weak.

Over the last 5 months, Jordyn had developed a passion and a love for NASCAR, almost as much as her passion and love for the driver of the #12 car.

She decided to enroll in some online classes on marketing and public relations. By doing it online, she could work at her own pace, for the times when Ryan was busy. She had learned the hard way what kind of crazy tricks a bored, restless mind could play on her and she was not going to go down that road again.

She trusted Ryan completely. She poured her heart and soul into that trust. She and Ryan has a really good thing, and if anything was going to mess that up, it would be her and her alone, which led her mind to other things.

She had opened up to Ryan on a lot of things from her past, but there were some things she held back.

Ryan knew that she had been a bit promiscuous, but he didn't know the extent.

She had unleashed a little of her wild side with him, but she held back on that as well. He didn't know about some of the things she had done, just how wild she really was.

She wanted to tell him, but she was afraid. Afraid he would look at her differently. Afraid he would think it was too much.

She felt guilty as hell for keeping it in. Ryan had said he would never judge her, that who she was back then was not who she was now. She wanted to tell him, but she didn't know how. She was always afraid her past would come back to bite her, especially now that her relationship with Ryan was getting a little more attention. Perhaps she should tell him before that happened.

A/N: I know this is a very short, kind of boring chapter, but bigger things are coming.

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