Chapter 25

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"You're supposed to be taking it easy. You do have a concussion." Jordyn scolded Ryan, as he began to caress her breast.

They were now lying in bed, where they ended up after their hot kitchen sex.

"Yeah. I'm supposed to rest my brain. Fortunately, making love to you doesn't require much thinking." Ryan replied with a smirk.

Jordyn was relieved that she had gotten over her hang ups. She was beginning to believe her hang ups extended to having Mel in the house. She just didn't feel comfortable making love with Mel under the roof because of everything she had gone through.

"I'm glad to see you are more back to you." Ryan murmured, as he continued to caress her breast, then placed a soft kiss on it, just before taking her nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it, making it perk. He lavished it with his tongue, then lightly bit it, sending a jolt straight to her clit, making her moan in pleasure. He moved on to her other breast, giving it the same attention as the previous one.

Taking his time. He didn't want to rush anything this morning. He just wanted to focus on her.

His finger slowly trailed down her rib cage, down her stomach, causing her skin to break out in goosebumps, until it ended up exactly where she wanted it.

He was still lavishing her breasts with his mouth and tongue, and she felt his fingers softly brush against her heat. She was heating up from the inside, the anticipation of waiting for the touch she needed, that she craved. He was teasing her, dragging it out. She needed more, but she was also loving the slow build.

They has always been so anxious for each other, they didn't spend a lot of time exploring each other. Even though they always vowed to each other to slow things down, their passion and desire for each other always overruled.

Her hands eager to touch him, she lightly ran her hand along his hip and his side. The unexpected feeling of his finger slipping into her caused her to grab at his flesh, and he winced immediately.

She snatched her hand away like it had been burned, realizing the flesh she had grabbed onto was the side that had been injured. The bruises standing out starkly against the white bed sheets.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we shouldn't do this. You are injured."

He pressed his lips to hers, his hand smoothing her hair back off of her face. "I'm fine. We are not stopping." His voice was low and seductive. He softly caressed her face, trying to erase her worried expression.

He pressed his lips back to hers, mouths softly moving in sync. His tongue darting out to meet hers. A kiss that left Jordyn breathless and her head spinning.

She ran her hands through the back of his hair, her fingers tangling in the soft waves as she drew him even closer.

She felt his finger slip into her again. He slowly moved it in and out, she reached out and touched him, her hand moving up and down his length before moving on to his ass to softly stroke his cheek.

He attached his lips to her neck as he kissed, licked and sucked at her spot. He shifted his body on to hers, and in one smooth stroke, he was fully inside of her.

His movements were slow and deliberate, allowing her to feel every inch of him.

He placed a hand under her bottom, pushing her lower body upward, so he could drive in deeper.

In no time at all, she was coming apart in his arms. A slow, sensuous rhythm that she matched, their hips moving perfectly in sync, as she wrapped her legs around him.

As she rotated her hips beneath him, he moaned loudly, wrapped his arms tighter around her and gave several hard, deep thrusts, causing her to clench around him, her lower body quivering around him. Her loud moans, the heat, the tightness, and the wetness was his undoing.

Two more strokes and he spilled into her. They lay there in silence, both trying to catch their breaths. He kissed her softly and rolled her to his side.

Jordyn laughed a little. "I forgot all about breakfast."


After the previous attempt at breakfast had been discarded, and realizing there was no other food in the house and it was now lunchtime, Ryan ordered a pizza and Jordyn went to pick it up.

After they ate, they decided to watch a movie. A short time into the movie, the doorbell rang. It was Chase. He wanted to check on Ryan before heading home.

Jordyn couldn't help but notice how down Chase looked. After some prodding, he admitted he had talked to Mel a little in Daytona, after they had left the hospital and gone back to the hotel. 

"Mel told me we couldn't be together anymore. She said we could still be friends, but that was it. I don't know what happened." He said sadly. "Did I do something? I wish I knew. If I did or said something, I want to make it right."

His sadness was mixed with confusion. Jordyn's heart went out to him. She took his hand and squeezed it. She tried to think of what she could say to him without saying too much.

"It's not you Chase. She is dealing with some things right now. Things that have nothing to do with you. Just give her time and give her some space." She gently explained.

"Whatever she's going through. I won't ask what. I'd like to be there for her. If she'll let me."

It was very clear to Jordyn just how much Chase truly cared for Mel. She vowed to herself that she would make sure Mel knew that. "Just hang in there Chase. She's not ready to open up now, but I promise I'll talk to her and let her know what you said."

Chase squeezed her hand back. "Thanks Jordyn. I want to be there as a friend. Maybe more. Whatever she wants. I'll take whatever she's willing to allow. I just don't want her to cut me out of her life completely."

Ryan spoke up. "I'm sure she knows that bro. Just give her time to herself."

Chase nodded his agreement. "I have to get back home. I wanted to check in on you bud. Jordyn, take care of him. Go easy on him. Regardless of what he says, he is hurt." Chase laughed. Both Ryan and Jordyn laughed along with him.

They made small talk for a few minutes, and Chase left, just as Dave and Lisa arrived. They wanted to check in on their son, make sure he was resting and taking it easy.

Ryan assured them he was okay. Jordyn was taking good care of him, and providing excellent TLC. Jordyn couldn't help but blush at his words.

"Are you going to be able to race this weekend?" Dave asked.

"I have a follow up with a doctor tomorrow, and I'll find out. I have a slight headache, and I'm a little sore, but I think I'll be cleared. I'm sure by Sunday, I'll be fine." Ryan replied.

Dave nodded, but Lisa still looked concerned. "Don't try to rush it honey. If you're not feeling up to, don't push yourself. You are locked into the playoffs, so you can miss a race if you are not well enough."

Ryan smiled at his mom. "I know mom. I'm not going to do anything stupid. I know my limits."

Lisa looked at Jordyn. "Keep taking care of my baby. Don't let him get back in the car if he's not recovered enough."

"I won't. I promise, and yes, I'll take good care of him." She told Lisa.

After visiting for a little over an hour, Dave and Lisa left.


"Are you ready to watch that movie now?" Jordyn asked.

"We could, but there are other things I'd much rather do." He raised his eyebrow suggestively.

Jordyn rolled her eyes and laughed. Yeah. He was really going to take it easy.

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