Chapter 9

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My heart 2Jae❤️❤️❤️🤧

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My heart 2Jae❤️❤️❤️🤧

2 days later
Youngjaes POV

Im at work today and i kept messing up. There was this one customer who wanted an iced americano with a chocolate muffin. I got the muffin correct cause all I had to do was grab one but the iced americano was where I messed up at. They said I didn't put to enough ice in then when I brought him a new one with more ice he said I didn't put enough milk each time it wasn't correct.

(A/n I don't know what's in an iced americano because I don't drink coffee and also I just don't know so if you do please let me know)

This is now his fourth coffee and right when I brought it back to make a new one and then Jinyoung showed up.

Jinyoungs POV

I was watching as Youngjae kept going back and forth with a coffee each time he went to make a new one he looked like he was about to cry. When he came back for the fourth time I decided to step in.

My little babyboy // 2J@3 // Jaebum+Youngjae Where stories live. Discover now