Funny A/N

354 10 2

"Can you just hurrry the fuck up already!" Jaebum yelled.

"Who are you talking to?" Youngjae asked as he looked at Jaebum.

"The person writing this book" Jaebum said as he sighed before grabbing his phone.

"OMG!! I know right she's taking for ever and it making the people who are reading her book board because of how good of a book it is!!" Youngjae exclaimed as he sat on Jaebums lap.

"I mean the only reason the readers are here and reading it is because they love 2Jae and they want 2Jae to be really so what else is better then reading a 2Jae book." Jaebum said as he put his hands on Youngjaes waist.

"Yah! Writer!!" Youngjae yelled.

"Yes?" The writer asked as she realized she has been caught.

"We love you!!" He said as the writer smiled before sighing.

"I'm sorry it's taking forever to update!!" The writer said as she pouted and Jaebum smiled.

"Now get out because your gonna write a scene about me and my boyfriend kissing after you tell everyone how I'm gonna get Youngjae back........also Jinyoung." Jaebum said as he hugged Youngjae tighter before the writer disappeared to write more..

My little babyboy // 2J@3 // Jaebum+Youngjae Where stories live. Discover now