Chapter 5

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When Jaebum hung up with Jinyoung he stood up and picked up Youngjae. "Come on baby, let's go eat then we will cuddle and watch a movie." Jaebum said as Youngjae smiled and followed. Jaebum interwind their fingers together and walk to kitchen.

"Jaebum?" Youngjae questioned when they were half way threw the movie. When he didn't hear anything to looked up and saw that jaebum was asleep. He smiled to himself and laid back down on Jaebums chest. He then fell asleep, hoping not to have another nightmare.

But of was he wrong...

( a/n caution there is talk about Youngjae being rapped so if you don't like reading that stuff then you can skip but you don't have to) when you see the  next bold words that's were it ends.

Youngjae Nightmare
(This happened when Youngjae was 17😭😭)

  Youngjae POV

"I told you, if you told anyone about what I did to you then you get punished. Now turn around." He said to me as I did as I was told. I didn't mean to tell Jinyoung what happened it just slipped, when I was in little space.

I started to cry ten times worse when I felt his hands go to my belt and start to undo them. "What have I told you, Don't Not Cry Or I Will Kill Your Family!!" He screamed in my ear.

This guy rapes me one every other week!! I just want to die!! He is 31 and I am 17 but that doesn't stop him!!" My thoughts got cut off when I felt something enter my whole.

"Please, please st-stop!!" I screamed but he didn't care and then thrust into me making me scream in pain.

(a/n i apologize I can't write anymore its to hard so imma move onto after it all happened)

Jaebum POV

I fell asleep then all I remembered was waking up to see Youngjae crying. "omo, what's wrong?" I asked and all Youngjae did was get into my lap and hug me tight. "JaeJae?" I question and he nodded his head say "yes its JaeJae" 

"Oh baby what's wrong??" I questioned him as I held him tightly. He then stopped moving which at first made me think he feel asleep but then I remembered this happened before, and it scared the shit out of me.

"Baby!! JaeJae wake up!!" But he didn't wake up. But nothing so then I call Jinyoung but no answer. Last time this happened I called Jinyoung and we went to the hospital so.....I called for an ambulance.

My little babyboy // 2J@3 // Jaebum+Youngjae Where stories live. Discover now