2.Tag Along

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Joe Perry POV

I got out of bed and put on some clothes, honestly my little sister could be the queen of pain. That could be the name of her band if she had one The Queens of Pain. I kicked my dirty closes into pile. I walked out of my room. Alissa was sitting on the couch watching me.

"Little shit.",I muttered.

She just glared at me, then smiled a little. I grabbed the matches off the counter I walked to the trash can and pulled the bag out of the trash can. Trash spilled from the bag again.

"Damn it every time.",I hissed.

I heard Alissa Laugh.

"Shut up.",I said grabbing a bag to put the trash in.

I put the trash and the trash bag in the bag, and tied it. I picked it up and headed out the back door. I walked to the pit I made 3 years ago. I threw the trash in the pit, and lit a match. I threw the match in the pit. Burning the trash was more fun than letting the trash man take it away.

"Joe!",I heard Alissa yell.

I turned and saw her carry a bucket of water. I forgot the bucket again. I always forget that damn bucket of water. I watched Alissa walk my way with the full bucket of water. Water splashed out as she walked. Once she reached me she handed me the bucket, and walked back to the house. I looked down at the fire. Everything was almost turned into ashes. I watch the paper burn and turn in to ash. I threw bucket of water on the fire. I stood there and made sure there wasn't a small spec of light in the black ashes. I turned around and grabbed the bucket and walked back to the house. I looked up at the sky the sun was bright and there was a breeze. It was a perfect day to go to the lake, but I was going to see Steven at Uncle Jims to perform there to tonight. I put the bucket by the back door and went inside. Alissa was sitting on the couch reading a magazine the mail right next to her.

"Anything for me?",I asked

"Nope, sorry even the catalog company doesn't send you fan mail, so expect some blonde to be sending you letters.",She said

I put a bag in the trash can,and walked over to the freezer and grabbed a red popsicle. I walked over to the living room and sat down in a chair.

"Mom's gonna kill you if you get that on the couch.",She said her eyes never left the magazine has she flipped the page.

"Which is why it's not going to get on the couch.",I said taking a bite of the popsicle.

She rolled her eyes and continued reading. The phone rang I looked at Alissa for her to go get, but she just sat there and read. I got up and answered the phone.

"Hello.",I said.

"Hey Joey its mom.",My mom said.

I knew it was my mom when she said Joey she is the only one who calls me Joey in this whole entire world.

"Yes.",I said.

"Well I know you have a gig tonight, and me and your father are going out. So I want you to take your sister with you because of what's been going on around are neighbor hood.",She said.

No, no way not happening. The band doesn't even know she exists. Because as much as my sister annoys me, I know and all of the school knows she the prettiest girl in Sunapee. I really don't want her to get in the way of the band.

"But mom she's 16!",I fought back.

"Anthony Joseph Perry she is going with you and that's final!",She said.

Every kid knows a point in the fight when they will lose for sure, and that's when my mom uses my full name.

"Ok bye.",I said upset.

"Ok bye honey love you.",She said and hung up.

I threw away my popsicle, and dragged my feet back to the living room, I fell into my chair.

"Be ready at 6:00 we're going to Uncle Jims.",I said.

"I don't want to go!",She wined.

"I don't want you to go either.",I muttered.

"Moms making you go with me since she doesn't want you to be alone, because of the mugger around here.",I said

"B-but I 16 I can handle myself.",She wined.

"Your going I tried to talk mom out of it but she said no your going with me",I said.

"Well you didn't try good enough!",She said.

"Well forget your plans your coming with me.", I said

-- 8 hours later --

I put my guitar in the back seat of my car. And got in the drivers seat, Alissa say in passenger seat her arms crossed. I started the car, and pulled out of the drive way. I drove to Uncle Jims.

"Here are some rules. 1.You don't know me. 2.Stay away from the band and me. 3.Your riding the bus home and I'm giving you money to eat so you will come home later than me.", I said.

"Okay.", She mumbled.

Like she was going to hang out with me anyway. So she really didn't care for the first rule, but I cared about all three I didn't want the band to meet her let alone see her because how girl crazy they...we are especially Steven. I drove a few more minute and took a turn into Uncle Jims parking lot. I got out of the car so did Alissa. Alissa walked inside while I got my guitar out of the back seat

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