7.First Date pt.3

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Stevens POV

I smiled at Alissa. She gave me a weak smile, has she rubbed her wrist. She walked towards me I moved my hand for her to hold it. She took my hand I walked her to my car. I turned my head and looked at Joe who was giving a dead glare. He muttered something I couldn't read his lips. He slammed the door. I looked down at Alissa. She looked a little scared did I just miss something.

"Is everything okay?",I asked.

"Yeah.",She said and looked down still rubbing her wrists.

We got in the car.

"Your a terrible lair.",I said starting the car.

"No I'm not.",She said.

"Yes you are. You look down when your lying.",I said pulling out of there drive way.

"No I don't.",She said smiling a little and looked down.

"You just did it!",I laughed.

She shook her head smiling that cute smile of hers. I drove to the carnival. Has I drove me and Alissa talked about music we talked about what she wanted to do with her life. She hasn't figured that out.


We arrived at the carnival. We got out of the car and walked to the carnival. The carnival was right by the lake. I didn't think about telling Alissa to bring her bikini, or bring my swimming suite. Aw shit I wish I thought about that early I bet she looked sexy in her bikini. I looked down at her and just thought about it.

"What?",She said.

"Nothing.",I said I shook my head and smiled.

"What are you thinking.",She asked again.

"Well I just though about the lake and how we should have brought swimming suites.",I answered.

We entered the carnival. I went to the booth and paid for tickets.

"I'm letting you know now, I hate clowns.",She whispered.

"Why?",I asked.

"Because there creepy. And when I was 5 I went to the cirrus, and a clown tried to hug me but I didn't want to be hugged so I ran away... the clown chased me.",She said.

I laughed a little.

"It's not funny.",She said looking at a clown handing out balloons.

"You want a balloon.",I asked her looking from her to the clown and back to her.

"No!",She blurred.

I smiled.

"Fine. What do you want to do?",I asked looking around.

I saw a game with a stuffed animal raccoon with big eyes. I was gonna win it for Alissa. The game was you had to throw a ball and knock down the milk bottles... simple, easy. I grabbed her hand and led her threw the crowd of people to the game. The game was 2 tickets. I gave the tall middle aged man the tickets he handed me three small white balls. I threw the first one and was less than an inch away from the bottle.

"Damn it.",I muttered.

I threw the other ball and knocked all the bottles down. Alissa clapped I looked at her she was smiling.

"Which one?",The middle aged man asked.

"That one.",I said pointing at the raccoon.

The man nodded and grabbed the raccoon. He hand it to me I took it from him. And gave it to Alissa.

"Thank you.",She giggled while messing with its ear.

We walked off I put my arm around her shoulder.

"You know Raccoons are my favorite animal.",She said.

"Now I know, I had a pet Raccoon when I was younger, but gave him away. His name was Bandit, because he would pick your pockets when you weren't looking.",I said.

She smiled. "That's neat I will name him Bandit... I had a gold fish its name was Mr.NicePinkFish but Joe took it out of the bowl and put dental floss around its neck like a collar and had string that was a leash. He walked it around the back yard for a few hours. It died that was my last pet.",She said.

We laughed. We walked for a few minutes. She tugged my arm.

"Oh Bumper karts.", she said practically dragging me to the direction of the bumper karts.

I looked at the sign it was 4 tickets per person. I gave the man 8 tickets. he lets us in she got in a red kart and I got in a green kart. We waited for other people to join. Once all the karts were filled we could move. Alissa crashed into me she laughed.

"I will get you for that!",I said chasing her in my bumper kart when some crash into me pushing the other direction. I watched Alissa she was bumped across the court. I crashed into some 12 year old boys kart. Only to have a man crash in to me.

"Good job dad!",The boy said.

The man nodded I saw Alissa pass me I backed up and chased her when the kart stopped the time was up. We all had to get up and let the next people in line go. I got out of my Kart and waked over to Alissa who grabbed Bandit and got out of her kart. We walked off the court together. I put my arm around her waist this time we walked around looking for the next ride. When I saw a haunted house. We walked towards the haunt house I gave the woman 6 tickets. She placed us in a cart. We sat there for a second when the cart jerked forward. We were in a dark tunnel with fog surrounding the cart. When hands reached out for us. Alissa moved close to me to avoid the hands from touching her. I moved my hand behind her and grabbed her shirt collar and pulled it she jumped, and moved closer to me. I laughed a little at how easily scared she got.

"It's not funny.",She said looking around.

When we took a sharp turn and we were heading full speed to a wall of spikes. We weren't even inches from the wall when we turned. We slowly stopped in complete darkness I could barely see Alissa who sat right next. I only knew she was still next to me, because my arm was around her shoulder.

"I also hate the dark.",She said.

"It's not that bad.",I said.

"Yeah it okay when I'm with you.",She mumbled.

I would have kissed her right then and there but I couldn't find her face. So I lifted my right and placed it on what I think was her cheek. I pulled her face to mine and are lips touched. Her lips were a perfect fit to mine. Are lips moved in a perfect pattern. I moved my hand down to her hips. The cart started moving but we didn't mind we just kept on kissing. She jumped a little when someone in the background screamed. Who knew that this haunted house could be the tunnel of love. We pulled out of the dark into the light. That's when Alissa pulled away. I wondered if we could go in again, and not have to wait in line if I just give the woman tickets right now.

"Steven!",Someone yelled threw the crowds.

Alissa and my head whipped that way it was Brad and his girlfriend Jess.

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