Chapter 19

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"Dianne, you do not need that much stuff! We are going for a week, just 7 days. How do you have so much packed?!" Joe asked as he walked into their bedroom, where seemingly half of Dianne's wardrobe was strewn across the bed and floor, yet her suitcase was full to the brim.
"I've got Annie's things as well," she said, somewhat defensively. "It's not all mine."
Joe raised his eyebrows. "Hmm." Scowling slightly, Dianne dropped a final swimsuit into the suitcase and pushed it all down so it was tightly packed.
"You should know by now," she said, "that I'm the biggest over-packer in history. I just can't help it, it's like I panic over not having everything I might possibly need."
"Well, by the time you get bored of me nagging, you might actually pack a normal amount," Joe said cheekily as he grinned at his wife. "And then we wouldn't be having this... discussion."
"You're not funny," Dianne said, "besides. Who said I'm not bored of you already?"
Joe opened his mouth to retaliate but decided against it. He was beginning to stress about their honeymoon and their first time going on holiday with a new born. He knew it wouldn't be long before he made a comment he would regret saying so he just kept his mouth shut.
"Ha," Dianne whispered under her breath, "I win." Joe went to leave but turned back and quickly walked up to Dianne, forcing her to face him by gently pushing on her waist. Smiling softly, Dianne waited for Joe to move first. As he tipped his head slightly, he made their lips meet and smiled as he felt the upward curve of Dianne's. One of her hands came to rest on his shoulder, the other round the back of his neck as they kissed. In need of air, Joe broke off and smiled at Dianne.
"What did you do that for?" She asked, unable to keep the blush from rising in her cheeks.
"Because Annie's about to wake up, and then I wouldn't get a chance to until we're at the hotel and she's back asleep," Joe explained as he brushed a rogue piece of red hair behind her ear.
"Fair enough," Dianne chuckled slightly. At that exact moment, the baby monitor tucked neatly into Joe's back pocket lit up as Annie's cry echoed through it.
"Told ya!" Joe dropped a kiss on Dianne's hairline as he left her to finish up in the spare room. "Oh," he started, turning back to face her just before he walked out of the door, "Don't sneak any more clothes in while I'm gone."

"You're such a good girl, Annie. You did so well!" Dianne gushed as they came out of the airport in Greece. Annie hadn't once kicked up a fuss on the plane, and had been quite content people watching as they went through security. Smiling as though she understood her mum, Annie clapped her hands together, gazing up into Dianne's face as they waited for Joe to catch up from being in the toilet.
"Well done Princess!" Joe kissed the top of Annie's head before concentrating on the next job at hand- getting to the hotel. Having ordered a taxi when they landed, a friendly looking man with a kind face held up a sign outside his car with the word:
"That's us," Joe said, nodding his head over in the direction of the man. He lead his girls over to the man, who smiled at them and introduced himself before opening the doors, and helping to strap in Annie's car seat which Joe had been carrying. Dianne climbed into the middle of the car and fussed over her daughter; her heart was busting with pride over how good she had been on her first flight. The boot was closed and Joe climbed in next to Dianne, his hand automatically coming to rest on her thigh as the driver, who spoke fluent English, started to drive out of the airport whilst making conversation with his passengers.


Dianne sat by their private bit of pool, under the shade with Annie on her lap. She rubbed sun cream all over her daughter and secured a hat onto her head.
"There we go," she said, "we'll have no burning babies today! We'll have no burning Joseph's either." She had spotted Joe out of the corner of her eye coming out of their room. "Come on mister, just because you're nearly 30 doesn't mean you don't need sun cream."
"But Dianneee," he whined, "I want to tan!" He turned to her with a pleading look on his face.
"I'm only using carrot oil," she said, holding it up in her hand. "Or I can put Annie's factor 50 on you..."
"I'm coming." Picking up the baby, Joe pretended to be making Annie fly for a moment before he sat down in front of Dianne. "Go ahead. I'll have a back massage while you're at it-"


"You look insane." Joe picked his jaw up off the floor as Dianne stood in front of him. Her dress was long and flowy, a deep green with flower patterns dotted over it. The bodice was cut low, and Joe had to fight to keep his eyes from wandering. Dianne blushed and dropped her gaze to the floor, her dimple deepening. Being able to read her like a book, Joe could tell something was up. He stepped towards her and tipped her chin up with his finger, resting his forehead against hers.
"Tell me," he said gently.
"I look massive," she whispered, "my baby weight hasn't gone yet and my boobs are huge." Reaching down slightly, Joe found Dianne's hands and held them.
"Dianne. Your body grew our little baby girl, it's done such an incredible thing. You look fit as, and nothing will ever change that."
"Sure?" Dianne whispered, her voice cracking slightly.
"I'm 100% positive."
"Okay." Dianne moved her head slightly and pecked Joe's lips. "Thank you. I love you."
"I love you too. Loads."

The tension was high between them both all night. Joe was struggling to tear his eyes away from Dianne and he often found himself wishing they could have a room to themselves- without a baby in the corner. He was fully aware he had a hungry look in his eye but there was no stopping it.
"Joeeee." Dianne waved in front of his face as she stopped telling him about her mum and dads holiday to get his attention back. "You aren't listening are you?"
Joe shook his head and breathed deeply. "Sorry, I zoned out."
"I could tell. You were a million miles away!"
"Yeh." Joe pushed his hair back and sighed. "Sorry, you just look so fit."
"So do you, but I was trying to tell you about Mark and Rina's adventures to sunny Spain!" Joe smiled and, in the light from the bar, he could see a blush rising in Dianne's neck.

"Night night baby girl." Dianne kissed Annie's forehead and laid her gently in her travel cot. "See you in the morning gorgeous." Tucking her hair behind her ears, Dianne walked to the side of the room and picked up her makeup remove and began to wipe it off. She got ready for bed quickly and sat on top of the covers whilst Joe was in the bathroom, scanning through her social media's. Hearing the click of a door, Dianne looked up to see Joe come out of the bathroom and drop his jeans on to the floor.
"And you say I'm messy," she smirked. Shrugging his shoulders, Joe pulled on a pair of loose-fitting shorts and climbed into bed next to Dianne.
"You looked so good tonight," he said, "like I'm so lucky."
"You're being very... I don't know how to describe it. Like kind of sentimental but I don't think that's the right word."
"I've got no idea either but you're my wife and I just think you're fit."
Dianne reached across and took Joe's hand. "You're fit, you know I think you're fit." Moving onto his front, Joe pressed his lips against Dianne's and immediately deepened it feeling Dianne smile.
"What are you doing?" She breathed as they broke apart for a split-second for air before crashing back together again. "Anyone would think you want another baby," she joked only for Joe to break apart suddenly and look at her, a serious expression on his face.
"Would you want one?" He asked.
"Yes, I would."
Joe's face broke into a smile, "Oh good. I thought you were gonna say no for a second." Leaning together again, sparks flew as their lips connected once more. Joe's hand rested on Dianne's stomach as hers snaked around his neck, keeping him close to her. Feeling Joe reach for the waistband of her shorts, she placed a hand on top of his but stayed connected.
"Joe, we can't," she whispered into his lips. "We can't while Annie is in the same room as us!"
"She won't know," Joe pleaded. "You're too fit not too."
"You're very sweet and I appreciate the compliment but you're gonna have to wait until we get home and Annie's in the nursery. I will not have sex with my daughter in the room."
"Okay, I'll just wait till tomorrow night then, when we get home," Joe said with a cheeky grin and a wink.
"You're such a bloke sometimes," she said, rolling her eyes.
"But you love it..."
"Yes," she relented, "of course I do. Wouldn't have agreed to spend the rest of my life with you otherwise."

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