1) Lili's POV

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Hi I'm Lili Reinhart and I'm and actress. I used to be in a really abusive relationship with a guy called Archie. He used to beat me, rape me and used me for my money. After a few years I ran away to LA. Now I have an audition for Riverdale. I'm on my way driving to set in Vancouver. As I drive I pass a Starbucks so I decide to pop in for a quick coffee and as I walk through the glass doors I see my all time celebrity crush. Cole flippin Sprouse paying for a coffee too. I see him turn around after receiving his coffee and stare at me. After a while he introduces himself.
- Hi I'm Cole. I are?
- Oh sorry I'm Lili.
- By any chance are you going to and audition for riverdale because I really need a lift there. I'm doing chemistry reads with all of the Betty's that have been called back.
- Uuuh yes I am. I have my car just outside. I'll give you a lift if you don't mind waiting while I get my coffee.
-No not at all. I'll wait.
We waited in the queue until my name was called and we walked back through the glass doors.
- So who are you playing?
I asked.
- Jughead. And you must be auditioning for Betty right?
- Right you are.
He chuckled at my comment which made my cheeks cluster bright pink. What was this man doing to me.
- Nice outfit by the way.
- Thanks.
I was wearing a browny beige jumper and some blue high waisted skinny jeans with brown wedges ankle boots as it was winter.
- Not so bad yourself Sprouse.
- Hahaha.
He was wearing black jeans with brown ankle boots. On his upper half he was wearing a coat with a scarf and I guess a t-shirt underneath.

Once we got in my battered up silver Volvo I've had since I was 18 we started our journey to set. We laughed and talked the whole way there and I found that he was a real nice guy. I also realised he wasn't just my celebrity crush but my real one too now which scared me. He must have noticed me staring into space as the next thing I see is his hand being waved in front  of my face.
- You ok?
He asked with a worried tone.
- Ye just thinking.
We both walked to the auditioning room where in the waiting room outside there were several blondes waiting to be called in by Roberto.

I was tend last girl waiting to be called. The girl before me came out and gave me a dirty look through glassy eyes. Five minutes later I was called. I walked through the door into a small room with four people in it. Roberto, Cole, a raven haired girl and a red haired man whose hair had obviously been dyed.
- Hello Lili and welcome to your chemistry read. These are the other main characters of this season.
He pointed to the red haired man.
- This is Archie.
Next he pointed to the raven haired girl.
- This is Veronica
He said but before he could introduce Cole he introduced himself.
- And I'm Cole playing Jughead.
I giggled at his comment and interruption do Roberto.
- Yes so now you know your co-stars let's get in with the read. So the first read is with Archie.
We did the read and there was chemistry. We  did the scene where Betty tells Archie she loves him.
- Now with Veronica.
We did the scene where they first meet.
- And lastly Jughead.
We did the scene where Betty asks him to join the blue and gold.
- We will give you a call once we've reached a decision. Bye.
I waltzed through the door and back to my car. When I came close to my car I heard my name being called. I whipped around to see Cole running, shouting my name.
- Lili your my ride. Can you please drop me off at my apartment.
- Ye sure. Where is it?
He gave me his address and we made our way
to his apartment. He waved goodbye and walked off to the building. Once I was driving again I squealed with excitement and started to sing my favourite song which came on the radio. Shake it Off by Taylor Swift. It was a classic pop song.

I made it back to my apartment to see my best friend Casey sat on my couch.
- Hey guess what Cas?
- What?
- I got to drive Cole Sprouse to the auditions today as he's playing Jughead.
I squealed loudly and put my bag down on the counter with my keys.
- Well Lili I just got a call and I got the role of Kevin on Riverdale so we will be working together.
He replied excitedly. I hugged him so hard.
- I'm so proud of you.

811 words

Sorry it's not the best but I'm still getting used to writing.

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