4) Cole's POV

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I was waiting at Le Cafe De Gateaux for Lili to arrive. I thought that what she had told me about her liking me was because she was drunk so I asked her to meet me to make sure. I could see that she was upset the past few days and I never knew why. I wanted more than anything to run up to her and hug her with all my might.

My thoughts were interrupted by Lili sitting down in front of me with a pained face. I was going to start speaking when she cut me off.

L- Cole you don't have to explain. I understand that you only told me you liked me cause you were drunk.

I was stunned.

C- Lili you've got it all wrong.
L- What? I'm confused.
C- Lili I do like you. A lot. It's just that I avoided you because I thought you didn't like me back.
L- Oh. Well why don't we start our relationship over yeah?
C- Yeah. You wanna go for a walk.
L- Sure. Let's go.

We left the cafe and walked through the park nearby. We talked and laughed about everything and anything. After a while a started to get nervous. I think Lili noticed as she turned to me.

L- Cole what's wrong.
C- Ummm Lili I was wondering if you... er.... would come o-on a date w-with me t-tomorrow.
I stammered on my words and waited for the rejection. The it's to soon Cole. Or we only just expressed our feelings. But instead I got a...
L- I would love to Cole.

I was stunned. I couldn't believe that she said yes.

C- Ok well let's do tomorrow at 7. I'll pick you up.
L- Ok I'll see you then.

And with that she ran off home.

I returned to my apartment and squealed with excitement once I was inside. I went up to my room.

Cole's apartment:

Cole's apartment:

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