Chapter 11 The Legend Of Zelda!!!!!XD a dream come true!!!!XDXDXDXDXDXP

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Drake's P.O.V.

"Drake... Drake?",said a faint voice."Drake!"yelled Vanellope waking me up from my fantasy land."Are you ok?",she asked. "Yeah,why wouldn't I be?",I asked. "Because you've haven't answered a thing when I kept calling your name!",she said.

"What?really? All I heard was a faint vio- oohh. That was you?", I asked."yes that was me! Whats wrong with you right now?",she asked."what's wrong with me?nothing!nothing at all!",I said."hmm",she said eyeing me."let's just go alrea-",was all I said until I hit myself on the wall."OW,MY NOSE",I said holding my nose. man it hurted." Well you should pay more attention on were your going",said Vanellope."come on the game is right over there ",she said pointing to the Legend Of Zelda game. When we got into the game it looked so cool. We had to take a cart. Venturing in the game seemed like a dream come true to John,Rin,and Alex. They were Gawking in awe while we were in the cart. Man those three must really like that game. When we entered the game me and Vanelllope heard a Thud sound. When we turned around Alex,John,and Rin past out with goofy smiles on their faces. Dorks. The cart stopped and I saw the reason why they did past out. It looked like exactly like The Legends of Zelda. Hmm. I wonder where's Link? And Zelda. Maybe got out and went to G.C.S. I then felt like someone was watching me and turned around.

No one....


I heard a twig snap and looked behind again and walked to the bush behind me that sounded like someone was behind of. I was about to see it until."Drake,be a pal help me wake up these idiots will ya?",asked Vanellope."uh...yeah sure. Be there a sec. I just ignored it and went to help Vanellope out.

??? P.O.V

Phew! That was a close one. Why am I doing this again? Do I even need to hide from him? Hmm. Maybe I'll scare him!haha. Yeah that would scare him all right. Ill just go up behind him on perfect timing. And then.... Pounce!  I scare him half to death! Hahaha. Yeah. Just like old times. how I've missed those days.

Drakes P.O.V.(again)

I was trying to wake up these dorks from their fantasy land but nothing seemed to work. Guess that leaves my next option.

*gets a three buckets of water*(I think you know what he's going to do with it)*splashes it on all three of them*

They woke up quickly."you won't believe the craziest dream I just had. We were sucked Into a game and met Lucy and were in the Legend of Ze- oh wait",said Rin as he realises that that was real. "Nope no dream. That was all real dork. So real that you pasted out! Or you just looked at Vanellope",I smirked at Rin. He got ticked."well you don't hear me saying anything about you and Lucy,do you?!",he yelled at me. I shutted up."OK now let's go to the hospital. were is it?",Calhoun asked."do we still even need to go to the hospital now? Vanellope is cured with the venom right?",i asked."Negative. That venom works for a short while apparently. You need a cure. Which is why we are here. This game is perfect for it. They have every thing! Well mostly every thing",said Calhoun."then let's just ask someone,like um...her!",I said pointing to a girl who looked like she was hiding from someone.

Authors note:

Sorry took so long. And short. Sorry. I was going to put one of Halloween but ran out of time apparently. Aw. Well at least I updated. And I'm sorry I didn't out Mario. I just don't know how to put him in the story and the little plan I have in my head for the story. But I still am making this up as I go. Sorry it its sucks. I really tried in this chapter.

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