Chapter 8: Breakfast.

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Theo awoke the following morning, feeling unrefreshed. His dreams had been, once again, memories of him and Ruth. He'd tried so hard for the past week to dispel them but they seemed to be lurking around at the back of his mind.

He slowly got out of bed and got ready before heading to the kitchen to prepare sandwiches for the breakfast date later. He wondered what type of sandwiches Shailene would like. After considering for a few moments he went with chicken and avocado sandwich. He filled a hot flask with tea and satisfyingly walked out of the front door. Somehow, looking forward to having breakfast with his co-star.


He arrived outside the studio to find Shailene already there. Today, she wore tank top and training shorts. A much more appropriate attire than what she wore yesterday before changing into her training suit. She looks pretty, Theo thought. This lady in nothing but a tank top and shorts yet looking so stunning.

'Morning Theo!' Shailene quipped energetically and bounded over to him, helping him with the sandwiches.

"Morning." Theo greeted coolly.

They managed to find a spot near the entrance of the studio with picnic tables and they settled down for breakfast.

It was uncomfortable at first. The whole process of having breakfast together. There were polite comments about how the sandwiches were delicious, how Theo enjoyed Shailene's previous movie, how Shailene felt about Theo's performance as Four during the audition.

'So why do you only drink from your bottle?' Theo asked, unable to harbor the curiosity any further. He was a little offended yesterday, the way she rejected his water and making the comment that she only drinks from her bottle.

Shailene gave a huge laugh and Theo immediately felt embarrassed from having asked the question.

"Sorry," Shailene apologized "I like my water from natural sources, so most of the time the water in my bottle is spring water which I collected myself." She explained.

Theo looked at her in awe.

"So you go up to the mountains and carry the water yourself?" Theo asked.

Shailene nodded with a huge smile on her face. Theo laughed. This is one amazing girl, he thought. She is so natural.

"That's cool, you should bring me there one day!" Theo commented before he realized what he'd just suggested. Did he just asked for a date? Before he could change his mind, the excited look on Shailene's face made him feel like he'd done the right thing. He likes the way she smile and every time she does, he can't help but smile too.

The rest of breakfast passed with conversation flowing easily and them both sharing a little about their personal lives and film lives before Divergent. Theo learnt that Shailene loves organic stuff and would always opt for organic.

"Yeah that's pretty much the way it was." Shailene said.

"How about the experience working with Miles?" Theo asked.

Shailene went into a full description of what Miles was like, the experience working with him. Theo just looked at her and nodded as she went on. He found himself observing her much more than he would like himself to. He likes the way her hands draw figures in the air as she tries to describe stuff, the way her hair flow in the soft breeze and the way her lips move as she talks.

Theo then noticed a few strands of loose hair freeing themselves from Shailene's ears.

Before he could properly register what he was trying to do, he leaned over the table. Shailene, shocked, stopped talking. He held the few strands of hair in his finger and gently brush and tuck them neatly back behind the ears.

"Thank you." Shailene said, obviously embarrassed by what had happened.

Theo smiled at her. He likes the way her hair feels in his fingers. The gentle brush of his skin against her cheek. Shailene was visibly flushing.

"HEY YOU TWO!" Someone shouted from behind. Theo turned. It was Abrams.

"Good, you guys. Very early. Come in, we start training now." He commanded.

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