Chapter 14: Stone and Rose

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3rd Person

The familiar figure with angel wings made Nico feel like he had ever right in the universe to punch the hell out of Cupid with no consequences whatsoever. But oh- is the universe never fair. No it's not. Universe sucks and you want nothing to do with it- trust me. 

"It appears you two are aware of who I'm taking you to. Mr.Di Angelo. I'm glad to see you again, even if it isn't in the best of moods dude." Nico shrugged, but Leo could see the anger coiled in his muscles, so he nudged Nico with his shoulder. It was a sign of support more than anything and Nico would be lying if he said he didn't appreciate it. 

"We're ready to go winged angel dude." Leo grinned as the angel lifted himself off the ground.

"I'm gonna let the winds take you two up, try to stay still and relax immediately when we land." Leo slowly nodded while Nico mentally and physically prepared himself for the next events. When bits of wind picked up, Nico attached his hand to Leo's by reflex and they were off. Swept in a tunnel of sharp wind and cool air. 

It started as soon as it finished and the duo landed on the ground of a courtyard in the sky. Leo managed to stay upright, while he balanced Nico. The Son of Hades had his palms on his knees and hunched over, almost confident he was about to lose his insides. 

Cupid's servant chuckled and gestured for them to follow as the demigods followed behind into the building. It was the same as Nico remembered, and that made him feel nauseous. But a loud and sickeningly sweet voice called to their attention.

"Ah- there they are! I was quite wondering when these two were going to get here. Oh it just make the butterflies in my stomach flutter upon seeing these two sweethearts. Well- as much as a Son of Hades can get." Cupid smiled while Leo's head snapped forwards, a finger raised.

"Hey now Mr.Love God. Nico is plenty nice! Just towards people he cares about the existence of." Nico raised an eyebrow, but didn't object nor did he deny the facts. But either the jab went over Cupid's head or he was standing for being one of the more laid back Gods when in Cupid form instead of Eros. Because he chuckled and swiveled a hand over his 'heart'.

"Oh my! I might've been offended, if not for the young Hades offspring caring for you Son of the Hot-Headed Mechanic!" The demigod's next words were drowned out in their minds when their faces favored a more redish tint. Cupid chuckled once more, but Nico quickly shook it off and stepped forwards, the magical chains making a small 'clink'.

"What do you want Cupid? What the hell are you planning with this little act?" Nico's voice was sharp and clear. Because in the face of someone who could make Nico fall in love with a dog, Leo felt his respect for the Son of Hades flare up again. Cupid's smile didn't drop, as if he expected Nico to ask that, and he probably did. 

"Well now, Mr.Nico. Both of you need a push in the right direction for once, don't you agree?" Nico raised an eyebrow.

"We saved the world, saved the gods, helped multiple times despite the danger. How much more 'right direction' would you want?" There was only a bit of snark, this time Nico was genuinely curious. Cupid shifted in his seat, as if he were trying to explain this without giving the answer away. Finally-

"Yes this is true. But I said 'right direction'. That doesn't necessarily mean for anyone one else. I was never specific in who I said the 'step in the right direction' was for, now was I?" Nico tilted his head to the side, but his face held up his same deadpan expression. So the god continued, "Oh young love. It's confusing as it is dangerous. Child don't tell me you haven't seen anything in this Son of Hephaestus. Not at all?" Cupid sighed, "Even so, I assume you're here to get the spell broken." 

This caught two very vigorous nods from the demigod's. Cupid let another exasperated sigh, "You two are momentarily hopeless. But very well. It is a stone you need. One that shines a special color when both of you touch it at the same time. When you get this stone, you will know what to do from there." Nico nodded, already noting everything. So Leo stepped forwards/

"Do you know where this stone might be? Oh great Matchbreaker." Cupid snorted but glanced around in amusement before thinking a moment. He held up a finger, as if a light-bulb went off in his head, nodding.

"I do yes. I was the one who placed it there many years ago. But I assume you want me to tell you where it is. Well- young demigod-." Suddenly Cupid's size shrunk down to mortal height, and he was standing a foot in front of Leo, a very amused expression there, "I might tell you. Since I find this love-story so interesting." Leo froze, as well as Nico who was standing a bit behind Leo. 

The former god almost looked mortal. With the tied back blonde hair, and sunglasses propped on his head. The tan T-shirt and white jacket. The bleached jeans included. But his golden eyes gave away himself along with the golden tinted pink glow around him. Said god tapped Leo on the nose, "But I'll have to ask for something in return-." Before he could make his request, Nico reached forwards and wrapped an arm around Leo's shoulders, pulling him back with an expression of annoyance, but eyes seething with anger. They were reflecting a sense of territorial marking that Cupid found lovely interest in.

"What would that be," Nico growled, almost daring Cupid to say something stupid. To ask something that would change a raging wolf from crouching on his hunches to springing at an attack. Cupid's eyes glinted while Leo's face was red, his ear-tips smoking at how tight Nico was pressing the Latino against his slightly taller frame. 

"I only request a golden rose. One that should be found easily if you obtain the stone the right way. You get this rose for me, or if you promise to- then I will tell you where to look. Do we have a deal good demigods?" Leo and Nico glanced at one another, before Nico let go and stepped forwards shaking Cupid's hand.

"Yes. We'll get you the rose." Cupid grinned. A grin that told Nico that this rose would be more difficult to receive than what Cupid was letting on. But the god nodded an reappeared back to his godly size on his throne.

"Alrighty then! The stone is in a cave on the beach off the North West coast of France. I can take you there quickly now. Or you can leave- regroup- and go yourselves. What be your choice?" Leo glanced at Nico, who mimicked the action. An understanding passed through them and Nico looked up.

"We'll go now."

Words: 1206

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