Don't Mention This (Asch x Rhys)

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Request by: subscrubSleepykinq

Pairing: Asch x Rhys

Type: Fluff

Extra: Where one pulls the other horns? (Reference to your book. That said book is Make Me Come Alive.) I would like to see how they would react!

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Rhys sat on his bed thinking about everything that happened so far, something strange happened between Leif and Pierce while a strange spirit from their dimension came and seemed to be an acquaintance with Prince Asch; it looked just like the Spirit the human sorceress had. He was given a food human had called Icecream that he had to explain to the others what it was and how it was something enjoyable to eat. They were given a remote to learn more about human culture and soon learned that Prince Asch and Pierce liked drama and action shows, while Noi preferred adventure along with himself, and Leif liked watching romance and dragging a mildly confused Pierce along.

They all had their own interests, he'd tell Lady Grandma about everything he learned as soon as possible. He took in a deep breath and focused on everything that happened, what he was doing was called meditation he did it often on his own time when his thoughts were jumbled or when he needed to reflect on a situation. He opened his eye once he heard a knock on his door. "Who's there?" He asked. "It's Pierce, Prince Asch sent me over here to inform you that he requests to see you in his room immediately," Pierce informed, Rhys nodded even though it was only to himself. "I'll be there as soon as I can," 

"Alright," The footsteps faded into the distance and Rhys took a deep breath and stood up. He looked to his book that was beside his bed, he shook his head; he wouldn't need it. Rhys walked towards his door opening it and closing it behind him, he looked over to his left to see Leif taunting Noi, no doubt Pierce had gone to his room or to guard Prince Asch's door to his room which he could currently see he was no longer doing. He must have gone to his room then.

He walked towards Prince Asch's room hearing the taunts of Leif shift to what he was doing approaching Prince Asch's door, he ignored it. He stood in front of Prince Asch's door and knocked on it waiting for the response. "Come in Rhys," Rhys took that as a signal and opened the door to see Prince Asch standing in front of his bed, arms crossed a displeased look of his face. A wave of anxiety flooded over Rhys. 'Did something happen? What would he be mad and call me over, I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong yet.' 

Rhys thought, he took a few steps towards Prince Asch, Prince Asch unfolded his arms and sat on his bed his legs crossed a snarky grin on his face; he patted the seat next to him. "Come on, take a seat before I make you," Prince Asch said the grin never leaving his face. Rhys nodded and went to go sit next to Prince Asch keeping a safe distance between them, Prince Asch looked over him his head titling. "So are you going to sit there or will I have to make you move closer?" Prince Asch asked while Rhy looked at him confused look on his face. 

"I don't know what you mean Prince Asch, this is the usual distance you want us at when sitting next to you." Rhys informed trying to not come off with a tone that said 'I know what I'm saying.' Prince Asch scoffed and reached his arm over to grabbed his smooth blue horns and gave a tug at them, Rhys's face flushed bright red. Prince Asch let go of his horns with a sly grin with his arm returning to his side and looked at him. "Will I have to repeat that again Rhys?" Prince Asch asked. With a flushed face, Rhys shook his head and moved closer to him.

Prince Asch wrapped an arm around Rhys's shoulder a finger tapping his shoulder to a nonexistent beat, Rhys rested his head on Prince Asch's shoulder, they stayed like with for a few moments embracing the silence they were given. "Look, Rhys, just..." He looked away light red flushing his face. "Don't mention this to anyone, ever." Rhys nodded. "Of course Prince Asch,"

"Look," Asch began. "Don't think I'm doing this because I like you or anything, you should feel honored to be cuddling with me! Don't think I'll do this often or anything," Rhy chuckled and gave him a small smile. "Sure, whatever you say Prince Asch."

"Good!" Asch grinned. "I don't want anyone hearing of this alright? It stays between us."

"I get it, between us Prince Asch, no one else, exactly."

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