Just Platonic (Rhys x Asch)

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Request by: IAmACrazyRedHead

Pairing: Rhys x Asch

Type: Fluff

Extra: They get caught being cuties like cuddling and fluff like that, awkwardness ensues. 

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The frigid air past throughout the apartment as another veil of cold set in on everyone there, it even managed to sneak its way into the demon's part of the apartment, no one but Prince Asch was safe from the abnormal cold of the apartment on that day. 

For him days in the cold were nothing but another day to him, the cold never affected him due to his fire magic. His fire magic regulated his body temperature to stay at a constant temperature of warmth that would provide comfort in the normal heat or weather they had just enough so he'd be comfortable in any clothing that came his way; if the weather caused it to be cold or winter came along he's temperature would rise, using slightly magic every few hours to contain that sense of comfort he always had ever since he learned to control them. 

So once winter came upon them all and the sudden shift of clothing, attitude, and complaints he never really saw the problem, the cold was never really his problem and it never would be. As the cold came along Ava started staying in her room, with her staying in her room more meant more time for planning on what to do and how to deal with the entire problem or it's the concept of it; the cold. 

Every single one of them but Asch had their complaints about it Noi's being how it's suddenly cold now, Pierce's being that he can't get warm, Leif's being how everyone is complaining about the cold when he's warm, and Rhys being how he's always cold; but Prince Asch just brushed them off, it was their problem, not his. He and Leif could consider themselves lucky, the warmth came to them as a natural, it never affected them and if it did it'd be Leif who is affected, not him.

And so there Prince Asch sat on the couch the Tv playing as some sort of background noise to block out the other things surrounding him as he thought about things, next to his was Rhys, his attire still the same just the shirt being longer and a little more thicker than it previously was. As Asch was thinking he felt a distance sound, like someone saying his name, he looked over to Rhys who was saying his name, addressing him with some sort of importance. "You need something?" Asch asked. 

Rhys looked at his a bit surprised he answered back, he hadn't answered back earlier so why now? "Ah, your Highness, I had a questioned for you," Rhys said. "And that is?" 

"Does your... Magic keep you warm, like enhance your body temperature, I never really got the chance to test that out?" Rhys questioned, Prince Asch blinked and pondered on the thought for a few seconds. Technically with his magic, it could enhance his temperature along with his body heat, but the question was if his body heat kept him warm could it keep others warm along with radiate body heat to help others if they were cold. Maybe he could test it out, he looks to Rhys, he's the only one he could test it out on. 

He pulled Rhys into an embrace, an arm wrapping around his waist pulling him closer. "Are you... Warmer? Or does it only work for me?" Prince Asch questioned, Rhys's face grew slightly red after a few seconds nodding. "So it is my magic that keeps me warm." They both stayed quiet, neither of them moving. "Do you want to stay like this or do you want to move?" Asch questioned, Rhys shook his head and moved a little closer to him resting his head on his chest. 

They stayed like that for a while, Rhys inching closer into the embrace he was held in trying to soak up all the warmth he could from his friend. Seconds passed by along with minutes it felt like a few seconds but it had been more than that, the embraced the other the Tv still standing as background noise, but all good things come to an end once Leif walked to the room someone following behind him. The other person quickly left once they saw the scene, face slightly red but a little unfazed to the situation since they had done things similar to that before. 

However, Leif didn't move but instead brought attention to himself. "Ey, what do we have here? And to think you say your all tough but look at what you're doing right now." Leif's words were met with a glare that said everything. 

"Ey, I'm not gonna say anything," Leif said crossing his arms, Asch looked at him with a glare. "You better not have anything to say or else," Asch warned. "Look, all I'm gonna say is if you don't want any of this to come up then you have to make me a deal alright?" Leif asked taking a few steps towards the two. "What do you want now Leif?" Asch raised an eyebrow at what he said. 

"Look, if you want this to stay between the three of us then you have to uphold a deal with me," Leif explained stopping a few feet in front of the two hands on his hips. "And that would be?" Rhys asked. "Okay, look, if you see me doing anything like that," He pointed towards what Rhys and Asch were doing. "or kissing, making out or something like that you'll ignore it, you won't mention it and will pretend it never happened; if you do I'll do the same to you two," Leif explained, both Rhys and Asch eyed him. 

"Are you doing something I don't know about behind my back?" Asch asked, Leif looked away with a sly smile. "Mmm, I've been busy, don't worry about my love life and I won't worry about your's."

Asch looked away. "Fine, we have a deal?"

"Deal," Leif said. 

"Now if you mind me I'm gonna go and make out with someone and you can't do a thing about it," Leif smirked as he walked away; Asch blinked. "I'm not even gonna ask, even with as much as I want to find out who can stand him."

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