Truth or Dare

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Summary: the bau team gather at Penelope's apartment to have dinner. Later you guys get bored so you decided to play truth or dare.

I got to Penelope's apartment I was a few minutes deciding what to wear. When I got there I saw Morgan, Emily, JJ, Penelope and Spencer. Hotch  couldn't come because he wanted to spend some time with his son and Rossi was spending time with his daughter and grandchild. We ate and then Penelope said, "hey! Lets play truth or dare!" We all agreed. Nothing bad could happen. I was although nervous. I started and called Penelope, "Penelope, truth or dare?" She said truth. Ugh, no fun. I said with a smirk, " umm, have you ever had a crush on someone on the team?" "Ugh, (y/n). You did me dirty. I did had a small crush on someone." Penelope made eye contact with Morgan. Penelope asked me now. I said dare, she was my friend and she wouldn't be mean to me. I hope. Penelope said with a smirk, "I dare you to... rate everyone from a scale 1-10 in this room." God, I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to rate people. "Fine. Umm, JJ... 10. Emily, 10, Penelope, 10, Morgan, 10. And Spencer 10. There." Penelope didn't like my answer. But I just said "hey, I rated them." After Morgan was up and dared Penelope to text her ex she missed him. She did. Next it was Emily. Emily asked me if I had to kiss someone in this room who would i do kiss. The answer was simple. "Umm, Spencer." Right away as I said that Spencer looked at me and I felt embarrassed. I looked away and I asked Spencer truth or dare. "Umm, dare?" He said fidgeting with his fingers. I said "umm, I dare you to kiss someone in this room." I knew he would kiss JJ, I mean he used to like her. He looked around the room and he made eye contact with JJ and he looked away. I sat there until he made his choice he later closed his eyes and crashed him lips onto mine. I was surprised and I was blushing. His lips were soft. I kissed back. It lasted a few seconds but then someone cleared their throat. He stoped and sat back down. I didn't know what to do I felt embarrassed and everyone looked at me and Spencer. I couldn't be there anymore. I excused myself and pretended someone called me. I went outside and I was panicking, I had feelings for Spencer and after this kiss I would only think about his lips onto mine. And now, it would be harder to get him out of my head! I went inside and said I had to go. "What, why? Is everything ok?" I head Penelope say as I was walking out the door. I told her everything was fine and that tomorrow we could have breakfast. I left in a hurry I almost heard Spencer saying, "wait, (y/n)!" I got in my car and went home. Oh no. Why did I have to dare him to kiss someone. Sure I felt happy he kissed me but my feelings took over. "It was only a dare" I reminded myself. I was reading a book and after a while I was getting ready for bed when I heard a knock. It was 1 in the morning. Who could that be? I grabbed my gun incase and i looked at the peep hole and saw Spencer. I opened the door. "Hey, what are you doing here?" "I- Umm, I'm sorry." He said as he started to run his hands through his hair. I loved his hair so much. It was curly, brown, and soft. I looked at him and I grabbed his chin so he could look at me and i told him, "it's ok, it was a dare." He looked at me and he looked more nervous. And he whispered truth or dare, I was surprised and I looked at him. He whispered truth or dare again. I looked at him and said, "dare." He looked at me and took the strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear. My hear melted. He said, "I dare you to go on a date with me." I was so surprised I looked at him and I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. I didn't know that Spencer could ever ask someone out he was normally so awkward which I though was adorable. I was finally able to say, "truth or dare?" I looked at him beautiful hazel eyes. He said dare also. I blushed and I said, "I dare you to kiss my again." He grabbed both of my cheeks and slowly leaned in. He put his soft lips onto mine. He moved his lips slowly, then he started to part his lips and stick his tongue out for enternece. I wanted to tease so I kept them closed. He then pulled me closer and I parted my lips. I tangled my hands into his soft hair. We stopped because we need air. I started to smile and he smiled. His smile was so beautiful. He said, "we should play truth or dare more often." I smiled and he kissed me on the forehead, nose, and lips and said goodnight. He left and the whole night I was blushing and I was excited for the date Spencer dared me to go on. He didn't have to dare me though because I would happily agree.

(A/n): if you have any suggestions tell me and I will write about it. Also, sorry if these are bad. Have a good day :)

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