part 3

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In the morning ,Anika opened her eyes and found her husband sleeping peacefully beside her.She smiled and leaned to him.She kissed his forehead causing him  pout in sleep.

She kept her head over his chest sadly.She always wished for this moment.She so wanna wake up like this daily with her husband sleeping beside her.She wants to do his morning chores and send him to office daily.Although, he loves her but his absence is making her weak day by day.She quickly got up tugging him in blanket and took quick shower.

She was drying her hair and frowned as shivaay did'nt even move a bit since she has awaken.After getting ready she goes towards bed and sits beside him.

She leaned to his ear .

Shiv:Good morning hubby,She whispered huskily in his ears

Smile crept on  his face hearing the melodious voice.He made cute and annoying pouts with his eyes still closed.She chuckled on his nautanki.

Ani: Mr.Oberoi you are getting late.Come on  get up." She kissed his cheek.

Shiv:Hayye , He finally opened his eyes and caged her in his arms.

Shiv:You know what,Sweetheart? I  wanna get up daily like this. He tugged her hair strand behind her hair and pecked her forehead.Anika smiled and kept her head in his chest.

Anu:I also wanna wake you up like this daily. She intewined her fingers with his. He kissed their palm sadly.

Shiv:I  love you.Jaan. " he carrassed her hair.She smiled.

Ani:Now get up shivaay.I will make breakfast for you.She pecked his forehead.

Shiv:That day will also come soon.When I will eat food made by your own hands daily." He made pattern on her back.

Ani:Hmm.Ab uthyiye take bath and come downstairs fast.She was about to go but Shivaay again pulled her to his chest stubbornly.He looked deep into her eyes.

Ani:Shi..vaay! she whispered looking into his changing dark grey eyes full of desires.

He pulled her more into his chest with his fingers finding the knot if her top  sensouosly.

Shiv:Aoo na pyaar krtay hain.Let's make love,Sweetheart.He whispered huskily  coming closer to her lips.

Ani:Aahan.She placed her palm on his lips making him annoyed.

Ani:uthiye or jayiye.She acted like smacking him.He laughed and quickly rolled over coming on top of her.

Shiv:Not before making love sweetheart.He looked into her eyes with his intense grey orbs.

She knew that he needs her right now.She regretted taking bath early already knowing about his morning fantcies.Also,she will miss like hell for one more week.

He took her lips into a passionate kiss intangling his legs with hers.He  thew the duvet on other side of the bed,coming on top of her.He smooched her lips passionately and i
the the next moment her top got torn mercilessly.She gasped at his sudden act.He smiled sheepishly making her looking down in shyness.

He again liplocked her. Snaking his arms around her  waist,he flippped their positions whike kissing each other manicly.He adjusted her on his chest  deepening the kiss.Unclasping her bra he passiontely sucked her lower lips while she was working on his lower lips.

He thrown the bra  in of the  corners of the room.She took dominance and devoured his mouth.She bit his lower lip making him groan in between the kiss.

Gasping for air they broke the kiss.Both were  panting  heavily  joined their foreheads.Cupping each other face they looked into each other's eyes with desires.

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