Actress Darcy Michaels returns to the set of Captain America: Civil war alongside long time friend Sebastian Stan and longtime Crush Chris Evans
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@marvel filming has started for #theangelsolider
@user oh my god Alice has purple hair!!
@user this cast is amazing
@user when does this take place? Surely not present day? | @marvel the movie will take place before 2011, before Alice found out about Steve being alive.
@user can marvel or at least Darcy explain what's going to happen or at least a little bit. | @thedarcymichaels this movie will be about Alice finding herself in a world without Steve and Bucky after she gets out from Cryo. We do see Alice change into what she is today but she goes through a roller coaster of emotions.
@user she replies oh my god my queen!!
@chrisevans @thedarcymichaels you look real good in that suit.
@user uhm what are we missing something here?? What??
@user they have to be dating
@elizabetholsen let me cry silently in a corner because of how gorgeous Darcy looks | @thedarcymichaels oh my god I love you