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You may or may not like Neil's character in this but it was a realistic version of him where he's not perfect. Please don't demotivate me after reading by saying Didn't like Neil and that stuff. Inspiration from one episodes of the ten year leap.

His alcoholic breaths, his firmness on me, his fingerprints on my arms from where blood was oozing out, his hatred, his behaviour made me shudder. I never knew, there would be a day where I had to experience his this side.

"Why. Did. You." He began, holding my jaw with his hand way too harshly. I was pinned to the cupboard with a loud thud, my skull banged on it, giving me throbs all around my head. His fingers dug deep in my skin, it hurt to open my mouth, or to create any movement on my face, let alone answer his questions. "Leave me?" He resumed. His fingers turned red to the pressure he was applying.

"I.." Choked on my words? Should I be telling him that? I would have if he lets go of me. "You?" He repeated, his glare became more threatening as the alcohol took over him, the smell frightened me more. He could do anything under its influence.

"I was scared." Heck! I am scared Neil. I'm scared of you. I hissed and closed my eyes as I felt my body shook with my failing-to-affect-him sobs. "Say it louder." He questioned, pinning me more firmly, as I tried to wriggle out. Blood was clotting in my right hand as my lower arm, above the wrist was held my him, too tightly.

"I..I was scared." I repeated. The last time I said this to him, he had hugged me, caressed me, made me believe that he would protect me. This time, I'm scared to say it to him. Because he's the reason.
"Of?" He asked, unaffected by it all. "Neil you're hurting me." I spoke, a bit louder. He could just slap me tightly for that, he would do it.

"Oh I'm hurting you Avni? Should I leave you?" Neil asked, his expression changed to a softer one, but the grip on me didn't. "Yes." I replied. Why was he oblivious to it? Didn't he know?

"I'm.." He replied and let go of me. He still cared. He did.

Or did he?

Because two seconds later, I found myself fallen face-hit to the wooden floor, there was a sheer defeaning pain in my cheek. He hit me.

"BECAUSE YOU DESERVE TO GET HIT! YOUR PAIN IS NOTHING AS COMPARED TO WHAT I FELT WHEN YOU LEFT ME 10 YEARS AGO! IT ISN'T EVEN A FRACTION OF IT AVNI! YOU DESTROYED MY LIFE. IT'S TIME I DID THAT TOO. I am currently serving the best punishment. I'm trying to love even when my heart is possessed by you." He said, kneeling besides my face. His facial muscles tightened, there was more anger.

"It was hard for me too." I mumbled against the floor, as I sobbed loudly. "Oh it was? It was?" He asked sarcastically, holding my face and turned it towards him. His eyes contained accusation. And hatred. Devoid of love.

"Neil please leave me. You're hurting me. Please." I begged in front of that man. Poor Neilanjana, already weak at heart, was suffering from a major blow.

"Superman.." I heard that whisper and saw my son standing at the threshold, with teary face. "Tell him to stay out of this." Neil ordered me. He couldn't be harsh to him. If I had to escape, I had to use him.

"Mowgli. Come here." I spoke softly, scared from inside. "I told you to tell him to go." Neil repeated glaring more hardly. I gestured Mowgli to come. He did with trembling feet, crying seeing my condition.

"Mu-" He began but I shook my head. If he knew Mowgli was our son, I was so. So. So. Dead.

"Go back baby." Neil ordered, smiling despite his anger. He shall not hurt Mowgli under the influence of alcohol. He shall not do it. "Go." I said, helpless. He ran from there, after dropping his Superman toy there.

"Was he about to say Mumma?" Neil asked, smirking. "N..no." I replied quickly. He staggered and I seized the opportunity to retreat from him.

"Come here." He said, advancing towards me. I dragged my feet backwards towards the door, sobbing. He knew it. He so knew it. I was dead.

I tried to run. Spots enslaved my vision, blurring it but I made it a point to run. "COME BACK! I WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU DID IT!" Neil screamed, chasing me from behind. I felt I strong tug at my wrist and before I knew, I was falling down. The sharp edges of the stairs hit against my back.

That tug was to save me or to kill me, I didn't know. I shall never know.

It was the episode where he comes drunk at home. Did you like it so far? Drop your comments. Please avoid something demotivating..

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