Chapter 13

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Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel

This love is difficult, but it's real

Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess

It's a love story, baby, just say yes

(Love story - Taylor Swift)


"Done", Break whispered, looking down on your bandaged back, "Now put this dress on"

You turned around to face him and saw the great innocent smile, which covered nearly his whole face.

"What are you waiting for?"

"For you to turn around, or better to go outside."


"Are you really asking? I can't change clothes, when you're watching!"

"I can't see, why not..."

"You...! Just get out!"

"Aye, aye~" He left the room through the cupboard.

When you were dressed and let him back in the room, Break begged you to tell him what happened.

"You surely remember the day, when I left the Rainsworth, right?"

"The day, when you confessed me your love?"

"Eeeeehm yes... However, after I had taken this carriage, it didn't took much time and the Baskervilles hijacked it. They - rather she - killed the coachman and stole my sword! I-I was defenseless..."

"What about Kaichō?"

"I... He tried, but this girl had also a chain.."

"You lost?" Break smirked and sat down on one of the two chairs in the room. You looked at him with an evil eye and took place on the other chair.

"Not funny. And by the way Kaichō is dead. You know, that was the first thing they forced me to do; dispatch him on my own."

"Oh yes! That's good. So, it wasn't too late to get rid of him!"

"You hate him? Well, now he's not with us anymore..."

"You told me, they forced you to this - and other things, am I right?"

"Hell, yes. I was helpless, so I did whatever they wanted me to do: spying, killing, ambushing people and so on. When I made mistakes, they punished me. A good example is my back. Though, I made many mistakes. Look, after quarter a year, it's a miracle, that I'm living."

"Well, I'm glad you do..."

"Yes, I'm glad too. Let's go ahead: Yesterday, they told me, this would be my last mission. They will kill me when I fail! But if I'm successful, the will let me go."

"Amazing... Why the fuck did they kidnap you? Aren't you useless for them?"

"I don't know... But they know, who I am. They knew it from the beginning: When this girl hijacked the carriage, she called me princess. Rather, she alway calls me like this!"

"Oh my~ I guess, that's not the only thing the know. So tell me, what was the mission?"

"The gala today. The king is here, isn't he? I shall spy here."

"I don't think that's it..."

"What do you mean?"

"We're talking about the same king, don't we. Your uncle."

"What are you driving at?"

"Easy. Do you really think this is a coincidence? The whole thing. Why you? How can they know who you are, okay they could spy, but it why should they? And why did the kidnap you of all people?

And this gala! Why should they lead you here, if the knew who you are? The king... Pandora... They all would kill you! If they wanted to eliminate you, they would have done this long ago! With other words, it wasn't their decision; not only."

"You mean my dear uncle is hand in gloves with the Baskervilles?!"

"That's my conclusion, yes."

Suddenly, your back started to hurt again. You stood up and walked to the bed.

"I wanna lie a bit."

"Do this." Break stood up too and looked questioningly at you. "Can I...?"

"Yes. Of course you can lie next to me!"

He smiled, did like you said and wrapped his arms around you.

"What are we going to do now? You sure can't go back", he whispered smoothly.

"Yeah... I have an idea"

"Tell me!"

"At Pandora, I found out, that my uncle killed my parents. This folder... I want to see it once again, maybe I can find more things and use them, to expose this great king."

"And what will we do then? Where do you want to stay?"

"Hell, I will see. Why are you saying We?"

"I will help you of course!"

"No. You won't do anything reckless again, not for me!"

"Not for you! For the selfish wish to be with you ... And also, it sounds interesting!"

"You're stupid! You could die..."

"Yes, and you too. You need me; you don't stand a chance alone."

"Fine...", you muttered, but that wasn't your plan. As soon as Break would sleep, you would do it alone. And then he would be save.

"(y/n)?", Break asked, but you already fell asleep.

"Geez..." He brushed some strands of hair out of your face. "This life isn't easy, is it?"


When you woke up, it was already morning.

"Damn it!", you cursed.

Carefully, you pushed Break's arm away from you and looked into his sleeping face. You caressed his cheek a last time, whispering a weak "Sorry", before you stood up and looked for your mask and the cloak. Finally, you found them under the bed and sneaked to the door. In the moment, when you pressed the detent, to open the door, you heard a voice, which made you stop.

"Where are you going to, dear?", Break said in a dangerous quite tone.

"You're not sleeping?" You let go of the detent and turned around.

"Of course not! Well, it was funny to see, how stubborn you are."

"Fine, you're awake. Then, can we go now?"

He giggled.

"Tssssss, Why are you using the door? It's more safe to use the cupboard."

Break jumped up from the bed, where he had lied until now and hopped to the cupboard, opened it and told you to follow him.

When you came out of another armoire, you were in Pandora's library.

"So, I'm searching here and you have a look at these bookshelves", you said.

It took long time, but you found the folder, and also other ones, which seemed interesting to you.

"Xerxes?", you asked, but didn't became an answer. Ok, he was at the other end of this large, large room, maybe he didn't hear you? You tried it louder.

"Hey! Break, I found something!", again, no response. You shivered. Did he want to frighten you?

"Damn it!", you shouted, "That's not funny! Come out!"

Angrily, you walked through the room and suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You sighed relieved and turned around.

"Hell, don't do this again, I was really sca...", your voice broke. No, the man behind you, that wasn't Break.

Pandora Hearts Xerxes Break x Reader: From Darkness to Light [1]Where stories live. Discover now