Chapter 5

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Virgil's eyes welled up with tears, shaking vigorously. Tears rolled down his cheek, his face pale and filled with hurt. The figure smirked and rolled his eyes. "Come now Virgil, don't cry," The man spoke, extending his arm. Virgil shivered, apprehensive of the man's touch.

"O-okay just p-please, d-don't hurt me," Virgil choked out, quivering in fear. The man laughed, and shook his head, clicking his tongue, "Virgil, Virgil, Virgil. You know me." Virgil gasped, feeling a sharp stab in his side. He winced, but didn't respond. The man wrapped the arm he had extended to Virgil around his waist and pecked his neck, holding Virgil in a not-so-loving embrace.

Damion lead Virgil to one of the couches at the back of the club, where a few people sat. They sat next to each other as Damion began to converse with the people around him. Virgil shuffled with uncertainty in his seat, just listening to the conversation around him but not joining in, social anxiety and all. He just listened to Damion's words, all of the feelings he used to feel rushing back. Damion's voice was a familiar one for Virgil. He used to hear it everyday.

Damion's articulacy in the way he spoke could make anyone feel small and unwanted, but also like an unknowing child. It wasn't like Roman's voice. His was powerful, angelic and eccentric, very dramatic in a way which seemed appropriate for who he was. Virgil loved Roman's voice. 

Actors and actresses from the play swayed around the dance floor but all Virgil could see was a blur of colors and shapes moving with the loud, pulsing dance music. "D-Damion?" Virgil whispered shakily, leaning in closer so he could be heard over the music. "Yes love?" Damion smiled, as Virgil rested his head on his shoulder weakly, tired of resisting. "Can we leave here?" Damion stood, Virgil stumbling to get up. He put on a fake small smile as Damion wrapped his arm around his shoulders, walking over to the exit and pushing open the door. 

They were hit with a rush of cold evening air. Damion guided Virgil, into the street, walking them both up to an unfamiliar car. Damion's car. "W-what about m-?" Virgil stammered, pointing across the street to his own car. Damion shook his head, "Remus will pick yours up for you, come on now, we must get home."

But before Virgil had opened the car door, their heads turned around at the sound of angry, rushing footsteps, storming across the street.

"NOT THIS TIME YOU BITCH" A familiar voice hollered from afar, coming closer every second.

Damion rushed to get Virgil in the car, but he resisted, looking with a glint of hope in his eyes.

The pale, weak but enraged figure ran towards them.


Roman stopped abruptly infront of them, staring with hatred into Damion's eyes.

"You DO NOT get to KIDNAP me, text Virgil on MY phone and arrange to MEET with him!" Roman screamed pointing angrily at Damion.

Virgil's mouth dropped open in shock. There's a Roman? Roman is real?

"Don't listen to the angry man Virgil, he doesn't understand. He's intoxicated!" Damion laughed, moving his arm to wrap around Virgil's waist again.

But this time.

This time Virgil resisted.

Roman, panting, lifted up his arm, curling his fingers into a fist. He threw a punch, but Damion ducked, tripping him up. He kicked Roman's side, and Virgil whimpered. Damion smiled.

"Let's go Virgil," He tried to guide Virgil into the car, but he was frozen still. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a dark purple pen.

He scribbled a small message on he wrist and stared at both Roman and Damion. Praying for something.

Something, that happened.

A swirl of violet ink formed words on Roman's skin. He jumped up at the sight, and smiled as he scanned the words before him.

' I love you '

Damion took one look at Virgil knowlingly, backing into his car, opening the car door behind his back and slipping in, shutting the door behind him. He put his keys in the ignition and said,

"I'll always be a part of you, Virgil"

"I'm not going anywhere. And there are better ways to get people to do what you want anyway."

His car swung out of its parked position, and drove down the street and out of view. Roman looked at Virgil and smiled in relief, but was met with a scared, broken expression. Virgil shivered, his face red and stained with tears, and dropped to the floor in a flood of tears. 

"Are you okay?" Roman panted, leaning down to look at Virgil, "Do you know him?" Virgil slowly nodded his head, still shaking. "H-he..he was.."Virgil stammered, trying to talk but hurting too much at the thought. "It's alright, emo, you can tell me," Roman spoke calmly, crouching down to Virgil and resting his hand on Virgil's knee. He eased up and spoke, 

"He used to..hurt me. In more ways than physical. He everything. Even though he hurt me.."

 Roman almost cried. He couldn't fathom why anyone would hurt Virgil, he was, soft. So troubled but in a way it was almost endearing. Loveable, in a way.

"What did he do to you?" Virgil asked, looking up at Roman, worryingly. "Y-you said he kidnapped you..took your phone..wrote on your arm, what was real? What was you?" Roman sighed, "He didn't write on my arm. That was all me. His friend, um, what was his name..Remy, Ramen Remyramadingdong?" Virgil wiped his cheek and looked down, responding,"Remus." Roman nodded. "Ah yes, Remus. He kidnapped me. Not too long after I got your number. All of the texts were me, except yesterday's. Somehow Damion didn't have the common sense to take my phone immediately," Roman continued, almost smiling. "Yes he did," Virgil lifted up his head, "He would've wanted it to be authentic, so I wouldn't be suspicious." Roman, looking defeated, nodded. "Yeah that makes sense. He watched my text messages to you anyway, threatened to kill me if I told you that he had me.." Virgil shivered at that, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.

He looked up at Roman, who had taken out a pen and was writing something on his skin. And at one glance, he smiled. Just as he was about to respond, Roman's lips pressed against his, gentle and soft. Roman pulled away, brushing the tears away from Virgil's cheek. He rested his head on Roman's shoulder, and Roman picked up his pen from the floor, pressing the point into his skin to form a message. A message that would last forever.

In beautiful, scarlet ink.


Author's Note: aaaaand its done! I hope you enjoyed this story, and make sure to check out any other stories I post because I do work hard to male them good.


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