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Chapter 1 -The Opening-pt.1

26 January 1886

It is my birthday today. I'm all grown up now... I'm finally 14!

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ariana... Happy birthday to you..!"

I celebrated my birthday with a small chocolate cupcake made by my mama's delicate hands. A small, pink with white stripes candle was lit by my pop's lighter. The small blazing fire made me feel happy. It made me believe that someone really did care about my birthday. I then made the biggest wish ever, to time travel. Just once.

Living in Kansas was a great idea, I was able to see the beautiful plains and the wide, green patches of grass. Every evening, I will always sit outside my house with my brother and wait to see the sunset. You will always get to see the setting sun just saying 'goodbye' to you, while the moon arises to bid hello to the sky and goodnight to the humans living on earth. Mama is a farmer, while pops is an owner of the barnyard. We weren't really making much money even if pops were to ever break his bones by working. My brother, Luke Emmett Giry was really lucky, because he got accepted into working at the nearby bakery store even if he's only 15. He may not be smart, but at least he is a hardworker.

Gradually, Kansas has a small little problem with Wichita, because of how we are not providing them with animals such as cows, goats, sheeps and others. There are other problems, such as not producing clean water to Wichita, and the biggest problem we have, is that we do not like resolving problems with them. Due to that, a war was ignited. I began feeling insecure for our family. I don't have proper education because I wasn't sent to school. I won't really know where I'm heading to right now for my future.

I'm Ariana "Erina" Giry, a petite 14 year old girl . My only wish is to have an extraordinary life someday, and this is my extraordinary story.


Chapter 1 -The Opening- pt.2

19 February 1886

"Mama...Pops...What is going on?"

"I'm going to settle the score with the towns people. Luke, my boy, take care of Ariana. Aria, baby, just stay here with your brother and NEVER come out from the closet, do you understand?" my father questioned. His voice sounded serious. Very serious.


Pops opened the closet door and knelt down to face me.

"Here is a small sweet for you. When you are nervous or scared, eat it. It will help you calm your nerves."

"Thank you pops."

Pops then closed back the closet doors after patting Luke's head and right after that, total silence.

A few hours later, I got bored of staying in the closet and wanted to do my small 'business' so bad. I quietly complained to my brother that I wanted to do it so bad but he shook his head. I gave up and then flung open the closet doors hastily. Luke then grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me back in the closet.

"Are you crazy? There might be townspeople that would come in to our house and kill us! Now you just wait here, while I, the big brother check the house, instead of the younger sister."

I rolled my eyes to whatever he just said and crossed my arms and legs while sulking. Luke quietly placed his foot to the floorboards and crawled out of the closet. He then turned into a jungler because of his vigilant movements and being aware of his surroundings. He then crawled towards where his woodened bat was, and carefully took it with him. He then crouched the whole time until he reaches the room's door and signaled to me that the coast was clear. He told me to follow his footsteps, to be wary of my surroundings at all times and obviously watch out for any intruders.

Its been awhile now since we are doing this 'be careful and be vigilant plus watch out for strangers' thing. My brother eventually gave up and stood up and quietly walked around the house. I just crouched at the living room beside the green sofa like an idiot. Luke slapped his forehead and maniacally laughed like a retard.

"There's nobody here!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Totally"

"You are so weird bro. So that means, its business time, yeah? Can you please, please accompany me?"


"Oh come on, what happens if I get killed? It would be your fault, idiot."

"FIne! Whatever. If we're dead, you know who to blame"

"Just shut up already and follow me."

I dashed to my room while my brother tailed behind. I flung open the door and finally saw the blue and pink walls of my room. In my room, I then spotted an A4-sized note on the floor. It was neatly folded with a small pink coloured sticker on it. The cover of the note said ,"For Ariana & Luke"

"Luke, can you please hold onto the note first? We will read together later, okay?"

"Yeah... Sure thing sis..."

It took me a short while to finish the whole process of doing my so, but I was finally done with it. I closed the toilet door and seeing my brother looking all gloomy.

"Luke...? Want to read it now?"

"I feel uneasy sis... Before anything, whatever my reaction is, don't laugh at me okay.. I have feelings too you know..."

"You're so sensitive. Of course I won't"

I took the note and sat beside my brother. With much curiosity, I unfolded the note and read it.

Dear Ariana & Luke,

We love you both from the bottom of our hearts. We are really proud too.

Ever since you were born, we always had faith in you, that you will become special. That you would help change the world. If we did not come back home after a few hours, please know that our souls have been rested to peace and that we will always remember of you.

Ariana, we have left you a small necklace for you to believe in yourself. This necklace has been pass down through generations. We now pass it to you, please take care of it.

Luke, what we are giving you, is the ring that your great grandfather wore. It brought us much luck, so please take care of it. Its on your sister's shelf.

The both of you, after reading this, please pack your things and head to your Aunt Wendy's house in Missouri. You will be safer there. Or you can try going to your other Aunt's house in Japan, Nagano, but it would be very far. It is your choice.

We love the both of you, please remember that.

Lots of Love,

Mama and Pops.

I just stood there, dumbfounded. What on earth is going on...? Mama...? Pops...? No, no, no, no don't leave us alone!.. NO!.. I grabbed my brother's arm. Tears came streaming down my face. Even my brother started crying too.

I had to accept the fact that Mama and Pops had died eventually. I felt vengeance overpowering me. I had to bear all this pain for the sake of this ridiculous conflicts. I felt that all this was wrong, we just have to move on to the future...

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