Chapter One

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Chapter 1 -The Awakening-

I had to accept the fact that Mama and Pops had died eventually. I felt vengeance overpowering me. I had to bear all this pain for the sake of this ridiculous conflicts. I felt that all this was wrong, we just have to move on to the future and forget about  the past...


"Hey, brother? Do you think we should check out the town first? I mean, we are clueless of what's happening now.. I want to see mama and pops again for the last time... They could still be there?..."

My brother shrugged towards the suggestion while packing up his stuff into his large purple backpack. 

"I don't know sis... It just makes me feel hurt to see people dying and being dead. And the sight of bodies scattered all over the ground and blood splattered all over the windows, it just makes me cringe."

I understood why he said that, after all we just recovered from an incident; our beloved parents had passed away. Actually, no. I'm really pissed right now, I feel like taking a revolver or some sort and shoot the terrorist, whoever killed the people of Kansas and especially mama and pops... I want to time travel and change the world or change what happened a few hours ago.

Time travel... To time travel... What does it take to time travel? Money? Love? Despair? Power? I wonder...

We finally finished packing and I held the necklace in my palms that was passed down from my mom. It is a heart-shaped lock with a really grand-looking heart with the letter 'G' in cursive writing engraved on it.  I then unlocked the hook from the hole and hooked it back after wearing it around my neck.

Looking at the necklace, makes me cry again for it reminds me of mama and pops. The times we spend together, laughing, crying, and especially having memories together as a family. I couldn't bear handling my emotions altogether during that time so I just cried loudly until my brother panicked. All he did was to say the phrases, 'Calm down!' over and over again. I was thinking to myself that I have such a useless brother, until he came up to me and hugged me from the back.

"Ari, stop crying, mama and pops would not like this, and they will never go to heaven in peace. When you continue crying like this, I promise you halfway through their journey to heaven, they will hear your cries and would stop to cry too. In the end they won't get to go to heaven, do you want that to happen?"


"Now stop crying okay?"


My brother then stopped hugging and knelt down to face me and placed his hands to my shoulders and grabbed them hard. He looked into my eyes with full of hope and sympathy to me. I then stop crying and wiped out my tears. From that day, date, time, hour, second, millisecond, I decide to become strong and stop being so pathetic. Being pathetic and weak is not supposed to be in my 'dictionary'. 

From that day on wards, I decided to become stronger and not the same old Ariana "Erina" Giry. This is the new me. A new Ariana.


We were done packing and had decided to go to our Aunt's house in Missouri. Japan? It's too far, so nope. I stood outside the door of our house while I waited for my brother. But, our 'adventure' in the house was not done yet.  My brother called out to me repeatedly. 

"Yes, I'm coming!"

 I hurried to the room from where he was shouting and before I stepped into the room, I could hear his heavy breathing and a small hysterical laugh. My mind was flowing with questions like a river. Oh dear, has my brother gone mad? What was he laughing about? Has he turned into a retard? As I slammed opened the door, I saw my brother with a large potato sack and as I studied the sack very carefully, I realized that the sack was overflowing with money. Wait . . . what? I stood rooted to the ground while my eyes are popped open. 

"What is this . . .?"

"Hello!?! Are you blind? It's money!  What else? Rocks?"

"No.. I mean like.. How can mama and pops be this rich. . .? It's unbelievable. . ."

My brother ignored my words and continued laughing retardedly. The amount was just unbelievable for the sack may contain more then $10000 dollars. Each note was at least a hundred dollars. So if I just do the maths, its a hundred dollars times a hundred notes or more... Yep, ten thousand dollars plus. Enough for us to find a hostel or maybe a hotel to live in. A grand hotel. Oooh.. My dreams will come true afterall. Living all grand-ish. Anyway, without disobeying his orders, I took half of the money and placed it in a medium sized bag, smaller then the potato sack. I warned my brother to spend it wisely, and he just snapped at me to stop bossing him around. What on earth am I going to do with such a stubborn brother?

I gazed at the small white clock hanging on the wall, ticking really slowly. Time... "Time waits for no one" they said. I snapped out of my daydream, and quickly shoved the sack into my large blue backpack.

"Are we done yet?" I shouted to my brother.

"Yeah, let's go"

I could not wait any longer and dashed to the main door. Ah, Kansas, what an outstanding view. It was 4 in the afternoon, and the rice fields were being blown by the wind, moving in harmony. I felt the cooling breeze brush against me. I looked to the town not far from our home. Yeah... the black smoke that had rised up to the air showed me proof that there was war. My brother then appeared behind my back with a huge grin on his face.

"Come on sis, lets go to Missouri, and see our aunt. Going to the town is really not a good idea. Gives me the creeps"


I agreed to the opinion and we headed to the East to head to Missouri. I wonder what miracles awaits me and or my brother... I really do.

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