Chapter Two

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"Come on sis, lets go to Missouri, and see our aunt. Going to the town is really not a good idea. Gives me the creeps"


I agreed to the opinion and we headed to the East to head to Missouri. I wonder what miracles awaits me and or my brother... I really do.


Chapter 2 -Confusion-

It has been 5 hours since we last left our precious home. All the memories that we had, were all gone. At least I still have my brother that I can depend on. Shrugging to that thought, I could not take it anymore and collapsed on the road. I was too tired to continue my walk, or our walk to our aunt's house. My brother turned around with a panic-stricken look on his face. He then sat down beside me while he searched for canned food that he bought with him in his backpack. We were stranded on a highway on Kansas, following the route to Missouri. Estimated time to reach Missouri? 138 hours, which equals to two days and 18 hours. Ah!! Can we please ride on a vehicle to reach there? I'm dying here! Its already 9:30 PM, I could not care less, I took the canned food, my brother offered me and gulped it all down in 10 seconds flat. Kernel corn huh. Oh well, you got to eat anything you can in order to survive.

"Mmm... Delicious! This reminds me of the time where Mama was really broke and had to buy tons and tons of these types of canned food." 

"Actually, I have canned tuna but its somewhere in the bag. Heh"

"Hmph. If I starve to death, you'll pay for it."

 Its 10:00 PM and I'm worn out. My brother happily sings like a seal while I had to go through all the trouble to flag for a car or truck to take us to our destination. Honestly, I have a useless brother.  I told my brother, I'm just going to take nap. He nodded and continued singing. I told him to shut up but he ignored my demand. He is so annoying oh my god.

The next day, I woke up by the morning sunlight shining ever so brightly to my eyes. I'm still here, in the plain fields feeling the heavenly breeze.  I saw my brother still sleeping regardless the mud and realized that there are some mud stains on my apparels and bag but that wasn't important to me. I just had to find a way to reach my aunt's home. I stood up and lingered in my spot from where I was standing a while more. Then, I saw a small bright light that shone right into my eyes. I was utterly shocked and closed my eyes to protect myself from being blind by the magnificent yet sharp light. Out of curiosity, I walked towards the light and found out it was a metal chip that's super small.  Wait, am I dreaming? Its glowing! I barely can pick it up because it suddenly feels like Mother Nature wants to take it away from me. Its sinking in the mud... No! I want it! I struggled with my fingers to dig the chip out from the mud and my struggle paid off. What's with Mother Nature?... This is weird. I took a penny and placed it to the mud. No reaction from Mother Nature. This is getting super unnatural. What is with this chip? What does it even do? My mind is overflowing with questions that need to be answered. NOW. 

Chapter 2 -Answer-

I cant help but to observe this, chip. My brother's sleeping position is really unwanted to my eyes. Regardless, I searched and searched, for a button or somesort. What IS this thing? I sat down crossing my legs while fumbling with the chip.
Its just a chip. I thought.

"Useless piece of junk. Its not like I can time travel or some shit like that."

I gave up and decide to just throw that useless thing away. My heart began to thump.
Thump thump.
"Oh my god, what's happening?"
Thump thump.
"For goodness sake, stop!"
Thump, thump, thump!

Automatically, my arms swinged a 360 spin and threw the chip into the air.

"Ah shit!"

I felt an electric shock that ran down my nervous system, it hurts a little but I could bear with it. I faced up to the sky and then I could not believe my eyes. What on Earth is that? It's too beautiful and bright, it was really hard to describe...


It's really beautiful, a new dimension opened up before my eyes. The gargantuan portal engulfed my body and soul and before I knew it, I am in the dimension of vivid colours and futuristic landscape background. I looked back but i could not see the plain grass fields of Texas anymore. I am in a huge, unexplanatory dimension, filled with confusion.



-1/2 of Chaotic Sentiments

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