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The high note pitch of the whistle blared its alarm, giving cue to parents and loved ones to say their last farewells and other reminders of "Write to me every week", "Do not skip a class", and the vanilla of it all, "Goodbye". The Good-Bye that hints at something more, may it be hot fudge drizzled all over that plain sundae or a cluster of sliced almonds, there was something about a simple goodbye that made Emily want to say more, but did not.

"This is your last chance," She said to her brother who stood by her side as they watched first years and fellow classmates alike board the Hogwarts Express. "I am technically the Headmistress' daughter. Just hop on in and I can dig up a spot for you in Gryffindor Tower – "

Harry laughed, his arm wrapping around his sister's shoulder, pulling her into a tight one-armed hug. "Board now before they leave you here." Emily playfully shoved him away, laughing back at him. "I helped rebuild the castle, okay? I doubt that they would – Oh god, the conductor just got on board, okay I'll go now." She gave one last hug to Harry, her hand ruffling the back of his head. "Goodbye."


Over the course of rebuilding Hogwarts and spending a few months for their leisure, the Potter twins treated themselves to the pleasure of taking on a holiday with their friends. They toured Australia after they had successfully tracked down Mr. and Mrs. Granger for Hermione to restore their memories, what happened next Emily dubbed as un-Hermione-like; after having her own fill of sun and unfamiliar land, the Potter sister announced that she wanted to continue her Hogwarts education whereas Hermione made the bold decision of staying with her parents for a few weeks after September to celebrate her father's birthday along with her own.

"Shacklebolt is ready to hand me the title of Auror – I am sure as hell not going to accept it with a blind eye, I want to have a degree to my name at the very least. And maybe a few years of experience in the field."

To which Daphne joked as Emily's entire existence is her years of experience in the field of Magical Law Enforcement.

It was a simple good-bye that the Potters shared. A bowl of vanilla dusted with bittersweet shards of dark chocolate. Perhaps this is what it felt like departing with the person with whom she was adjoined to the hip with for so many months.

Blaise and Daphne expressed no desire to finish their education. Jalia and Blaise flew to France immediately after the war while Daphne stuck by Emily's side, even going as far as traveling with the twins, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny to another continent. Eleanor, on the other hand, pursued the road of gaining a degree in Magical Law, wanting to shatter the chained confines of a once blood purity manic world and rehabilitating it into something inclusive to all magical folk, even including Muggle rights in the mix.

Eleanor left England only weeks after the war for the Wizengamot-accredited school in Ireland, she left a vanilla good-bye with sprinkles, marshmallows, and sliced fruit in the bowl. She went all out, and she never did any less than that to anyone.

Days after her leaving, the entire Malfoy family vanished. Emily herself scavenged the abandoned Malfoy Manor and found nothing but cobwebs and empty rooms. Draco and his parents had simply left. A measly teaspoon of melted vanilla ice cream. 

Somehow bitterly, Emily understood his abandonment. There was some part of her, despite the Malfoy family losing a majority of their assets, the incarceration of Lucius, and even the death of Edgar, Narcissa and Draco would take their leave for a different cause. Both Potters and Malfoys had their faces plastered on newspapers for weeks on end; when the trial had finally concluded and pardoned them, Emily's fear sprouted again at the knowledge that Draco might again leave. And he did. They all did.

Emily passed by the long, winding hallway of bustling compartments, feeling eyes fall on her as she made her way to an empty one; the Potter twin couldn't help but look back into the glass doors, eager to see what faces she might see again along with the ones she never thought wouldn't see again.

Eleanor is in Ireland.

Daphne and Blaise are travelling.

Ginny delayed her return to Hogwarts.

My brother and Ron are living their lives as Aurors.

Luna is in the amazon for her research.

Hermione is still in Australia.

The Malfoys are gone.

The Half-breeds are still scattered across the world.

She stopped right in front of an empty compartment, And I am still here. Emily slid the glass door open and promptly closed it as she threw her backpack on the seat, sliding down on the empty cushions and propping her feet up on the windowsill. Aunt Minerva had told her beforehand that the new head of Slytherin House would come look for her in the train to prep her in light of her new title of Head Girl, and now that Emily was there, all she had to do was wait to be called on.

Another low whistle blew, and the motor of the train began to whirl onto a slow run, gradually picking up its pace until the view of brownstone walls disappeared into a mass of blue sky and greenery. Emily rested her back against the glass window next to the compartment door, her legs now completely lying on the entirety of the seat. She looked at her bag and summoned her 7th grade spell book, guilt washing over her as this was the first time, she had opened a book since the war.

A brush of warmth spread throughout her fingers, a feeling of déjà vu overcame her as Emily glossed over the table of contents of her textbook. The sound of the glass door rang in her ears, her shoulders grew rigid at the realization that someone was about to enter her compartment, Emily dared not to think ahead of herself and break her own heart. Not after it had just mended itself.

"Having a quick read, are we?" The man quipped shakily, closing the door again as he stepped inside. The book snapped shut in Emily's one hand, throwing her off completely and causing her to drop it on her foot, a sharp stabbing pain that snapped her out from the distraction.

He cursed under his breath and went down on his knees to pick up the spell book and lay it on the opposite seat where Emily's bag was resting; his hands held her dearly by her arms, her own hands melting at his touch. "Malfoy... Draco Malfoy, I cannot believe you – "

"You know how I love a dramatic entrance." Draco joked, laughing through the tears that began to sprout. She pinched her arm, afraid to let go. "Just as much as I know about your tendency for a dramatic exit, you dolt."


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