Chapter 4

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Alec started to count. Fifty seconds were perfect for the boy to find the ultimate cupboard to hide in and Alec could get some peace and solitude for almost a minute, which was not insignificant. Not that he didn't like being around Fred, he loved him, really, but spending the day with a young child was more exhausting than he planned and the DI wasn't as young and fit as he was when Daisy was Fred's age.

The man gathered the drawings scattered around the table and piled them neatly. He breathed slowly and yelled:


He could hear Freddie running around, opening and closing closets he could reach, finally choosing not to hide there.


Alec wondered when was the last time he played hide-and-seek with Daisy. Probably before Pippa's case, before the divorce, before she decided she was too old to play with her good old dad. She was almost an adult now and that was scary. The child she once was was still there, of course, beneath the surface, maybe, but they wouldn't play stupid games like this together anymore.

"Forty-five! Did you hide well, mate?"

He heard a faint laugh from upstairs and smiled.

"Fifty! Hidden or not, I'm coming for you lad!"

The detective got up and pushed the chair against the table, making as much noise as possible, so Fred would hear he was moving. He started to search for him on the floor he was in, pretty sure he wasn't there. But it would be funnier for the kid to think he was really looking for him and didn't exactly know where he was.

Well, he didn't, but the house wasn't that big and he could find a four-year-old pretty easily, at least he hoped so. Alec looked around, opening doors, closing bags, making noise.

"I wonder where my wee mate is," he wondered with a singing voice sofake he almost cringed.

He heard a soft giggle from upstairs.

"Is he in the kitchen? Mommy doesn't want you to be alone in the kitchen, Freddie, she wouldn't like that."

He paused and opened a drawer, moving the cutlery.

"Nope, definitely not in the kitchen!" Alec said loudly.

No answer from the boy, no sound. Maybe he understood he was supposed to be silent. His phone buzzed in his pocket, a text from Daisy.

Everythingalright with Fred? Still not dead?

Alec smirked. At least, his daughter got something from him. His sarcasm.

Maybe soon, he typed. We are playing hide-and-seek.

He went to the bathroom.

"Well, you are not in the bathtub, lad. It's a huge bummer."


You? Hide-and-seek? Who are you and where is my dad?


Are you hiding or seeking?

Alec got out of the bathroom and quickly looked in the living room, knowing Fred wasn't there. He hoped the boy wasn't old enough to think about moving from his spot to another while he was searching for him.

Seeking. A bit too tall to hide now.

"I can't believe how well hidden you are! I really can't find you anywhere, Fred!" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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