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"Mother has always said what a wonder words are. It is so often spoken without any consideration and thought, though. Sometimes they act as spears to the soul and more than often they heal wounds. Many a times, a word uttered in an eloquent speech, presented to glorify simple, and thoughts which are usually unregistered to our mind lapses into the world of oblivion, forgotten as soon as it was uttered- tucked away into the farthest corners of one's mind. However when a truly beautiful idea is formed with the use of such beautiful words, - no matter how insignificant those ideas are, mother believed that they saved a life; a soul, an artistic mind which was disrupted by the ruthlessness of the world. She made me realize that simple syllables holds more depth just by the thoughts before them. That even though words are forgotten more than one can comprehend, the wonder of them strikes- when those words are formed again by the soft trundling of tongue elongating into a coherent sentence reaches onto the sensitive interior of our ears." All these brilliance was greatly appreciated by Noelle but the gift of speaking was not granted to her.

This disability to speak caused most of the distresses in her life, for she had the uncanny habit of wanting to express her various thoughts in the form of words. Thus, she would pick up her pen and more often than not pour all her feelings out on the white blank page. Noelle kept on writing as a hobby till she was sure of herself enough to go to a publishing house and show them all her works she ever thought of putting out to the world. Mother and Father had always been extremely supportive of her unbreakable bond with words. They knew that even though their daughter was deprived of the action of putting out her words across verbally, her literary affection of words overpowered any negative comment which was made at her expense due to her disability. When she was young, she was extremely made fun of because words could not come out as she opened her mouth to speak. Only ghosts of words and half syllables, which made her feel like she was an incomplete being. She was ashamed of herself more than anybody could be of oneself. She let herself get picked up by the bullies in their school and also get ignored by the teachers during an usual round of quiz in the class. The day she turned fifteen years of age she decided that this kind of treatment would not be accepted by her anymore. So, she turned a deaf ear to all those sarcastic and utterly painful comments directed to her and started writing. She acquired the exuberance of letting go of her deep- seated feeling and and all those inept emotions in the forms of absolutely gorgeous and impeccable prose. The freedom she started experiencing by letting her natural gift to take over her was so great that she found herself not bothering about the crude remarks about her anymore.

The story of her life was ironic, for the girl who was not given the privilege of using her words to express herself to others did just that. Noelle would always wonder the name of the feeling she had when she put pen to paper. After days and months of hearing her mother speak in the most exquisite manner, filling her body and soul with tranquility, and enriching herself with the works of Blake, Frost and Tennyson by listening to his father recite them ever so effortlessly- Noelle realized that it was comfort she felt when words surrounded her world.

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