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No One's POV

    It was two days before Jinora's birthday and everybody was trying to figure out what to get her for her birthday. As everyone was in Republic City, Jinora was currently meditating but couldn't because she a little sad. All week long (Y/N) seemed to be avoiding her and she didn't know why. But Ikki knew why.


    Ikki also noticed that (Y/N) was avoiding Jinora so she decided to ask him why. She entered his room and saw him working on something. "What are you working on (Y/N)?" "It's a gift for Jinora." "What is it?" she asked as she peeked over his shoulder. "It's a ruby and I'm trying to make it look like a rose. It's something that my people would make when they confess to their love. Its really hard to find the materials to make this though." "How romantic but if you love her, then oh I don't know, why are you avoiding her?!" (Y/N) sweat dropped, "Oh that. Well it's my people's tradition to not see the person they love for a week before they receive the gift."
    Ikki just gave him a dead panned look, "That sounds stupid." "It used to be my people's tradition and I want to keep it going, even though it may be really stupid." "Well i'll just tell her about it so she doesn't feel bad." "No she can't know about it, this is suppose to be a surprise." "Then how are we suppose to not make her feel bad?" "I don't know." "*sigh* Ok, i'll try to keep her happy until her birthday where you will confess." "Thank you Ikki." "No problem, but you owe me."


    So that was why (Y/N) was avoiding Jinora. Ikki was going to try and brighten Jinora's spirits today by taking her into the city and having fun. So as Jinora was meditating Ikki slowly snuck up behind her until, "What do you want Ikki?" "Well I wanted to see if you wanted to do anything today." I don't feel like doing anything today Ikki I just want to be by myself." Ikki tugged on her sister's arm, "Come on, let's go have fun in the city like we use to." "Ok, ok, just stop tugging on my arm."
    The two walked through Republic City as they ate food from stands and shops and watched some street performers. As they were walking Ikki noticed Jinora was still looking down, "Ok, what has got you so down?" "Nothing, it's just that (Y/N) has been avoiding me for the past week and it's been getting me down." "Oh really, I haven't noticed." 'So she did notice.'
    "But why would him avoiding you make you sad?" "W-well that's not important." "Come on, does he owe you a favor or something?" "What no. It's because I-I love him." "Oh so my sister who does nothing but read, meditate, and train actually loves somebody!" "Shhh, not so loud." "Sorry, have you told him how you feel yet?" "No." "And why is that?" "I don't know how. When I see him my face heats up, I lose my ability to speak, and my mind goes blank."
    Jinora then gained a sad look, "I was going to try to tell him on my birthday, but once again he has been avoiding me so I don't think i'll be able to." "Oh, I see." "I mean did I do something to make him not like me?" 'Jeez it is hard not to tell her how he feels right now.' "I'm sure he just feels the same way when he's around you. I bet he gets all flustered and nervous as well." "You really think so." "Eh, probably." "That isn't reassuring."
    Ikki stepped to the side towards an ice cream shop, "Today let's just focus on having fun with just the two of us, like normal sisters do." "Ok, but am I going to have to pay again?" "Yeah, I left my wallet at home, but i'll pay you back." "Didn't you say it was with mom 5 minutes ago?" "Ok, so I don't have any money." "When do you ever have money?"


    It was Jinora's birthday and team avatar threw her a party in the afternoon. Everyone who lived on the island, including all the airbenders, we're there. There was music, a buffet, and presents. People danced, played games, and talked. Everyone congratulated Jinora on turning 18 and she would always say thank you.
    After a while Jinora opened her gifts, everyone ate cake, danced a little more, and left to go back to all their rooms.
    Jinora didn't see (Y/N) through out the entire party, which made her sad and came up with the conclusion that she would never be able to confess to him. As she was walking to her room she heard (Y/N) behind her, "Jinora wait a minute!" She turned around and seeing him just made her smile. "Hello (Y/N), do you need something?"
    He stopped in front of her, "Yes, I wanted to give you something." He showed her the small box in his hand, "What's this?" "Open it." She opened the small box and saw a ruby designed to look like a rose. It wasn't big it was quite small actually. "Do you like it?" "No." Jinora said as she then hugged (Y/N), "I love it!" "I'm so glad you like it." The two parted from the hug, "How long did it take you to make this?" "All week actually. And it was pretty hard to make." "Well it's beautiful, thank you (Y/N)."
    As she held it in her hand (Y/N) took it and clipped it into her hair, "I made it small so it wouldn't always fall out of your hair." "Do I look good with it?" "You look beautiful with it." She gained a small blush, "T-thank you." A thought then came to mind, "Where were you during the party?" "Well I tried to talk to you, but people kept stopping me to ask about my ears and tail. Whenever I broke away from them you were gone."
    She then stepped closer, "Why did you work so hard on making this for me?" It was then (Y/N)'s turn to gain a blush, "Well, you see..."
    He told her everything he told Ikki from before and when he finished Jinora was as red as a tomato and (Y/N)'s face almost rivaled her blush because he just basically confessed to her. "S-so you were just avoiding me because of tradition." "Yeah." "That's so good to hear." Jinora got a little bit closer to (Y/N), "A-and you worked on my gift because you l-loved me." "Y-yeah."
    Meanwhile around the corner team avatar and Ikki watched the two, "Come on kiss already." Bolin whined. "Give them time, from what I know this is the first time Jinora actually liked somebody." Korra said.
    Back with the other two Jinora wrapped her arms around (Y/N)'s neck, "I-I love you too." (Y/N) wrapped his arms around her waist, "Happy Birthday Jinora." The two then met in a gentle and tender kiss. After a while they parted with them both smiling, "Your not a bad kisser." "It wasn't my best, why don't we try again." Jinora didn't hesitate to kiss him again.
    They parted when they heard an *ahem* next to them. They looked to their right and saw Tenzen standing there with Pema causing the new lovers to separate from each other. Pema just let out an *awe* as Tenzen cleared his throat, "I think it's time we all go to bed." The two agreed and started heading to their rooms.
    Before they did Tenzen pointed around the corner, "The same goes for you five as well." Jinora's face was getting even more red as she found out how many people saw that her and (Y/N) kissed twice. "Congratulations you two!" Asami shouted as they walked away. Everyone then went to their rooms a went to bed.

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