Air Temple Island

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(A/N: I just wanted to make this short chapter as I wanted to show the kids grown up a little bit. So, here you go.)

No One's POV

In Republic City the streets were busy as citizens did their daily duties of either going to work, or playing if you were a kid. In those streets Ikki walked in the air temple's clothes with Isabella and Rohan walking behind her. They soon arrived at the docks to look around as they were waiting for someone. After a while they heard a female voice, "Hey!" They three turned their heads to see Mina waving at them as she got off a ship, as she was fourteen. Isabella quickly greeted her with a hug, "Mina it is so good to see you again! Is uncle (Y/N) or aunt Jinora with you?" Ikki crossed her arms, "Isabella, Mina is here for air bending training and she could only bring one person." Isabella looked at Mina who did you bring?" 

A loud groan came from behind Mina as Rin walked off the ship as he held his back, as he was thirteen, "Holy cow! Sleeping on a metal floor really hurts your back!" Mina sighed, "I brought him. He was the only one free to come." "Hey I'm the best option you had." Ikki looked at the two, "Wow you two really look like your parents." Rin crossed his arms, "Really? We hadn't noticed." Ikki frowned, "And you act just like your mother Eska." A small private boat then came up for a girl two years younger than Mina to walk on the docks as she had one yellow eye and one blue eye like her mother, Sui. She had tan skin along with brown hair along with ears and a tail, as she was twelve. Her and Mina quickly noticed each other for the two to run to each other and hug each other. Mina looked at the girl, "Cousin Sai!" The two then nuzzled noses, "It so good to see you too cousin." Their tails wagged with their ears perked up. They parted for Rin to walk up to Sai, "It's good to see ya." "The same to you Rin." The two nuzzled noses as well for Rin's tail to wag with his ears perked up."

Ikki cleared her throat, "Sai, I thought you wouldn't be able to come." Sai looked at her, "Oh my mom and dad made sure that I could come to learn air bending from a teacher." "I knew Kai and Sui would come around. Now come, Korra is waiting for you three." With that the two Mina, Rin, and Sai followed Ikki through the streets for Rohan and Isabella to tell them any important monuments and interesting places that they passed. They soon arrived at air temple island for there to be many air benders meditating or practicing their bending. Rohan led Rin towards the dorms, as he was a water bender so he had nothing to learn here. The other two were led to the dining room for Ikki to make some tea and give them each a cup. They all sat at a table for Ikki to take a sip from her tea and look at the two young girls, "So, shall we begin your training?"

One Month Later

Sai and Mina were sitting in a field as they were meditating for Sai to sigh as she hunched over with her elbows on her knees, "This is so booring!" Mina slightly opened her eyes, "Well it's not suppose to be entertaining. Just try and breathe calmly and calm your mind." Sai sat up to begin meditating for ten seconds to pass. She quickly shook her head, "Nope can't do it." She quickly stood up to shake Mina, "Come on let's play." Mina did not budge, "We have to meditate Sai." Sai whined. "But why?" "Because Ikki told us to." "But she does nothing but tell us what to do. Come on, let's just play for a little bit." "No Sai." Sai frowned to air bend Mina's hair over her eyes as she lightly kicked her tail. Mina quickly looked back at her as she growled for Sai to create an air scooter, "Can't catch me!" Mina jumped up to create an air scooter as well and chase her. 

Outside of the air temple Tenzin walked out to take a deep breathe of fresh air. Sai and Mina then quickly passed him for his beard and clothes to then go to the right side of his body. He took in a deep breathe, "Things never change." As Mina chased Sai she got closer and closer, but they were both then knocked by air to the ground. They both looked up to see Ikki looking down at them, "Didn't I tell you two to meditate?" Mina pointed at Sai, "I couldn't concentrate because of her!" Sai pointed at Mina, "She made it to boring!" Ikki held her hands, "Ump! I don't wanna hear it!" She then pinched the bridge of her nose, "I can't constantly watch both of you all the time." "We're sorry master Ikki." Ikki sighed, "It's fine. I think I'm gonna try and get some help in watching you two. They are on their way." "Who are they?" "You know them." 

A day later Mina, Sai, and Rin were waiting at the landing sight as an airship landed in front of them. Rin had his arms crossed, "Why am I here? I don't air bender." The airship door then opened for him to hear a familiar voice, "Because now I have time to teach you proper water bending." Eska walked out for Kai to come next, "And I'm hear to teach you ladies how to air bend." Last was (Y/N), "And I will teach you three basic hand to hand combat." The three children all gulped as their parents all looked down at them.

Now that you got some more of this story I hope you liked it. Now if you want more then read this new story I made. It is an Avatar the Last Airbender x Maler Reader. You are Azula's twin brother and you run away from home soon after Zuko is banished. You are a normal human who can't fire bend well, but you are quick and can take down an enemy quickly in hand-to-hand combat. And the love interest is another character that doesn't get as much love as Jinora. It is......

That's right, if you want a story where you are in love with this cutie click this link

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That's right, if you want a story where you are in love with this cutie click this link...

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The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbender x Male Reader)

Also since I actually watched Legend of Korra I am going to write a story with it. It will be written after my Avatar the Last Airbender story as there will be things from that story in the Korra one. Any who when I do write it the love interest will be this beauty...... 


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