Im gonna catch you

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*One month later*

"Owwwwwwww. Oh, Jesus, shit that hurts" Eve's voice echoes in the almost empty room, she turns over onto her back as the feeling in her left arm begins to return. "Oh, Jesus!" She says as she moves her shoulder slowly, trying to ease the constant ache. She pulls back her covers and walks across to the small En-suite bathroom. She pauses to look at herself, her hair is wild and untamed, her eyes are sullen, and her cheeks look gaunt. She pulls off her oversized shirt and tosses it on the ground along with the other dirty laundry. She looks at the pile and contemplates putting on a load of washing but movement in the mirror catches her gaze and she turns to the small window behind her. She opens the window and peaks out but sees nothing out of the ordinary. She quickly shuts the window and turns back to the mirror and her eyes drift to the puckered pink skin on her left shoulder. She gently runs her fingers across it and feels a tingling sensation, her mind drifts back.

"You're mine"

Her voice still echoes in her head sometimes; at night especially when she's fast asleep and it seems like a distant memory. She hears the desperation in Villanelle's voice, the hurt and of course, the anger.

"I love you"

Those words were the hardest to hear, yet those were the ones she heard the most. While she slept, when she ate, while she ran, as she sat and watched bad reality tv. Always it was there.
Eve shakes her head and runs her hands through her hair before turning the shower on and the room quickly builds up with steam. She showers, lathering her body in cheap body wash and wonders if Villanelle still has a bath; if her hair still smells like vanilla and her skin like coconut. She pours too much shampoo into her hands and realizes she's drifting again. She washes her hair quickly and doesn't bother with conditioner, it's not like she had someone to run their long, delicate and deadly fingers through her hair. There she goes again!

She shuts the hot water off and stands in the cold until it becomes too much and shuts that off too. She reaches around the cheap plastic curtain for her towel and pulls it in and wipes her face, feeling something papery run across her face. She looks down and sees the tag is still on the towel and she can't help but laugh, she pulls the tag off and begins drying herself as she steps out of the shower and turns on the exhaust fan. As she does, she looks to the mirror and drops the towel and a gasp escapes her mouth. On the mirror, in slightly curved writing are two words.

'Sorry baby x'

The condensation is causing the two Y's to drip down quickly and as the fan sucks away the steam from the shower she stands and watches the letters begin to disappear. She's not scared, she knows she should be, but she's not. She picks up her towel, dries as quickly as possible and stumbles into her cramped bedroom and dresses in whatever she can find. She pulls on her shoes, grabs her handbag and phone and is on the phone to Carolyn before she's out the door.


Lara runs a cloth over a small switchblade, wiping all the remaining blood off before carefully cleaning the hilt. She pauses and looks over at Villanelle, who is crouched by the body and watching his eyes as he takes his last breath. "Why do you like watching so much?" She asks but Villanelle simply raises her hand to quiet her. She moves the man's head and as the last bit of life drains from his eyes she turns the head away and stands. "Aren't you curious about where they go when they die?" Villanelle asks as she takes the cloth from Lara and wipes off her own knife, a larger one with a curved blade. "Not really. I'm paid to kill, so I kill and don't think about them. They are just a job" Lara replies as she tucks her knife away into her combat pants. Villanelle walks over to her and takes her hand, she sees small spots of blood on it and under her nails there is more blood. She brings it to her mouth and gently unfolds her fingers and kisses her palm. "Does it excite you, Lara?" She asks, her voice is soft and luscious. Lara takes an audible gasp as Villanelle sucks her index finger into her mouth and runs her tongue along its length. "Fuck" Lara whispers and feels Villanelle smile against her hand as she moves closer to her, their bodies touching, and Lara feels herself getting wet as Villanelle pulls her finger out of her mouth with a pop and reaches behind her head and pulls her into a fierce kiss. Villanelle feels Lara's fingers run down her side and grip her hips as she pulls her tight against her. Their kisses are hard and Villanelle sucks Lara's tongue into her own mouth and hears a gargled moan from the brunette's mouth. She takes Lara's left hand and moves it where she needs it most and Lara quickly unbuttons Villanelle's pants and reaches into her panties, feeling her slick heat as her fingers run over her clit. Villanelle moves a hand from the back of Lara's head and unbuttons Lara's pants, she slips inside her panties and lets out a groan at how wet she is. "So that's a yes then?" Villanelle says with a smirk and she doesn't wait for an answer as she plunges two fingers into Lara.
The sounds in the room become primal and Villanelle can feel Lara is close, she quickens her pace and Lara does the same and she feels her thumb working against her clit, hard and rough. She lets out a groan and feels her body give way, Lara comes quickly with her and they both work each other down from their peaks. Villanelle leans her head against Lara's cheek as her breathing returns to normal and she gently pulls her fingers from Lara and looks down as Lara does the same. She watches as Lara brings her own finger to her mouth and sucks Villanelle's sweet silky cum off her fingers; Villanelle watches and feels a whole new wave of arousal rush through her. She quickly cleans her own fingers and once done leans in and kisses Lara, pushing her tongue hard into her mouth and savoring the taste of cum, blood and death.


"She's still working for the twelve?" Eve almost screams and she notices Kenny jump slightly with surprise. "Eve, take a chill pill okay," a familiar voice says as the doors swing open and she turns in shock as she sees Hugo walk in as nonchalant as ever, a smirk on his face and a fading yellow bruise around his neck. "Hugo. Oh my god, how? How are you alive?" She stammers as she rushes over and hugs him tightly and they both wince in pain. "Hey, do we match?" He says and pulls up his shit exposing a neat puckered scar on his stomach. "Almost, I'm not showing you mine," she says, and he leans in so only the two of them can hear "Not what you said in Rome" he gives her a wink and walks across to his usual desk and sits down. "Can someone please explain what the hell is going on here?" Eve says as she flops down in the nearest chair and lets out a deep breath. "How much time have you got?" Kenny asks with a smile and Hugo laughs as Eve rolls her eyes and gives Carolyn her full attention.

"As far as we know, after she shot you, she made her way to the hospital where Hugo was; we think she had contact with someone on the inside to find his location, she tried to kill him and left." Carolyn's voice is even, calm and her faces give little away. Eve wonders how Carolyn would score on the psychopathy scale. "So why kill Hugo?" Eve asks and Carolyn raises her eyebrows saying, "She wanted a phone, I assume she wanted to find intel on us." Eve listens and shakes her, not able to believe what she is hearing. "She's been in this office, why would she want intel now?" Eve asks and Carolyn looks at her before nodding at Kenny. He turns in his chair and a few clicks later there are pictures up on the screen. "David Walton, Annabelle Johnson, Gunther Van Hugh and Lucas Karlson." Kenny points to each picture as he rattles off the names and Eve is astounded at how busy Villanelle has been. "So, who are they?" She asks and Kenny points to the first image, an elderly man in his sixties. "Lucas Karlson, Switzerland, an Interpol agent retired last year but with extensive contacts. The only thing missing from his house was his government-issued laptop which in the wrong hands could give information on all his operations into financial dealings with thousands of people in witness protection provided by Interpol." Kenny stops and points to the next image, "David Walton, senior MI 6 operative working in Berlin to uncover a major drug ring with ties to Russian Mafia. His death looked like an overdoes except..." Kenny stops and looks up at Eve, and she raises her eyebrows. "Except What Kenny?" She says and it's Carolyn's voice that sounds from behind. "He died from a drug over does, administered anally in a squirting butt plug" The room is silent, and Eve is sure no one in the room is breathing. "Jesus" she finally says, and Kenny simply nods at her. "Annabelle, MI 5, low level really, she worked in records. Again, the only thing that went missing was a sealed document which we assume is related to Gunther Van Hugh." He points to the last image, a young man. He has keen hazel eyes and high cheekbones which remind her of someone. "Real name, Pavel Astankova, Oksana's brother"

Eve feels as if she's been shot, the wind is knocked out of her and she takes a step back. She feels dizzy, she feels sick to her stomach. Carolyn helps her back into her chair and hands her a glass of water. "Quite shocking really. After they killed him, she stuffed a pair of panties in his mouth." Carolyn says in a matter of fact way. Eve can't believe what she is hearing, Oksana had a brother who she killed. "Wait, did you say they?" Eve says, sitting up in her chair and Carolyn nods once. "Yes, the DNA doesn't match Oksana's. We are still trying to find out who she is" Kenny says and Eve stands and begins pacing in a tight line between the tables. "She's working with someone. Have we heard from Konstantin? What's he doing now?" Again, the room is silent, and she turns to Carolyn who is perched on the desk next to her. "He's with his family. We haven't had contact since after Rome" she says, and Eve can't hold in her expression of shock. "You're kidding, right? You have to be joking." Eve lets out a laugh and looks around realizing no one else is laughing and the room is somber. "What the hell!" she exclaims and thumps her fist on the desk Carolyn is sitting on. "You haven't bothered to speak to him despite knowing that she's still killing people?" her voice is loud now, and if anybody did walk past, they would hear her beginning to lose her shit. "He's not in the picture anymore Eve. I'd like to remind you of the fact that you stayed in Rome. You chose to go with her, and she shot you. My decisions are my own. We haven't spoken to Konstantin because he is of no use to us anymore." Carolyn stands from the desk and walks over to pick up her coat, she walks back and stops in front of Eve. "I'm assuming you have not found another job yet, so if you would like to continue to work with us, I'm sure Hugo and Kenny will be happy for the extra set of hands. Oh, and don't forget Kenny the new girl starts tomorrow. I need you to show her the ropes. I'll be in after twelve." With that, she pulls on her coat and walks out the door.

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