1 - Australia -

30 3 1

Im driving in my best friends -Belles- car, we're on our way to her apartment in Melbourne, Australia. I've actually never been to anywhere outside of Europe but yeah, I had the chance and I took it. Later that day we arrived at the apartment and pretty much got to sleep, my jetlag was killing me pretty much. It's the next day and I was woken up by Belle blasting music.

"I haven't slept like 4 hours according to the Russian time" she did not answer so I got up, mildly mad. I walked in to the bathroom to find Belle dancing to Umbrella by Rihanna half-naked while brushing her teeth. 

"Good morning princess" Said Belle before nearly crashing into me while walking out. 

"Do you like have any plans for today?" I asked kindly while washing my face. 

"No, not really. Although I thought we could go around some bars tonight" Belle said standing somewhere behind me.  I didn't answer but I think she got the idea, I nodded and went to grab clothes out of my suitcase. 

The day went and I was partly going insane because of the internet I had here, so I was relived when I heard the entrance door opening. 

"Aight let's go" Was probably the last thing I remember of that night, but I will try my best remembering. First we went to the bar, kind of tipsy after Belle pressed a few shots of teuwuila in me, or maybe about 5. It was probably around 3AM here when we stepped inside one of the chillest bars I've been at, a local with many rooms. It nearly seemed like a maze but anyways, I've met this cool guy. He was insanely tall (I'm around 5'6) and fun I guess. Although it ended up on me getting his discord as cool at it may seem, his friends laughed at it but yeah,  a fun night in general. 

We we're actually at out way home (we had to walk cause Belle was fully drunk :( ) When I got the genius idea to go to the back, as it was 34C (93.2F) degrees.


Last update 29.07-2019 

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