2 - Sunset Lovers -

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We ran down the beach along the water as the sun went down. After a few minutes we sat down.
"Sooo I've met this guy..." Belle started.
"He invited me to his house tomorrow, for a party" she mumbled.
"Do you like know him or anything? I'd think that through..." I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the sunset.
"Oh you're such a boring sunset lover I'd say" Belle said while laying down.

Now both of us were laying down,
"It's so pretty out here, I wish I could stay here forever" I stood up, it's now or never.
"Whay are you doin-?!" Belle laughed in the air, these night are the best. I slowly walked into the water fully clothed, the water was warm and still. In that moment I felt free, as the water followed by body through it I felt weird, I guess it's in the air.

- the next day -
Woah who would've thought, I'm totally sick. I guess the party may be without me. It started when I woke up, my throat was swollen and painful. I was also shivering intensively. Belle left me a few dollars and went out, to work? Whatsoever I had that day fully to myself. Which sucked but when not now then when.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to drink something, it felt as I haven't drank in years. I guess I forgot my phone inbetween the morning actions but when I finally got it made me realize that I forgot to add that tall guy on discord. After that my phone simply died, oh well. I plugged it to the charger and threw some clothes on. Then I just went out to target hoping I'll find something for my cold.

I walked in the store and immediately felt terrified of all the people around. I've never felt comfortable in stores or in the public in general. I rushed between the shelves to find the right one, then I noticed that the lowest shelve somewhere in the cleaning products area had medicine, or atleast I thought so. I walked through it quickly while walking along it until I bumped into someone, I looked up to find the tall-guy staring at me.
"I'm sorry" I mumbled quietly. I waited for a word back but he just smiled weirdly.
"Oh I'm Cameron anyways" he answered with still the same smile and reaching  hand out to shake mine.
"Oh I'm Ciara" I reached out to grab his hand.

After that I just gave up and went home. When I came back Belle was already back, from what she said I've been gone for an hour now.

Last update 30.07-2019

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