Another, Another, Cinderella

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    Domino City...Not a land far far away..But still one of the most magical cities in the world. Its streets buzzing with people and...Buildings that seem to go on forever. It's a kind of place where fairytales seem to be possible...No matter who you are. This isn't one of your typical Cinderella story...
       There are no pumpkin, no mice...No Cinderella. Or at least not the one you're used to. Meet Atem. He was young when he lost his mom. Leaving him with Frank, his step father. And then there's these two. Atem's stepbrothers, Bakura and Marik. Who are just a little...How does one say this...Annoying, but they had his back in the toughest of times. Now Atem is stuck cleaning the place his mom once owned. A small game shop, it was now turned into a diner, which was horrible. 

Wait, wait. Before we lay our fairytale play out, you should know...Atem has a talent. A real gift from music. And this is where I come in. Like I said.. This is a fairytale with a twist. I'm no fairy godmother. But Atem has a dream. And all he needs is someone to hear him.
Atem waved over a crowd next to a few dancers and drummers as he began to dance while singing, drawing in more of a crowd, 

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars, I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Yeah, yeah I could use a dream or a genie or a wish. To go back to a place much simpler than this, Cause after all the partying and smashing and crashing. And all the glitz and glam and the fashion. And all the pandemonium and all the madness. There comes a time when you fade to the blackness. And when you're staring at the phone in your lap. And you hoping but them people never call you back, But that's just how the story unfolds. You get another hand soon after you fold

Like a record stratch. A bus had just passed over a large puddle of water, splashing bystanders who groaned and walked away, Atem shouted out as he picked up his cup, "It's just water! Come on, people!" He walked over to pick up his jacket. A female with pale pink hair walked up to the spiky haired teen, "Keep it up, man. Next time I see you, you better be in an album cover." She said softly as she sipped on her morning coffee, Atem rose an eyebrow at the young woman before smiling, "Thank you." He chuckles lightly before turning to walk off, the woman smiled, "Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll be as famous as he is." The pink haired woman pointed at a huge billboard sign, the words "The famous Yugi Mouto" stood out clear next to a pale teen with spiky hair similar to Atem's hair style, but it was clear the two were completely different, where as the much more famous teen had brighter blond fringe decorating his child like face, where Atems blond fringe was a little darker, their eyes were different as well, Atem's were a sharp dark ruby color and Yugi's was a bright purple. Skin tones also different, it was like if you flip a coin, one was heads and one was tails. Atems dark tan skin was very different from Yugi's pale skin. Atem chuckled and waved the woman off as he walked away, no way he could ever be that famous.
     And that's the beauty of this city. You never know what's gonna happen next. Just around the corner, there could be something amazing. Or someone.
   Yugi was dressed in pure white and gold, heavy crisp eyeliner decorated his bright purple eyes, his movements flowed with so much grace as he danced across the stage 
"Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Must be stupid if you think that we can start again. Are you joking? Must be joking. You ain't laughin', I ain't smokin' . Must be crazy if you think that we can start again
Yeah, ain't no need to cry no more. When you break my heart into twenty four. I'll pick up the pieces you left. If you think I'm coming back Don't hold your breath. I ain't your mister, no
'Cause I'm breakin' up with ya. Shoulda hooked up with your sister. Go now, here's my middle finger. 'Cause I'm hurting, baby, hurting, baby
Look what you did. Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Are you cra-cra-cra-cra-cra---"
 suddenly the track began to skip as dancers started crashing into one another. "What? What's up? Cut, cut! What's wrong with playback?" A large man sitting on the director's chair grumbled over the loud music as a pale pink haired woman scrambled over a soundstage, it started going up in smoke as she worked furiously on it, " Working on it, boss. I don't know, this computer had a panic attack or something!" She said as the soundstage made buzzing and zapping noises. 
"Unreal." The director said softly, "Just give me a minute." She said over her workings. The director sighed as he yelled at everyone to take ten. Yugi gave a breath of relief as he ran up to a large German Shepherd dog, "Osiris!" He laughed as the large dog jumped up on to his chest, licking his face. "Get that dog off of my couture! Why can't you have a purse-sized dog...Like all of the other stars? This horse dog doesn't fit your image." A tan woman of 30 said in disdain, Yugi smiled warmly at the woman, "Osiris doesn't care about my image. He loves the real me, and I love him. Isn't that right, boy? Isn't that right.." he said scratching the dogs ears as the pup rolled out his tongue with happiness, "Should I rub your belly? Should I rub Ms. Isis's belly?" Yugi chuckled looking up at said woman, who glared at the other, "No one touches my belly." She huffed as Yugi let out a loud chuckle.

"Hey!" Someone called out as they walked over to a Diner table Atem was at busy cleaning it off from dust, "Grilled cheese with pickles, on rye." The shorter woman of 18 said as her long black hair flowed over her right shoulder as she placed the plate into Atem's hands, "You are the best, Luna, if it weren't for Serenity, I would propose to you right now." Atem said with a chuckled as he took a large bite out of his sandwich, "That'd be great, maybe she'll stop bugging me for a bigger ring!" Serenity said as she washed the oven in the back, Luna rolled her eyes and kissed Atem on the cheek lightly as a mother would. Atem smiled down at her, he always thought of Luna to be the mom of their small group.
   "Hah! This chick...She brings me stuff she finds in the streets, everyday. Why don't you find me a ring in the street? And maybe some customers!" Luna mocked lovingly at her soon to be Wife. 
       Atem sighed softly, customers...That's what we need. If his mom only knew Frank turned this place into a ghost town. Atem mumbled lightly as he scrubbed some tables, "I should do something about it. Serenity's not gonna have to do anything. Cause things are not gonna be like this for much longer." Luna looked over at him, "Really? Alright, Atem. You got a little plan brewing?" She asked as she picked up another dish to go into the cleaning tub before placing it on her hip, Atem blinked before answering, "Nope, I got nothing!" He said as he wiped another table down.

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