Hearts connection

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A slick black limo pulled up to a curb with thousands of screaming fans as the doors opened as Yugi stepped out, wearing a nice suit, "Hi!" He greeted the fans nicely as Mariku, his fake boyfriend stepped out behind him, Mariku was a dirty blond with hair that stood up everywhere, his rich tan skins went well with his creamy blue eyes, "Hello!" He greeted the fans as well. "Yugi, hi!" , "How are you?" Mariku greeted a fan, Yugi rolled his eyes, "Let's go, it's the fans." Mariku said as more pictures were snapped at the couple, "Lovelies.. You got pens and stuff, this is great!" He said signing notebooks, "Thank you." The fans screamed, "Oh, you want a hug?" Mariku hugged one, "Thank you, you're beautiful.", "How are you?" He smiled at more of them, Yugi grumbled with a tight smile on his face, "Can we just get through this? Remember, we agree to keep this one short." He hissed softly, Mariku chuckled and pointed at the fans, "But they love us, look at it! No? Alright, fine. Let's go." He grumbled. Isis made a breath of relief, fixing their clothes, "You look fantastic, you both look amazing." She said, Yugi smiled at her, "Thanks. Let's do a couple of photos." He said as the photographers snapped a few pictures of the couple, "Mariku, Yugi, over here!" A few shouted above the roar of fans, Mariku smiled, "How about a kiss?" He said to Yugi, who shrugged, "Alright." Mariku grabbed his face, kissing his cheek repeatedly, "You better show this one, boys!" He said between kisses. Afterwards more photos, Mariku was loving it, "Oh yeah, that's good. Could you move over a bit? I just want the light to hit my cheekbones." He said pushing Yugi to the side as he modeled for more photos, Yugi rolled his eyes. 
"Cheers, thanks love." Mariku said. 

Frank's hand was covered by a white glove as he swept it over, lifting his hand, "It's actually clean." He very surprised at the fact the glove was spotless. Atem nodded, "So am I free to go?" He asked, Frank nodded, "Yes, Free to go drop off Kills demo CD…"he handed Atem a CD in a clear case, "Into Millennium Records for the talent search." He finished, Atem took the case, "Kills has a CD?" He was shocked to say the least, Frank put on a proud smile, "Are you jealous, Atem? You should be. But don't worry, when they're number 1...You can clean the dressing room." He smirked, Atem let out a sigh of relief even though it was packed full of sarcasm, "That's a relief, for a second there I thought you were gonna say something really mean." He said darting off towards the door, but not before missing the look of pure surprise on his step father's face, "Don't forget, curfew is midnight!" He snarled after the man, "Can't wait!" Atem laughed back as he exited the building and onto the streets. 

Yugi walked down the steps of the Millennium Records building, Osiris on his studded leather leash as his collar was leather with spikes, Yugi wore a nice outfit of a simple button up tshirt of light purple, soft tan pants and white tennis shoes to complete the look, "Yugi, look over here!" Paparazzi shouted at the man, who smiled tightly, before making the rest of the way down the steps where his driver was, "Thank you." She said in relief before looking around, "I think I'm gonna walk today, Get some fresh air." He said, his driver looked at him, "You're grandfather won't like this." He said to the younger, Yugi smirked, "He also wouldn't like you're using his Nicks tickets without him knowing." He teased lightly, the driver nodded, "Enjoy the park." He said before shutting the door and entering his to speed off. Yugi smiled before the driver did so, "See you." She waved goodbye before tugging lightly on Osiris's leash, "Come on, Osiris" he said, as the dog suddenly took off, "Osiris!" He watched in horror as the dog leapt onto a person, taking them down, he darted over, as the person over his 150 pound dog was laughing, "I love you too." The person chuckled warmly at Osiris who licked the others face, Yugi sighed, "Come on!" He commanded the dog as Osiris got off the person, "Sorry, sorry...Sorry…" Yugi said worriedly as he helped the other up, the person chuckled, "No should apologize, the dog could have took you down." Yugi looked at the other, it was like looking into a fun house mirror, but the others red eyes stood out, "Sorry. Oh no, Osiris!" Yugi said as he darted off after the dog, Atem mumbled after him, "I...I like your dog." He sighed as he got up fully and walked up the massive steps into the Millennium Records building. 
   "Millennium Records. Please hold. Millennium Records. I will transfer you. Millennium Records Mom, I can't talk, I'm working. Millennium Records. Please hold." A woman said into her headset, typing quickly against her keyboard as Atem dropped Kills CD into the clear box for the talent search, he walked up to the counter before he could even speak the woman pointed to a pile of papers, " Applications for part-time janitor job over here." Atem stuttered. "No, i'm just here for...Wait, part-time janitor job? How much does it pay?" He asked as the woman went back to her calls, "Millennium Records. I will transfer you." , "$10 an hour. Do you have experience?" She said, Atem chuckled,"Experience? Cleaning? Yes, yes I do." The woman nodded as Atem quickly filled out a form. "Millennium Records." Her voice rang again. 
   "I thought I was supposed to see you on an album cover, what happened?" A familiar voice said behind Atem, he turned to see the pale pink haired woman, who was dressed in a nice pants suit, "You saw me play in the streets the other day." He said recalling the moment, "Yeah." She answered, Atem looked around, "Do you work here?" He asked, she nodded, "Yup, studio engineer. And you want to work here as...A janitor?" She questioned looking over the form Atem was filling out, "Ever since I was a little boy, i've just wanted to scrub toilets." Atem joked. The woman giggled, "I can see how that beats playing music." As she swept her long pink hair over her shoulder, Atem blinked, "Do you ever play?" He asked, she shrugged, "Yeah, I played the streets…" she winked as Atem chuckled, "Barmitzvah, Botmitzvah...Any mitzvah you can book, really. That's all behind me now." She looked over Atem, "My names CherryLu." Atem nodded," Atem. Don't work too hard." He said as he dashed out the doors of the building, Cherrylu nodded, "I always work too hard." She mumbled. She looked over at the woman behind the counter, "Do me a favor, would you? Make sure he gets hired." 
    "Will you go on a date with my brother?" She said quickly, Cherrylu made a face, "No." The woman shrugged, "I'll still do it." She said happily. 

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