𝖛. An American Betty in Berlin!

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five an american betty in berlin!


       THIS IS A HERO'S STORY, but, if you told Izzy that part of being a superhero included calling Captain America fifteen times because she's in Berlin to help him, she would call you crazy. But, considering the fact that, ever since Izzy settled down in her family's suite at the Berlin Grimaldi, she's been pacing up and down the rooms of the suite, her brows furrowed as she tries to will Captain America into picking up the phone. Like, it's not that hard, is it? It takes a second to press answer, and honestly? Isabelle is unimpressed. She cannot believe a senior fucking citizen isn't answering her calls...

       ... But, then, maybe that is why. Old people are shit with phones, aren't they? Izzy's grandpa — her mom's dad, the guy that owns the hotels (her dad's dad was assassinated, but anyway) — can't answer his phone. She always has to phone the hotel, wherever he is that week, to get him to pick up. Maybe that's why. Maybe Captain America is just as terrible with technology as her grandpa.

       It makes sense. Captain America is technically, like... well, she doesn't know specifics, but by the age he should be, he should look like a battered leather couch.

       So Isabelle decides she'll give it a rest... For twenty minutes, then she'll call again. (Maybe he's asleep... In a retirement home because who goes to sleep at 9PM? Old people... Marie goes to bed early. Case solved.)

       Isabelle brought her laptop with her, so she opens it up, deciding she'll do some of her homework whilst she's waiting. She volunteered to do the research for her project with Nate and Riley, and they'll sort out the script and PowerPoint and all of that, so she decides to continue with it. To be honest, Izzy's glad she gets to do this, and it counts towards a school grade — Izzy's never known much about her powers. Like, she knows about the bat thing because when she was a toddler, she did it without realising. Or, like, the thing with her abilities was told to Marie, before she was sent to take care of Izzy. But other things have been cases of, oh, guess that's something I can do.

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