𝖎𝖝. Demon 101

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nine demon 101


       THIS IS A HERO'S STORY, but right now, the main item on Izzy's agenda is this: acquire pizza. Nate's busy — "Vanderbilt Senior's birthday" — so it's Riley and Izzy to their own devices, ordering themselves a hearty meal of Dominoes, extra garlic dip included, of course. They were planning on doing some homework, but after the bombshell news of Charlotte Hope's murder, all scholastic efforts are out of the window. So now they're ordering pizza.

       "All I'm saying," Riley's explaining, as they get into the elevator to go downstairs. The front desk doesn't let delivery drivers go upstairs... Especially to their apartment, seeing as Isabelle was kidnapped there. Ha, ha. Fun times. "Is that it wouldn't be a bad thing if we spent more time with Peter and Ned... It was nice, you know, being around normal people."

       Isabelle nods; she gets what Riley means. Riley wasn't born into this life like Izzy was — and Izzy isn't saying it's a bad thing, or whatever, but she gets that it's refreshing, talking to someone who isn't hi my daddy's gonna pay my way into college. That's partly why Izzy likes Peter. He isn't from her world.

       "I think the same," says Isabelle. "Peter didn't know what YSL was."

       "You just don't get that here," says Riley.

       They reach the lobby, and retrieve the pizza from the delivery guy. He looks at Izzy with a squint, and she figures he recognises her. People do. It was all over the news, when she was kidnapped — and of course it blew up when people realised that they had gotten the Avengers to find her... And, sure, that makes sense when you realise that (a) her nanny is best friends with one Avenger and had some weird fling with another, and (b) Izzy is Satan's daughter, meaning, it's kinda a big deal if she's, you know, kidnapped. She doesn't know why her dad didn't just emerge from hell and save her himself, but whatever. Maybe it was character-building.

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