Consumed by the darkness

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Major wondered aimlessly in her new quarter's. She'd just been transferred to fireteam Delta tango as its newest member. She had slowly adjusted to being in in a fireteam again. She learned to understand her fellow guardian's especially the hunter. Kay, she had grown on the Exo. In fact, she referred to it as moss once.

Her fellow fireteam members were out on a patrol so she was left on her own. She enjoyed the solitude. Transitioning had been hard for her. Even though she didn't want to admit it. Something about it just didn't feel right for her. Being alone for so long. Then. Having a team. Friends. It was definitely a different experience.

She lazily sat on one of the sofas looking at a data pad. She had some Vex transmissions to decrypt. Something she was very good at. Well. Good in the Vex and Cabal category. She had a small understanding of Fallen but had no clue when it came to Hive runes. She began to work, slowly moving symbols around and replacing them with letters that others would understand. Slowly sentences began to form.

'We are awaiting time's return.'

Major looked confused at this. The hunter double checking her translation. No, it was right. She checked the source. Opening a tab ahead of her translation. 'Information received one week ago, by a hunter, blade dancer affiliation, just outside the vault of glass on Venus.'

Major thought hard about what the message could be talking about. A clue within the data or the sentence. She looked again. Something stuck. "Time's return?" Time never left. How could time return if it never went? Major asked herself. She stood up and began to pace.

"This data was found in a Conflux correct. So, if the Conflux data is anything to go by the vex are waiting for something." The gears turning in her head. "I don't get it. The vex couldn't make time return."

Majors ghost popped up from behind her. -Major? - Major snapped away from her trance to look over to her robotic friend. "Yes?"

-What if it's not 'time' time. But an entity in time? - She stopped completely. Thinking over her ghost's statement. "I don't understand."

-Vex have control over time. But not everything within it, right? -

Major was suspicious but allowed her ghost to continue. All she said was "Yeah. What's it got to do with anything?"

-The collective has minds Major. -

She stopped again. The gears turning now but in a different direction. "But the collective mind doesn't refer to any specific entity. They are always a we."

-Major. Think. -

Major began to get annoyed. Her ghost seemed to be sassing her at this point. "If you know just tell me."

-You can figure it out. -

Major had another think. An entity in time...

It suddenly clicked. "Atheon!! He's times Conflux!!! The vex are waiting for Atheon to return! Ghost that's it!! We must get this to the vanguard. Now!"

Major knew she had to hurry so she and her ghost exited her quarters with haste. Taking the stairs two by two as she ascended the tower. Eventually reaching the huge metal doors at the top. They slid open with a hiss as she basically jumped through the gap. Turning the corner to the left towards the vanguard.

The vanguard were all occupied with their own activity. Ikora was speaking to a warlock, who's back was turned, meaning Major couldn't make out who it was. Zavala was speaking to a group of titans about something that she couldn't make out, so she headed towards her vanguard mentor.

"Cayde we need to talk." She said as she descended the stairs towards him.

"And a fine hello to you, Major." His tone seemed calm. Which annoyed the hunter.

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